Referral Program: An Unofficial Help Page

- Dedicated to Helping You Join the Community

First Time Visitors:

Click here if you were referred by a friend
Click here if no one referred you and you wish to become a member of the GoToWorld Referral Program

Curiosity and the Thirst for Knowledge:

Referral Programs spelled out for you
How the GoToWorld Referral Program works
How this program benefits you
The reasons is able to pay you
How this web site will help to promote your Member ID
Computer system requirements
General Advice

For GoToWorld Referral Program Members Only!:

Get your buddies encouraged to join!
Other ideas to promote your Member ID
Evil evil CPM and the BIG disappointment
The war against low earnings; fighting for a good cause!
Nusiances and corresponding solutions
Tools of the trade


Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy

Main Page (You are here)


August 20, 2000

For those of you who have returned to this site, thank you for your support. I believe showing support for something you appreciate will only make it better. Unfortunately, I've come to the realization that the idea of promoting a Member ID through random clicks isn't fair, and won't help the cause. If everyone used this method fairly, then only one member would be added to each member before him. I've decided that it's time for a new design. It will stress community. It will blossom. It won't be random, and best of all, the only thing you will need to know to get your friends signed up under you is your Member ID and this Web Site. As my new design plan unfolds, I hope you see changes worth sticking around for.

Thank you for your support -- ThirdEstate

P.S.: For those of you who have come to know me as HighOxygen, please don't feel I've lost my devotion. It's still me, with a facelift.

August 21, 2000

Lots of prograss has been make to the new design. I restructured the table of contents, I added some new sections, and I am on my way to editing the current sections to accomodate the design change. -- ThirdEstate

August 22, 2000

I've added more sections, and I believe the updates to the sections edited will prove useful. -- ThirdEstate

August 23, 2000

I had a very busy day today. I didn't work on the site one bit, aside from the mental labor spent on deciding what had to be done next and the anguish it gave me to not be able to creatively express those ideas. It's too bad you won't get to experience my plans, for what is truly forgotten, is forgotten forever.

Updated Thursday, August 24, 2000

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