onLoad="window.onresize=new Function('if (navigator.appVersion==\'Netscape\') history.go(0);');">
Failte, Hello and welcome  to DeeJay Mad-Hatter's Tea Party (aka Daniel Lowry's Homepage) @ Please pull up a seat, rest your feet, pour yourself a cup, fire one up, make yourself at home and have a roam. Please also feel free to e-mail me about anything on here which interests you or about anything else in general. Also if you notice a part of this site isn't functioning properly, notifying me would be appreciated. If you've been here and enjoyed the party please leave me a message in my official guestbook of peace &  love. Have fun, Slainte! I'm on MySpace, Bebo and WAYN, feel free to add me if you want - [email protected]
Constantly Push The Boundaries
Michael Jackson  - King Of  Moonwalk
Hi , Welcome To DeeJay Mad-Hatter's Tea Party�
<BGSOUND SRC="Paranoid.mp3">
***URGENT*** - The return of LUCKY CHARMS cereal to the UK and Ireland rests in your hands!  Please join my latest personal crusade to bring back this legendary and great tasting breakfast cereal to our shores (it is still sold in the USA). All you have to do is CLICK HERE and write a brief  e-mail to 'cereal partners' enquiring if Lucky Charms can return to us and that you think a market demand for the product exists. I did this and recieved �6 of FREE cereal vouchers posted to me for my interest (you will probably get the same), but as the end goal is still unreached, the quest must go on! - ***URGENT***
This is Fluffy. He guards my site while i'm not here. So be good and you will remain alive and un-maimed.
Let Your Mind Be Free
Make sure you check out the different sections of the site (left top) while you're here. You can test your wits in the Music and Retro Gaming quizzes. There are also lots of links to other good sites here, so if you like something on the site, check out the related links sections and you'll probably  find something else that tickles your fancy. Try and leave me a shout in the Guestbook below before you go. Oh, and when you leave don't forget to Turn Off The Internet .
The Line Between Sanity And Madness Is Blurred
Site Tips :  Here's a couple of pointers for this site. If you want to go to one of the links it's probably best to right-click and click 'Open in New Window' otherwise the link will open in the same brower window. Also if you are here through the portal (as opposed to the true address) the red 'DO NOT PRESS' button below will unfortunately not have the cool so called 'damning consequences', I don't know why?.