Television is the invention that has taken over the lives of current generations. The TV shows i regularly watch would be a mix between American Animation (Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama and the maybe the occasional South Park or King Of The Hill) and older British comedies (Fawlty Towers, Blackadder, The Young Ones, Alan Partridge, Father Ted, Spaced). Although i don't go in for a lot of American style sitcoms i still love 'the cream of the crop' in Friends and Frasier - definitely two of the best shows on TV. Seinfeld is pretty good too but i've never got in to it like i have with the other two. I've also taken a surprise recent shinning to the OC. I blew past it at first but watching the DVD's got me worrying hooked.

I'm also a sucker for old classic kids shows from back in the day. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has to be remembered as the ultimate kids cartoon, Pink Panther is super classy and for an even younger audience Stoppit and Tidyup (narrated by Terry Wogan) is brilliant (and really funny), and who can forget the likes of Trap Door, Button Moon, Magic Roundabout, Morph and Garfield.....come on!

There are links, pics and info on these and other shows below.
Futurama Meets The Matrix
Family Guy's Evil Monkey
Someone Just Called Donatello 'The Nerdy One'
TV's Classic Family - The Best Show Ever
Who Can Forget These Four Legends - Turtle Power!
Invader Zim's Robot Friend 'Gir'
Stoppit And Tidyup
Jackass - Insane
Sesame Street's Oscar The Grouch
TV Links
The Simpsons
Family Guy
American Dad
Fawlty Towers
Father Ted
Alan Partridge
Sesame Street
80's Cartoons
Don't You Open That Trap Door....
....There's Something Down There
We're off to Button Moon....... We'll Follow Mr Spoon...........
Maybe The Greatest Cartoon Battle In History Wile E.Coyete Vs. Roadrunner