Articles Projects Resume Cartoons Windsurfing Paintings Album

Esquimalt Lagoon

State of the Ecosystem Report


Water Quality Analysis Project 1998

Waterose et. al.


Section 12. References:

Ashraf, S.M and Yunus, M. 1997. Waterborne diseases of bacterial origin in relation to quality of water in a suburb of Uttar Pradesh. Biomed Environ Sci (AHX), 1997 Dec, 10 (4). Pp. 442-50.

Bauer, P.E. 1976. Marine Shore Resource Inventory and Analysis: Western Community Component. Regional Coastal Study. Capital Regional District. Victoria, B.C. 48 pp.

Bitton, G and Harvey, R.W. 1992. In Environmental Microbiology. Mitchell, R, Ed. Wiley-Liss - A John Willey & sons, Inc. New York. 106 pp.

Burns, T. 1977. Western Community Coastal System: Basic Biology and Management Suggestions. Capital Regional District. Planning Department. Victoria, B.C. 69 pp.

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Csuros, Maria. 1994. Environmental sampling and analysis for technicians. CRC Press, Inc. New York. pp. 101, 107.

The E. Coli Index. University of Birmingham Home page. URL: http://sun1.bham.ac.uk/bcm4ght6/res.html

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Hull, D.J. and R.A. Miller. 1997. Stormwater Quality Survey Colwood Coastline 1997. CRD Environmental Services Group, Victoria, BC.

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Michigan State University. Fecal Coliform. Webpage. URL: http://iwr.msu.edu/edmodule/water/wtrfrm6.htm

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Natural Resources Defense Council Inc. Testing the Waters - 1998 Has Your Vacation Beach Cleaned Up Its Act? Homepage. URL: http://www.nrdc.org/nrdc/nrdc/nrdcpro/nrdcpro/ttw/chap2.html#table3

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Papper, I.L., C.P. Gerba and M.L. Brussean, editors. 1996. Pollution Science. Academic Press, Inc. California. pp. 214, 123,174.

Reynolds, L.J. and B.C. McLeod. 1996. Environmental site investigation for Royal Roads property. Levelton Associates Consulting engineers: File: 594-038.15. Richmond, BC. pp. 6, 10, 11, 18-20.

Robinson, M.G. and T. Brauser. 1979. The Speciation and Succession of Zooplankton in Esquimalt Lagoon. B.C. Coastal Marine Science Laboratory. Royal Roads Military College. Victoria, B.C. Vol. 79-6. 24 pp.

Robinson, M.G. and L.N. Brown. 1983. A Recurrent Red Tide in a British Columbia Coastal Lagoon. in Can. J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 40: pp. 2135-2143.

Robinson, M.G. and L.N. Brown. 1991. Copper Complexation During a Bloom of Gymnodinium Sanguineum Hirasaka (Dinophyceae) Measured by ASV. in Marine Chemistry, 33. Pp 105-118. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam.

Robinson, M.G. and L.N. Watanabe. 1979. Red Tide in Esquimalt Lagoon due to Gymnodinium Sanguineum Hirasaka. Manuscript Report. Coastal Marine Science Laboratory. Royal Roads Military College. Victoria, B.C. Vol. 79-7. 42 pp.

Robinson, M.G. and Watanabe, L.N. 1980. The Ecology of Esquimalt Lagoon. Nutrient Inputs - The Role of Sewage. Coastal Marine Science Laboratory. Royal Roads Military College. Victoria, B.C. Vol. 80-2. 22 pp.

Robinson, M.G., R.E. Waters, and L.N. Brown. 1992. Phytoplankton of Esquimalt Lagoon, British Columbia: Comparison with West Vancouver Island Coastal and Offshore Waters. Canadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences Vol. No. 137. for Fisheries and Oceans. Royal Roads Military College. Victoria, B.C. 15 pp.

Robinson, M. Personal Interview. Thursday, July 23, 1998. Royal Roads University. Victoria, B.C.

Royal Roads Environmental Science Laboratory Manual. 1997. Royal Roads University. Victoria, BC.

Royal Roads University Security Incident Report. July 3,1998. Incident Report of pink water in Lagoon. Reported by S. Elliott. Royal Roads University. Victoria, B.C.

RRU- Applied Research Division. 1997. Detailed Site Investigation and Risk Assessment: Border pump station and Rainy Hollow. Report prepared for Indian and Northern Affairs. January, 1997.

Saidi, S.M, Y. Iijima, W.K. Sang, A.K. Mwangudza, J.O. Oundo, K, Taga, M. Aihara, K. Nagayama, H. Yamamoto, Waiyaki and P.G, T. Honda. 1997. Epidemiological study on infectious diarrheal diseases in children in a coastal rural area of Kenya. Microbiol Immunol (MX7). (1997) 41 (10). pp 773-778.

Schwarzenbach, R.P., P.M. Gschwend, and D.M. Imboden. 1993. Environmental organic chemistry. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Toronto. pp. 265-6.

Singlehurst, D. Personal Interview. January 5th , 1998. Greenskeeper Supervisor at Royal Colwood Golf and Country Club. Victoria BC.

Turner, P. Personal Interview. October, 1997. Royal Roads University. Victoria, BC.

Tuthill, A., and D.B. Meikle et al. 1998. Coliform bacteria and nitrate contamination of wells in major soils of Frederick, Maryland. Journal of Environmental Health. Vol. 60 Issue 8. 16 pp.

Walter, B.J. 1993. Fecal Coliform Densities Of The Dog River Watershed. University of South Alabama Home page. URL: http://www.usouthal.edu/geography/fearn/480page/Brian/brian.html

Watchell & Thompson. 1997. Environmental Youth Team Activities at Royal Roads University, June �96-July �97. Royal Roads University and BC Environment. Victoria, BC.

Weiskel, P.K, B.L. Howes and G.R. Heufelder. 1996. Coliform Contamination of a Coastal Embayment: Sources and Transport Pathways. In Environmental Science Technology. Vol. 30 no. 6. pp.1872-1881.

Yorath, C.J. and H.W. Nasmith. 1995. The Geology of Southern Vancouver Island. Pacific Section, Geological Association of Canada. Orca Book Publishers. Victoria, BC.

Young, G. 1997. �Heat and Wind Blamed for Death of Lagoon Fish.� Victoria Times Colonist. August 19, 1997. Pp. A2.

Forest Stream

One of my favourite streams in the woods

Waterose et.al.

Judith Rose Burke

and Isaac Anderton, Sonia Elliott, Majid Melatdoost, Hermanto Wijoyo

To Section 13. Photographs


  1. Introduction
  2. History and Land Use
  3. Geomorphology
  4. Nutrients and Coliforms
  5. Red Tides and Fish Kill
  6. Hydrocarbons
  7. Sample Procedure
  8. Analysis Procedure
  9. Results
  10. Discussion
  11. Future Study
  12. References
  13. Photo Album


Mailemail Waterose

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