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Esquimalt Lagoon

State of the Ecosystem Report


Water Quality Analysis Project 1998

Waterose et. al.

Judith Rose Burke

and Isaac Anderton, Sonia Elliott, Majid Melatdoost, Hermanto Wijoyo

This project was sponsored by Royal Roads University as part of the learning experience in the Bachelor of Environmental Science Curriculum. Each team of students undertakes a major project to simulate working after graduating. The projects run over the entire year and includes major project phases such as proposal writing, budgeting, data collecting, analyzing, reporting, and presenting. These projects are a valuable integral component of the Royal Roads learning experience.


  1. Introduction
  2. History and Land Use
  3. Geomorphology
  4. Nutrients and Coliforms
  5. Red Tides and Fish Kill
  6. Hydrocarbons
  7. Sample Procedure
  8. Analysis Procedure
  9. Results
  10. Discussion
  11. Future Study
  12. References
  13. Photo Album


Mailemail Waterose

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