Rant-o-rama ahead! Thank you, Foximon. ^_^ Anyway, the two new episodes were great! "Blackwargreymon's Destiny" was OK... I'm just not an Iori fan, so it's getting a green raiting. I was right about the cuts -- in the ending scene of the first episode, Iori runs at Oikawa, and Oikawa kicks him out of the way. Poor Blackwargreymon... even though I knew that was coming. The second one was awesome!! Except for three things (you knew this was coming): Sorato, Taiora, and Daiken. *shudders* I jumped up off the couch, and screamed, "Of course you're not upset about Sora 'cause YOU! LOVE TAI!!!" Nevertheless, I'm still giving that episode a purple raiting. There was a lot of good Kenny-ness... "The weakest digidestined", "I can't help it... I'm afraid." *sniffle* I know the scenes where Melomyotismon kills Mummymon and Arukenimon were changed... and I'll try to get more info on that. I actually felt sorry for Oikawa! So.. all along... Myotismon as controlling Oikawa who was controlling Arukenimon who was controlling Ken. I have a headache.

May 10:
Today I have made a stunning discovery... this page looks really bad on Netscape 4.5!! Bleh. Well, anywayz, I added TWO new pages! An armor evolution table and a Taito gallery!! They're worth checking out. No time to update... French test tomarrow. : / See ya.

May 09:
Sorry there hasn't been any content added to the site lately, but the new section I'm working on is taking a while. Anyway, I'm updating because I saw "The Seal Of Blackwargreymon" in Japanese!!!! (It was a 4-hour download from this site here! ) It's an okay episode... it had a LOT of Iori in it. I'll try not to spoil it for you guys, but they also reveal Oikawa's past in this ep, and he was best friends with Iori's father when they were young. There was also this scene I liked with Ken trying to talk to one of the dark-seeded kids... if only I knew what the heck he was saying. : / There's a couple scenes I think they're going to cut, like Oikawa kicking Iori out of the way, and they'll probably change the part where Blackwargreymon.... I won't say it. It's too big of a spoiler. I'll most likely be ranting about what they do to this episode after I've seen it in English. See ya...

May 06:
I really have no reason at all to be updating... I just want to point out that I added the Send Daisuke to the Moon button. LOL, I LOVE that! I'll be gone for the afternoon, but hopefully I'll start working on my latest section.

May 05:
*UPDATE* It's good to be back on my multiple updates a day schedule. ^__^ Anyway, I added a new humor section to my Ken page -- marrying Ken. Hehehe. Please wait for the images to load and take the site button at the end. ^__^

*UPDATE* The new episodes ROCKED!! *sniffle* How I don't like to see Kenny suffer. Nevertheless, I have absolutely no complaints (besides the fact that I didn't get to see the prelude STILL :( ) so both episodes got purple raitings!! "Duel Of The Wargreymon" was funny -- Exveemon and Stingmon directing traffic. ^__^ And... FISHBAIT!! (I love Wormmon.)

Finally, some updates to the coupling rants section! My opinions have changed a little. Expect more updates by the end of the day -- I'm actually home on a Saturday morning for once, and new Digimon is about an hour away! It's been a torturous couple of weeks without new Ken. *cries* *knocks over his fish bowl onto the cable wires* ...Ooops AAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Start running NOW!

May 04:
Sorry, sorry, sorrysorrysorry! It's been a while, I know, but I HAVE been working on the site. You'll notice a little work on the layout of my Ken site and a new section, an update to the Ask Foximon page, some new fanart, a new episode clip or two, and even a new fanfic! I'm sure there's tons more odds and ends I updated and can't remember now. Anywayz, the reason for my absense was that I... missed Saturday's episodes because I had to tape them, as usual, and TV guide had the wrong times!!! :( :( But I'm over it.... *wails* No I'm not!!! I was really depressed over it, and embarassed as a Ken fan to have missed them, so I couldn't bear to update or go to any Digimon sites or message boards. (Besides mine.) I've basically spent the week searching for a place to download the episodes (with no luck, but this is a good site for downloading older Digimon eps.) and binging on other animes. I discovered I like Gundam Wing and I wuv Quatre! Anyway, well... that's that. At least it's Friday. ^__^

April 29:
*sighs* ... I'm not in a good mood. I'll still be working on the site... but not updating on the main page for a little while. Don't worry, you'll hear all about it... I'm just not in a ranting mood. Expect work on my Ken site, and probably new fanart/fanfiction.

April 27:
Hope you like the new look! Okay, so it's not *that* different... I just played around with colors, links, and fonts. I also added the new Ken front page image. (I was sick of the old one already and it didn't match the new colors.) Someday I'm going to look back on that fanart and laugh. ^__^ The reason Matt's the mascott for the coupling section is... I wanted an escuse to use that icon, hehe. I originally planned to split my menu into links to directory pages, but I decided to wait until my site got a little bigger. I have a few new pages in mind to create, but I might not get time 'til tomarrow or later. I have TWO huge reports to write this weekend for History and English... -_-'

April 26:
New section: Ask Foximon! Please submit to it! I also added in Aqudimon's ultimate form! The very cool Seadrasusmon! About time! ^__^ You know... this place is getting too cluttered again... I'm sick of this color sceme, too... *grins evilly*

April 25:
Woah... I actually added stuff yesterday and didn't update about it! Ladies and gentlemen, the world is coming to an end. : P Anywayz, I updated fanart, and added a mail link of... Shasamoninamailbag!!! Cute. Cuter than me in a fishbowl..? Let's find out, shall we? *stuffs Aqudimon in a fishbowl* Marissa, when will you create a new Digimon that isn't cuter than me?! *frees Aqudimon and puts him on the polls page* Anyway, TODAY I uploaded a new episode clip! The illusion one by request. Download from my Angelfire site. I'm working on a new section -- it'll be up sometime relitivly soon. *giggles about her creation* *UPDATE* It's up! the Daivis mosaic don't judge it before you see it. ^__^ Ehehe...

April 23:
1,000 hits!! (As you can see by the new image... ehh, that one looks pretty bad. Oh well.) Anyway, I added a new page, The Gatomon problem! This place is turning more and more into an info/rant site. Is anybody else besides me getting that error signal in the corner of the screen? AAARGH! There is NO "undetermined string constant" in line 2! I already fixed it!!

April 22:
A few touchups on the site, including a link button to my message board and a fanart of Shasamon and Nidramon added! *UPDATE* Added a few topsite buttons. Please click on them to help out the site!! ^_^ Also.... ALMOST 1,000 HITS!!! (On my Geocities counter.)

April 21:
Rant alert! I just saw World Tour 3, and I... LOVED IT!!!! YAAAAY!!! Definetly the best of the three!!! KEN... AND MATT!!! I've been hyper all morning ^__^ It got a blue raiting, and I'm considering upgrading it to purple. The only things I didn't like were the dubber's fault, as usual. In the scene where Ken and Matt try to enter the ruins, it didn't exactly happen with the little sister thing. : / I knew they'd cut that part, but oh well. I also think they screwed up the part where Rosa meets Ken and Matt. In the Japanese, there's the cutest music playing in the background to lighten the mood. I'll upload that clip too. The Russian part was a LOT better than I thought it would be. It was actually funny! Seen the new commercial? WOW! That'll freak out the kids! They showed a clip of Ken's dark seed being copied... *wails* KENNY!!!! I'll have to upload that clip too. Check back later for more episode clips uploaded, and I've updated Shasamon's page with her ultimate form. *UPDATE* Yep, update already. I added the Mexican clips to my Angelfire site at http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/kenichijoujisgirl GET THEM WHILE YOU CAN! ^__^ Check back later...

April 19:
*clamps herself to her Digidestined happily* Well... I'm back! And this place didn't fall apart, either!! ^__^ I wouldn't blow on it, however... I may update later... I'm going to go get the jaws of life to get Foximon off...

April 15:
Video clips down. Again. *pulls her hair* Since I don't have acess to the computer where I have then saved, and I'll be leaving tomarrow for a few days, I won't have the time to upload them. The dark seed episodes are going to be shown in a few weeks anyway. (I'll be ripping apart and re-doing my Ken section after that.)

April 14:
*UPDATE* Episode guide updated. Part 2 in the world tour got a red raiting -- I was really disappointed in it. Bad dubbing, and HORRIBLE jokes. IT WASN'T CHRISTMAS FLERKIN' EVE!! IT WAS NEW YEAR'S!! It was Christmas eve, Christmas day, Arbor day, and Christmas eve again. *pulls her hair* They better not screw up next week's episode; I've been looking forward to seeing Ken and Matt. I needed to get that rant out. Anyway, I uploaded a new Ken drawing in the fanart section (I'm getting better... slowly), and Shasamon's baby and champion forms! ^__^

New polls galore! I updated the fanfiction poll and the poll of the month. I know it hasn't exactly been a month, but I had to get rid of the quizlets because they don't appear on Netscape. I'll try to get some of Shasamon's pictures up today because I won't be near a scanner on Sunday and I'll be leaving for a few days on Monday.

April 13:
*UPDATE(yet again)* As you can tell by the new picture, I've reached 500 individual hits!!! ^__^ (I'm going by Geocities -- the counter isn't very accurate because it still has the hits form when the site was on Neopets, and a lot of them hits are me refreashing the page when I update.) Also... NEW DIGIMON!!! Hi. Shasamon's my name! ^__^ Her page will be done soon.
*UPDATE* A new page about the Crest of Kindness added to my Ken site, and a new animated link button added to the link to me section. Thanks, Giga!


Hope you like it!! It's the most complicated thing I've ever done!! ^__^ All the other pages are the same, it's just the main page is a heck of a lot more organized. I've also discovered the magic of shadowy text!! Hehe. Since Marissa's school vacation starts today and she's not getting up until at least 3 in the afternoon, we get to update! Whoo-hoo! I've seen this before... I start doing a sensible, efficient update, and then you screw it up for everybody. Hehehehe! Anyway, there's a new section up: a Digidestined shipper table. Marissa called it "interesting." ^__^ Who asked you, Aqudimon... and that was MY update!!! Your name wasn't on it. Go back into your fish bowl. Make me. *shoves Aqudimon into a fish bowl* *mutters to himself* *sighs* If you need me, I'll be organizing the links section...

April 12:
Added a few more buttons to the link to me section, including one for my Ken site. And I haven't spoken in the updates in a long time. I WANT ATTENTION!!! *rolls her eyes*

April 11:
Quick update: New episode clip!! (Poor Ken... he's so cute when he's scared. ^__^) Download by clicking the link below. *UPDATE* Uploaded another clip... the 02 ending. Also, another reminder: Click on the Digimon top 100 button in the links and I'll give you anything you want... including candy!! ^__^ Yay! I'm in the 200's now!
A guard aims a gun at Ken and Matt
The ending to 02: The Digidestined meet up 25 years later.

April 10:
I added a few new pages including Link to me, and the Ken mosaic. Tomarrow morning I start a Massachusetts standard test called MCAS (Fuuuun...), and then on Friday spring break starts (non-sarcastic fun!!). Hopefully I'll find time to start my fanfiction over vacation. Also, I found out that the pages on my site that get the most hits are my Ken info pages... who knew? I'll try to improve them/add more when I get the chance. *UPDATE* I just realized it would be smarter to type a final update at the end of the day. :/ Oh, well. New site on Kenkari added!!

April 09:
EPISODE CLIPS!! Yep, I uploaded all the episode clips I lost, and I'm uploading more as we speak. These are all in the original Japanese and take about 20 minutes to download on a 56k modem. Get them while you can, enjoy them, and come back later today because I may have more to put up!! Thank you, Angelfire -- 50 mb hosting space!! ^__^ If you can't download them just by clicking on them, then hold down alt and click on them. If any of them don't work, then e-mail me!
Ken's Nightmare
Ken is kidnapped... or something. I'm not exactly how to phrase it.
Ken remembers seeing Oikawa at Sam's Funeral
Oikawa copies Ken's Dark Seed.
Ken at the train station, and the original Christmas Eve song.
Ken and Matt meet up with the Mexican Digidestined. (This clip is soooo cute!!! Hehe.)
Ken wanders in an illusion. (Warning: This one is very sad/scary.)
*UPDATE* Just a quick note: Added the Digimon top 100 button -- please click on it! It would really help me out. Also, my Digimon leader poll hasn't been getting much attention lately. Check it out!

April 08:
Episode guide updated!! "Digmon World Tour Pt. 1" got an orange raiting for three reasons: It moved WAY too fast, they STILL didn't explain the Gennai thing, and definetly not enough Ken. (You knew I'd mention that. ^__^) The dubbing was awful, too... in the Japanese version, the forien Digidestined spoke different languages, and in the scene where Izzy is struggling with an explamation is actually about him trying to communicate. Oh, well.... whatever. If I get around to it, I'll be starting my new project for the site: Putting up more scenes on my Ken site! (Like the crest of kindness one.) Check out my message board here-- I updated it recently and added new forums. *UPDATE* Yep! I added two new scenes to my Ken site! Eventually, I'll have all of my favorite scenes scripted. I put up a poll on my Ken site a while ago, but I didn't announce it because I'm sure you're all sick of polls. ^__^ *UPDATE(again)* It appears as if the site I was linking to for video clips has shut down. -_-' ARGH! I don't have time to fix it now, but I think I have all of them saved on my harddrive... so I'll upload them when I get the chance. Sorry.

April 04:
Quick update: I added a few more things to my Ken site, cleaned up a few typos, and added a few links. If you have a Digimon site, plz e-mail me and I'll probably add it to the links. *UPDATE* I scanned and uploaded FIVE sketches. ^__^ Four are in the fanart section, and the fifth is.... *drumrolls on the computer table* Foximon's mega form!! After tons of sketches of Foximon's mega, Magnamerveillmon, I finally found one I like. ^__^ Find it here!

April 03:
I cleaned up, updated, and added a few things. Just normal slave labor webmaster work. That's Nessie's job! *pushes aside her Digimon* Speaing of which, I added a news archive so I can take news off the main page without deleting it. (There's a link at the bottom of updates.) I also added a page on my favorite Digimon, Magnadramon! There's not much at all there now, but I'll be adding more soon! *UPDATE*: Told 'ya so! ^__^ I updated fanart and my Magnadramon page.

April 01:
I have some very sad news to deliver to you. *clears her throat* After seeing "Dramon Power", Marissa became so estatic at the Daiken hints, that she jumped up into the ceiling and got a concussion. Which means we're in charge of the site! Whooo! *giggles uncontrolable* *shakes her head* *puts her paw over Aqudi* *runs into the room* Nice try guys. :) April fools. Anyway, "Dramon Power" got a yellow raiting. Why? One word: Daiken. DAMN YOU DAISUKE!!! There was also the fact that they didn't explain Gennai at all! I was going to give it orange, but I liked the CG work they put into it. Don't forget to vote for your Digidestined leaders here and visit my message board here! Expect two new sections added to the site by the end of the week, and more updates to my Ken site. I shall end this pathetic update... now.

March 30:
NEW SECTION! ^__^ Ever wonder to yourself, "who named that guy for leader of the digidestined, anyway?" Express your opinions here, and get a button for your site when you're done! Vote Ken! Vote Matt! Well... each character has their strong points. *blinks*

March 29:
I took the main page poll out since it wasn't getting much attention and was giving my page errors. I'll flip a coin on whether to use Foximon in my fanfiction or not. Anyway, the rumors section has become the spoilers section, and now includes 02's unsatisfactory ending with pics. *shudders* Find it here. I'll be adding more stuff to the page today... and if you have any suggestions, found any broken links/images, or anything like that, please mail them here! Thanks! *UPDATE!* Added a new page: Monthly poll. Don't forget to vote here! ^__^

March 28:
New page!! I added a new page to my Ken site, character profiles! It contains lots of info and spoilers. :)

March 27:
I hereby solumly swear to update the episode guide in less than five days after the new episode airs. If I don't, then feel free to come to my house and hang me from the ceiling by my thumbs. Or you could just turn my "loyal" digimon against me, which is much easier. I found Foximon's new spot for hiding her evil plans! Excelent work, Nidramon. *drags Nidramon off to her secret lab for torturing* I better type fast before Foximon blows up my room again. -_-' Anyway, I gave the Christmas ep a blue raiting. It might have gotten purple if not for that damn Sorato/Taiora scene! FLERK! Anyway, I'll have a lot more time to update soon -- my percussion performance competition group has finals this weekend. Expect a HUGE update to my Ken site soon... a tidbit before I go:

Official pic of Ken and Wormmon 25 years later. EEEEEEE!!!

March 22:
What the hell?! I updated the fanfiction section!? ^__^ That was unexpected. Well, watching old episodes today inspired me to write a short story about the evil Ken. Try to find the hidden irony in how Ken thinks. (Woah... I found a use for those English class discussions I'm often falling asleep to.) You can find it here. (Don't expect too much.) I also updated a few things on the relationship page. A recent relization of mine that I didn't even post my e-mail on the front page.... well, it's [email protected]! ^__^

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