The Gatomon Problem

Most hardcore Digimon fanatics know what I'm talking about. Gatomon is a champion, yet she stays in her champion form 24/7 and can armor-digivolve into another champion! I'll attempt to explain it all...

It all started during the Myotismon saga. Gatomon had to be a champion Digimon or she would have been too easy to defeat, and that would be that. Part of her strength as a champion comes from her tailring -- from Myotismon. After the final battle, Gatomon returned to Salamon, her rookie form, but only for a rest. She digivolved back to Gatomon when they returned to the Digital World.... and never went back! She had no reason to -- she likes being Gatomon. Besides, her champion form is small. I mean, it would be kinda strange if Patamon went around as Angemon all the time.

Come 02, the Digimon started spending a lot more time in the real world. Since Gatomon was in her champion form during the real world in 01, it wouldn't have made sense if she de-digivolved. Since she wasn't exactly a newbie digimon, she had enough strengh to stay a champion, although she's only symbolically a champion without her tailring.

Kari and TK, with their child-like innocence, recieved the crests of hope and light, which were different from the others. Because of that, their Digimon were also capable of armor digivolving. After losing her tailring, Gatomon's power equalled that of a rookie, and she could hardly be called a champion. So, the only way she could fight was to armor digivolve to Nefertimon! The guardians of the Digital World always find loopholes to help out the Digidestined on their quest. ^__^

Here come more tecnicalities! Angewomon is an ultimate, Angemon is a champion, and they're supposed to be.. sorta... two-of-a-kind. Well, Angemon may be a champion, but he fights like an ultimate (and Magnaangemon like a mega). In the end of the Devimon saga, Devimon crushed the other champion Digimon when they were fighting as a team, but was defeated by Angemon solo! So, Angemon and Angewomon's powers are pretty much equaled.

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