Shasamon's Page!!

Shasamon's my newest Digimon, and I just love her! I didn't even realize this when I created her, but she's a mix of all my other Digimon! Long body and short legs, with a sensible attitude like Nidramon. A mammal-type with a long tail and cute whiskers like Foximon. Water-loving and curious like Aqudimon!

Level: Baby
Attack: Bubble Blow
Digimon Analizer: Floppimon loves jumping and rolling around. She often uses her ears for hands.

Level: In-training
Attack: Bunny Roll, Whisker Breeze
Digimon Analizer: This is Shasamon's cute, rolly-poly, in-training form. She's more curious than she is a fighter.
Level: Rookie
Attack: White Wave, Dashing Leer
Digimon Analizer: Shasamon may have short legs, but she can still sprint fast, and is a good swimmer. With that and acute hearing, she's hard to catch! But when she stands and fights, her Dashing Leer attack stops her enemy in it's tracks!

Level: Champion
Attack: Shimmering Wave, Tail Wrap
Digimon Analizer: Marqumon is very streamline, and has webbed feet to swim underwater where she looks like a silver shadow. Her tail is very strong and has many purposes, including her Tail Wrap attack.

Level: Ultimate
Attack: Silver Wave, Dragon Wind
Digimon Analizer: What makes Silvermarqumon so powerful is that she can fight just as well on land, in the water, or flying! Half-dragon digimon, half mammal digimon, a shimmering silver coat, and four wings!

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