Ken Ichijouji Obsession Site!

I love Kenny~!!!! There are no words! ^__^ He's, without question, my favorite guy on Digimon and the worse obsession-anime-crush I've ever had! I don't wanna be cured, either! Enjoy my site, it's a collection of info, some usefull stuff, and some complete madness I threw together. I used some framegrabs from here , and some video clips from here ! Updates to this site are announced on the main site.



Ken's Past
The Dark Seed
The Story of Ken's Crest
After Ken's not the Digimon Emperor....
I have too much free time. (Random thought and explamations.)

Other random stuff

Why I love Ken rant
Anti-Daiken Rant
Pro-Kenkari Rant
Ken Mosaic!
Japanese Clips!
Desktop backgrounds!
Icons and animations!
Ken's one-handed, one-footed website. (Aka, Diary of a Kidnapped Bishonen.)
Marry Ken ;)

Scripted Ken Scenes

That famous scene from "The Crest of Kindness" *sniff*, not the Jun one!
Ken regrets his control spires. (Scene from "United We Stand.")
The moonlight scene from "The Insect Master's Trap!!"
Ken's smile from "A Very Digi-Christmas." (Short, but sweet!)



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