The Light and the Dark

My four favorite couples are Taito, Kenkari, Miyaken, and Takari. Since Miyaken is real, it's not fun to support anymore, and there are already tons of Taito and Takari sites.... So I thought I'd make a Kenkari page! I like to make pages about stuff I think is underappriciated. ( Hawkmon and Magnadramon for example.)

I know many people are thinking, "Ken and Kari?! Where the heck did that come from?!" But it's a very cute couple, I think! It's not without reason, too. Ken and Kari have a lot in common....

They both had contact with the enemies and joined the Digidestined halfway through the season.

We all know what happened to Ken (And if you don't, check out my Ken site), but don't forget that Kari had a similar episode. Since Gatomon was seperated from the other Digieggs and Kari never went to summer camp, they didn't meet until well into 01. Gatomon lost her true self and became evil as Myotismon's servant.

Their personalities are both similar.

Ken and Kari are the quiet shy ones of the group. Unlike Davis and Yolei, they're sensitive and tend to keep their feelings bottled up inside. They're also very kind, gentile, and caring.

They both have contact with the dark ocean.

There's something different about Ken and Kari... most likely from the things mentioned above, they can sense darkness and are effected by the "dark ocean" trying to take them. "Kari, you've been here? Seen this before? I didn't know anyone but me had ever been here..."

Other ironic similarities:

They both have (or have had... *sob*) big brothers they looked up to.
Their crest colors are almost the same. (Ken's is slightly darker.)
They've both been Digidestined since they were about eight or so, and didn't realize their power right away.
They're both stalked by Davis.
They have the hair! (You really didn't think I could go without mentioning that, did you? ^__^)

Kenkari in the Show!

The episode that revealed the possibility of Kenkari: "Opposites Attract." Kari runs to help Ken as soon as she hears him screaming, and she even puts her arm around him!!!! It also reveals all of Ken and Kari's similarities, and that they're fighting the same enemy...

I love this scene!!! (Ken's smile from "A Very Digi-Christmas.") While playing cards with the Digidestined at his house, Ken laughs, and everybody is surprised. Kari simply smiles and comments on how he has a nice smile and should use it more often. Ken BLUSHES! ^__^ Davis is jealous... hehehe!!!

In "The Dark Gate", when Ken's trying to open the dark digiport, Kari knows exactly what he's going through and is the first to run and help him. If anybody has a framegrab from this scene, please please send it to me!

They're such a sweet pair... they need eachother. ^__^

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