Marissa's Official Anti-Daiken Rant ^__^

Why am I doing this? Ken... GOOD! Daisuke... BAD! That covers it. ^__^ Basically, I'm a Ken obsessor, and I really don't like seeing my sweet, intelligent, sentitive guy with an outgoing moron like Daisuke. I really dislike Daisuke. Everytime somebody on a message board mentions Daiken or Kensuke, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I got kinda sick of typing endless rants about why Ken should get a restraining order against Daisuke, so I decided to make one huge rant page. I know I'll just get tons of hits! LOL. Well, at least skim it.

Point 1: Davis is overfriendly.

Hey, he's got the digi-egg of friendship! Daisuke reminds me of a dog. (In more ways than one!) Whenever he meets a new person, he jumps all over them slobbering. :b He did the same thing to Wallace in the movie. But can Daisuke really understand Ken? Nope. He just wants to be friendly and popular. Maybe Daisuke does like Ken a little, or admire his good looks in a strange way. WHO DOESN'T? Daisuke's just looking the other way because Kari wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. It really doesn't matter who Daisuke lusts over to me... as long as he doesn't act upon it.

Point 2: Ken and Davis are opposites and very uncompatable.

Lookie! I made a pretty table for reference :) Opposites attract? Only in magnets!
Ken Daisuke
Personality: Kind and gentle. Courageous and friendly.
Clothes: Low-key and sensible. Fighter pilot on safari.
Intelligence: Genius. Idiot.
Social-ness: Quiet. Keeps to himself. Outgoing. Blurts things out without thinking.
Misc. Used to be evil, and is constantly battling dark forces within and his own depression. Sits around playing video games.

Point 3: The so called "Daiken hints" are just to bring Ken and Davis closer so they can jogress digivolve.

In order to keep the plot going, it was nessecery for Ken and Daisuke to be jogress digivolve partners. First of all, there had to be a reason for Ken to join the digidestined. They couldn't just let such a great character disappear! Besides, who knows what he would have done if he hadn't had support from the digidestined? :( Anyway, and he had to jogress digivolve with Daisuke, because the leader's digimon ALWAYS has to digivolve first. It's the way it's always been. In order for them to jogress digivolve, there had to be a connection, so the writers made them somewhat friends and tossed in a couple Ken and Daisuke moments. It's all logical now, isn't it?

Point 4: Davis doesn't understand Ken.

Daisuke figures that just because he'd want to be friends with himself, Ken would too. Not the case. He doesn't understand that Ken's been alone most of his life, and he has to get adjusted to having friends... nevermind a relationship! He doesn't understand tha Ken's had a tough time, and he can't just fall back on his feet after the whole Digimon Emperor issue. Ken keeps seeing his control spires being turned into dark digimon, and his base about to explode and destroy the Digital World. Daisuke has no idea what that's like. Poor Kenny. Daisuke's got good intentions, but he's going about this the wrong way.

Point 5: Ken rejects Daisuke

This is more in the earlier episodes, but it's still evident. Whenever Daisuke starts talking about being friends and joining the digidestined, Ken just plain gets up and leaves. He doesn't like the fact that Daisuke is coming on to him AT ALL. For example, when Stingmon and Exveemon first jogress digivolved, Ken's first response is, "I'm not sure if I like this idea of a shared digimon." He's a loner, and he doesn't belong with such an outgoing idiot like Daisuke.

Point 6: No squishy moments.

Now, I'm going to swerve slightly off-topic. Here is a collection of completely official pictures that promote Taito. That doesn't even begin to describe all the Taito moments in 01, I mean Tai and Matt jump all over each other and hold hands all the time! Remember this: "Nothing will ever come between us again, Tai!"? Now, THAT, relationship has reason. Back to Daiken, have Daisuke and Ken ever held hands? Nope. Have they ever had any squishy romanic moments? Nope. What's that you say? Daisuke hurled himself at Ken in "Ken's Secret"? Nope, he jumped on the Digimon Emperor -- Daisuke had no clue that was Ken, and what does Ken do in response? Hurl him off and order Deltamon to kill him. Awwww, how sweet. Now, what's that you say? The moment from "United We Stand"? That was pure friendship. Ken was considering killing himself, OF COURSE Daisuke wasn't going to stand and let him do that. Digimental of friendship, remember? Don't you dare bring up the slapping, because then I'll bring up Miyako's slap and TK's flooring.

So, as shown, I'm really against Daiken/Kensuke. Have I convinced you? Well... it was worth a try! ^__^ Check out my relationships page for more...

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