To complete their task better, SEL uses the system of the National Representatives; and we have some reasons for it.

Although the principles of Scouting are the same ones in all the sides, in the practice - however - there are many differences among the diverse National Scouts Associations.

Also the strength and the possibilities of the different National Associations of Esperanto.

To be able to use the best thing possible the diverse possibilities in each country, we choose to work by means of the intervention of our "National Representatives", who knows the situation of their respective countries and movements. We prefer that the National Representatives be old guides or old scouts that speak Esperanto, or Esperantists that have relationship with the Girls or Boy Scout Movements. When somebody doesn't exist with these requirements, it is chosen some person (him or her) that stays informed of the activities of both institutions although it is not active members of them. Although we never arrive to our objective, our ideal is that SEL consists on independent national sections, as they establish it the Statutes, and that they choose its own directives.

Because of the different situations of each one, we cannot describe the tasks and duties. Much depends on the facilities and each person's possibilities to travel, of their free time, of their studies or work, of their family, or of the functions in the scout / guide or esperantist movements that develop, etc. For we only give it a general description of the tasks, and later we will mention the tasks that we could call "mandatory."


  1. The National Representative works (almost) independently; he or she are active and they should strengthen our League there where he/she sees more possibilities.
  2. The National Representative understands that it is the only bridge between SEL and the members of his / her country; it should be faithful to their work.
  3. The National Representative should have good genius and not to despair easily for the failures.

  1. Respond the requests of information of the interested ones of their country, be or non members of the Movement Scout, and he/she should advise on the available Esperanto courses.
  2. Should gather the fees, payments and donations; he / she should also remit once the League's Treasurer once a year, the percentage that should accordingly to the agreement with the League.
  3. Look for subscribers to the magazine "LA SKOLTA MONDO", and to send the list to the General Secretary of the League, once a year in the month of March.
  4. Send once a year an informative memory of the activities carried out to the General Secretary so much as to the members of their National Section
  5. Only if it is possible, to form a national Section, with elected directory according to the western democratic principles.

  7. Organize meetings for the members during Esperantists or scouts meeting, congresses or Jamborees.
  8. Build stands of informations and to make exhibitions in the Jamborees or scouts meetings.
  9. Publish a modest bulletin to strengthen the contact among their members.
  10. Write articles. SEL has more than enough to offer for the local, regional or national scout magazine;
  11. Translate interesting articles for "LA SKOLTA MONDO";
  12. Look for penpals, and all other activity that gives to know our existence.

If you want to help us and want to become National Representative for your country, fill the formular


INDEX | SEL's index | SEL's publications | How can I help SEL? | SEL: 10 steps for a better future | The National Representative | FAQ: Esperanto & Scouting | What is SEL? General Informations  Baden Powell & EsperantoNational Sections of SELEsperanto Courses on- line |  La Skolta Mondo on Line | La Skolta Mondo's Archive | Ĉiam Preta| Chat| View Guestbook | Sign Guestbook


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