First Posted Jan. 10, 2005. Happy Birthday Gaelan

Muddy Water... LOL 1991

Think about this!

Now think about what you did!

And look what you did with my VISION!

Because of people like you, the median Income is Skewed
and the Middle Class and poor and Screwed and so are you.

You are hurting yourself by your own inability to act according to your own instincts, instead devering to your father and other lawyers. Your the one with genius! NOT these idiots. Use it. We can totally change the world. My faviorate Chinese character is for Litigation. From right to left, it has a dog and then the character for voice or speak followed by the chracter for a howling dog. Dogs are a favorite for the Chinese. A howling dog next to the character for powerful man or king, is how they indicate insanity. Think Hitler and the way he barked at crows. Then think about Steve Ballmer's video on the internet called Monkey Boy. He was sweating like a pig, jumping around on stage and shouting at the top of his voice. I have to find that file. I downloaded it onto my computer.

Why such a worried look Billg? And those bangs... LOL Out of control again... Oh well, that the way the bee bumbles. Are you worried about the technology you hold at the CES, or the E-mail I sent you about what Gaelan is doing now. Yes, you should be praying... Both? LOL Well, we both know that even if this sells, there is very little or no profit in it for Microsoft.

Nice little Bio on Daddy Dearest 3. Oh, he is so stupid. Didn't he get that I pasted that link about you mother's ordeal all over the place, especially to people at the UW and in the local media. I'm going to nail some people big time for this one. Gee 3, what is in Bremerton and going on in 1950? And why did your father and family who are so political against Witch Hunts, engaging in one with me using his law firm and local manipulations of my life - 15 years. He started the Gates Foundation because of me. It was what I told him... I've got personal phone numbers given to me by your father. What was in San Diego? What was in Florida, where both our fathers were stationed at the same time. You have to be pretty egotistical to buy into this whole nastiness. And with all our investments in drugs and genetic research, why were people healthier when they took drugs like this, instead of drugs like ZOLOFT produced by Pfizer who also uses the UW for bogus research.

I was forced into a HUD housing project because these idiots involved with the UW and your the Old Mans Law Firm were trying to defame me by trying to make me look like a nutcase. Gee as a mole for the CIA, this was such an excellent cover. Being an optimist, I found a golden opportunity in this. I turned it into a research project. LOL

Lies, Lies and more Lies... Back a few months ago, the guy across the hall dropped dead in his late thirties of a heart attack due to this human experiment! Half the people in this complex are now diabetic! That's so cool for Pfizer and other, because they can sell them more drugs! You profit from this while other taxpayers in middle incomes are paying for the Medicaid to buy it.

The FBI wanted a motive for all of this. I have it right in this web page and the links from here - Money, Power and Control. It's these drugs that they are using to gain control. You're depressed because your being oppressed, but with the drug you can accept repression. (Your into pressure sitations Gaelan, consider this kind of pressure.) There are no gag orders, non disclosure agreements, or anything else. Your hire SMART people, but they aren't INTELLIGENT! (get out your dictionary)

I've been on TV, had my web mirrored and translated and in articles in foreign countries but not here! LOL They are comparying the USA to Nazis and Communist! AND I change the vision of the web, from ponography and marketing rip offs, back to what it was before Microsoft - AND I change the vision of the web, from ponography and marketing rip offs, back to what it was before Microsoft - a place where people educated and share knowlege with each other - freely.

Behavior modivication 101: Without consequences for these VERY BAD and NASTY actions, there will never be any changes. I started studying psychology around 10. One of your families REAL consequenses is how future history will read all of this. You know, I'm just really interested in genetic testing these days. LOL

YOU can't manipulate me this time. I almost died again on Nov. 19, 2004. I lost almost a full week of time. There wasn't a trace of any artwork, or anything. When I came back, I found two unopened bottles of wine, one in my backpack on my wheelchair, and two unfilled prescriptions for medication which I didn't get filled until 10 days after they were written. Given how smashed up I was, this was unbelievable. At least I'm alive.

You're not going to manipulate me out of this one. I know what Gaelan is working on. Like I said, our technology is way beyond yours. It's like he is in outer space. He is going to turn that older Porsche he bought in to something very modified and super fast. Turbo. Unlike YOU he doesn't have a WEALTHY FATHER to get money from. But he has been scheming and at age 23 2 + 3 = 5 Penta (or 1982 01 10 = 10 10 01 10 = 4 ~ 100 = 1 and 1955 10 28 10 10 10 10 = 4 ~ 100 = 1), he is ready to come to bat. LOL

Now I'm 1951 01 11 = 10 6 1 2 = 10 = 1 or in binary 10 ~ 1010 = 2 ~ 10 = 1 therefore 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 or triangle. Genetic coding is intuitive and mostly subconscious to a female. Names and even streets where they choose to live may be motivated by their connection to the genetic flux. Stephen Wolfram gets this... LOL

I love his New Kind Of Science. Could have written something similar to it myself had I the computer tools to do the programming with. Oh, that's right. You took my right to work in the computer industry or even have access to tools and support away from me.

Back to the Bureaucrats

The rest of this page is about a letter in response to DVR reopening my request for services dated Dec. 13, 2004 and mailed Dec. 22, 2004 for an interview on Dec. 28, 2004, just one day after people returned from their Christmas vacation. This is a repeat for this agency and other agencies, I've had to work with as a disabled women engineer. They don't want to work with me because DVR has provide no employment or training services in 14. All they have ever done is what the Gates Foundation and their grantees, who have done assessments on me for sometimes tens of millions of dollars have encouraged, defame and demean me as a women and a professional.

Let's go back in time...

In 2002 a women named Robin Lockart from Washington Vocational Services wanted me to do a work assessment in a sheltered workshop, CEI in Issaquah. I live next to CEI and have often watched the vans come in and leave with their disabled people. So stopped one day to ask about their assessment process. They were in shock. They work only with the Mentally Retarded - some in wheelchairs with CP or head injuries. It's a United Way agency. They pay less than a dollar and hour for these people who unpackage Microsoft software for recycling. The rest of the money goes to pay for their expenses - housing, etc.

Then when I attempted to do volunteer work with the Issaquah School District, hoping to get some references, getting recent work experiences, helping with computers, math and science, they also interfered with that. With the great need we have in the school system for highly educated people in math and science, I was stunned. Then they closed my case for attempting to do volunteer work without their permission. They have done everything they can to sabotage my career. - June 4, 2002

They keep trying to claim that I have a mental disorder. Give that I have 9 web sites and can keep track of this kind of detailed information over a 15 years period with old computers and no real tools, it would be impossible. My mind is so well organized that I scare these people to death.

I don't believe Tracy Wilson wrote this because she didn't sign the letter.

This document was also not signed by Donna Miles.

Meeting Summary 11-9-2000 page 1

Page 2 with no signture and more obsession about psychatric disorders.

They attempted to cover up the names of the people, but I found some at the end as CC: Most likely an error on the part of the secratary who typed it. My therapist was in this meeting. So I was receiving counseling at the time. They closed this case without services also.

Here is another letter, this time from Access which is bizarre, and it also has no signature. LOL

Look at the grammar in this one. It makes the same threat twice. And the name on the document is also strange. Add to this that Laidlaw, who handles this server also works for Microsoft...

The situation was so bad, that Myrtle was coming to my apartment - 11 miles away from her office. She was in Redmond and the first time I saw her, the van was followed by a police car all the way into her parking lot, which really scared the driver. The officer was one I knew. He was Officer Brian K. Steinbis - who lived at 24933 SE 14th, Sammamish, WA 98075 with his wife Sharon W. 425-557-5395, who had falsely arrested me during a family emergency on Oct. 26, 1991, just 4 days after I was on the front page of the Seattle Times. After moving to Issaquah in 1996, he continued to stalk me and defamed me with the Issaquah Police. This is what eventually led me to investigate him. The detail on my web is for some people who no longer make direct contact with me due to harassment. Some work for government intelligence.

The fear in Washington State is like that in Nazi Germany, the USSR under Communism or main land China now. In China they put people in jail for mediating. Here it's due to Microsoft. This is a company town and even the major was afraid. I was later denied the right to testify on my own behalf in a hearing about my arrest, and situation. A judge went along with this. Steinbis was also able to blame the incident on his partner at the time. A local person compared him, other's in the local police and Microsoft security to the Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany.

I don't blame these actions on many of these people personally on them. It's the irrational behavior of people and what we call the "Fear Factor." I'm just not afraid and they don't get it. I can tell when someone is coerced and fearful due to their behavior, sound of their voice and expressions on their face. Even a personal signature will change. This is why there are so many pictures of Bill Gates on my web. I do studies as an artist and profiler just like they do in the CIA.

These people have all violated my civil rights, so Myrtle who saw what I was doing on my computer knew my stress was REAL and do to the defamation and harassment. On one occasion I told her I was thinking about trying to find political asylum in a foreign country and she supported this idea. LOL

However, as someone with an extensive background in behavior psychology, I know that in order to change bad behavior there has to be consequences for the action. This is called behavior modification. When people are acting like animals this is the only way to deal with them.

This is what DVR offers everyone else but me:

DVR Hunting for DVR clients in Feb. 2002 and offering transportation.

This press release is dated July 23, 2002. Obviously if you have computer skills, have been tested NOT to have a personality disorder, graduated with honors from college in multiple technology, don't have autism, etc., you need not apply! LOL If this document disappears you can find it at the end of this page.

They were obviously upset that I complained about them wanting me to do a work assessment in CEI prior to getting any PT or Rehab and with Mentally Retarted people - which may be due to this certification from the Commission for the Blind which they seem to consider a cognitive disabilty instead of sensory, and was attempting to get a volunteer job in the Issaquah School District - assisting in teaching math and sciences. I am thinking of showing up at the Issaquah PTA somedat. A lot of parents complain about the lack of technical education in the school district.

Anyone who has the audacity to claim I can't attempt to market my skills when it's obvious they are clueless about how to do it, is the one with the mental disorder and in need of psychological help. Being able to market yourself is what DVR is suppose to be helping disabled applicants do according to their own guidelines. And you will noted on their business cards below this letter that both Robin and Tracy gave me E-mail addresses to contact them with, something that as a computer engineer is very normal for me.

I don't know who exactly in DVR was directing my access to services, but I don't believe it was either of these women. I was repeatedly told by Joan Martin, who did the assessment on me in 1994 at the University of Washington, that they were concerned about my technical level, brought up by Microsoft executive women - Melinda Gates was still there, and their concern about me being a threat to his marriage. Where that came from I haven't a clue.

I was trying to sell my very complex educational and work background to Bill Gates after I was injured in his company. He had personally attempted to recruit me a few years earlier. Yet I had my phone call for developer support denied and routed to corporate affairs, where I was told that Gates personally ordered me denied support.

Needless to say, Gates has always been a chaos factor in the computer industry. I use to think of him kind of like "Pig Pen" in Charlie Brown Comics - always with a tornado of dust swirling around him. (Of course, I've made this comparison many times over the years... LOL to other artist - including Schulz - delight.) This eventually let to antitrust cases and his own personal humiliation in video depositions. He has certainly created a lot of chaos in my personal, professional and physical, oh and let's not forget my love life that has been non existance ever since he slug his dirt at me - especially after this big of dirt.

My youngest son was interrogated by CPS to find out if he thought he was Trey's son. It was a very traumatic and confusing situation for a 10 year old who was instructed NOT to tell me about it. This caused my ex-husband, who has never felt Gaelan was his, to sue for custody. Gaelan has put up with a lot of emotional abuse due to this. David lavishly help his daughter through college, but wouldn't give Gaelan any help at all. He actually began charging him rent after he turned 18, forcing him to work. I've had my career destroyed due to this also. So I'm encouraging my child genius who is extremely gifted to sue Bill, with me, for the loss in his life and mine. There will be genetic test on both Gates and his father so we can get the truth out at last. This is why! I'm going to make sure my son get a bit of that Gates fortune, one way or the other. And all the harassment I've been through, by self-promoting idiot, which led to my present disability, will be compensated also.

The last time I attempted to get medical treatment at the University of Washington, my doctor was taken off my case and the Director of the School of Medicine was put on it. My physical theraphy was stopped and all help was ended. I was denied medical teatment for drug withdraws for Lorazepam/Ativan which I was on for years for a sleep disorder due to pain. Why would I get such special treatment? Michael Chang, Ph.D. was the one interfering with my medical treatment and attempting to promote his career with the Gates family.

Well, we will be subpoening him into my lawsuit against the Gates Foundation. After all, Bill Gates Sr was on the Board and still is at the UW. I'm sure when he finds out his family is going to be hung out to dry due to this kind of meddling in my son and mine's life his career will go really far. This Chinese conspiracy with Danny Eng at DVR, Dr. Chang, Connie Chang at Eastside Mental Health, a number of other Chinese Americans and immagrants working in DSHS and other government agencies and the Lockes will be investigated, if NOT by the FBI, then by the CIA.

Does anyone remember when the UW medical record system was hacked by some people outside the USA, and then the evidence was turned over to the Seattle Times! And what departments were hacked? Well, they were both departments I was trying to get Medical treatment from! I'm a Hook. So what did they find out about these people, when they got into their e-mail and other personal records? LOL CIA field agents have problems getting through to the Main Offices in DC because we have so many foreign nationals running our communications systems due to Affirmative Action preference systems. Outside the US, everyone hates the United States, especially in China, Japan and Korea - both north and south.

The last time I attempted to contact my case manager with DSHS because my wheelchair came unassembled, I was told I could only talk to a certain person. I was transfered and got voice mail that was in Chinese first then very poor English. When I did get him on the phone, I was told I couldn't get emergency services. I would have to go to Hopelink, which is Laidlaw. LOL

The person who wrote this the letter below is Don Kay, but no contact information was given, just a demand that I deal only with Danny Eng. More of Gov. Locke's wonderful life. Mona Locke is great friends with Melinda Gates. So I'm a threat? You bet, but not for what they think. These wonderful people motivated me to track Melinda Gates' insider tading and other SEC filings. It also motivated me to finally post a page about how she had coerced Bill into a marriage - which is what I consider the main motive for her harassment and interference with my career and contact with her husband. People are obviously being coerce and harassed here, and when they put up with it, they get indirectly compensated.

My DVR files is about 8 to 9 inches high and no services have ever been rendered.

After receiving this letter I had a call from an Ester Bennett - 253-209-6056 who also was a field service person perhaps my region. Tracy Wilson who was my last councilor, called prior to receiving the letter reopening my case, and said she was moving to N. Seattle DVR. I also got a letter wishing me luck! It was punctuated this way also.

JULY 23, 2002                                                                                   NO. 002-241



Mike O’Brien, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 360-438-8008

Tammy Wight, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 360-407-0779

Jeff Weathersby, Media Relations, 360-902-7892

Thousands find jobs through DSHS

Vocational Rehabilitation Initiative

OLYMPIA – Washington residents with disabilities have been removed from waiting lists, taught job skills and obtained meaningful, satisfying work at a record-setting pace in the past eight months.

That’s what statistics since November from the Department of Social and Health Service’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation show.

“We’ve gone through an extensive reorganization that has increased field service staff, improved training and made it possible for our employees to go directly to clients who are unable to come to our offices,” said DVR Director Mike O’Brien.

He added the division has provided laptop computers to enable DVR counselors to work with home-bound clients in more comfortable environments.

O’Brien said the changes have brought the following accomplishments.

·        An 800 percent increase in the number of clients who were placed in the jobs of their choice

·        A 24 percent increase in the number of applications for services

·        A 76 percent increase in the number of people being found eligible for services

·        A 218 percent increase in the production of employment plans for clients. Those plans detail the necessary training and other support needed to prepare people with disabilities for work

·        More than 9,000 people on a waiting list have been determined to be eligible for work-preparation assistance

DVR dramatically increased the overall number of people served since November.  Client disabilities include such things as multiple sclerosis, deafness, learning disabilities, congenital conditions, developmental disabilities, spinal cord injuries and autism.

O’Brien said the agency is committed to assisting its employees and clients obtain advanced degrees needed for DVR counseling positions. DVR also has increased college recruitment to provide more opportunities for minorities in the division.

The division also is setting up a Rehab Academy to provide more in-house training to employees who work directly with clients, O’Brien said.

Part of the upgraded training effort is the upcoming All Staff Training and Development “Putting the Pieces Together” Conference scheduled for Dec. 3-5 at the Skamania Lodge in Stevenson.

The federally funded training event for division’s 360 employees will feature training in such areas as:

·        Personality disorders

·        Computers

·        Tribal relations

·        Cultural awareness

·        Transferable skills analysis

·        Providing services to populations with diverse or special needs such as people with autism, migrant farm workers and ex-offenders

The conference also will feature an awards ceremony on the evening of Dec. 4.

“This conference will be an excellent opportunity to train the division’s entire staff at very reasonable cost. For example, we are able to rent the entire facility at government rate, which is substantially below the normal cost, to help support the Stevenson economy when few tourists are visiting,” O’Brien said.

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