As a public service I'm going to be publishing court document regarding that are very hard to get regarding Barbara Campbell vs. Microsoft Corporation.

Boy do I hate the spellchecker in Adobe GoLive. Never buy this package. With my disability, it's really like harassment. What a literal pain this is for me. I may even have to buy FrontPage!

Top of the stack...


I see you are finally getting it Billg. How many times have I mentioned wormwood on my web site over the years? You know if we were working directly together, you would understand why someone doing research in Molecular Biology in the Counter Culture opted to study what I did in college. LOL I can now walk and could have cured your mother's cancer. And when you get prostate cancer, like Napoleon did, you will remember this too. I noticed your father isn't on the National United Way but is still listed locally. I hope he isn't getting sick like Bill Neukom and Paul Maritz who had malaria.

Oh there are certain monkeys that don't get malaria also. Why is that? LOL

Every year we have to create a new vaccine for the flue. Why? LOL

Why did the polio vaccine worked and the flue vaccine must be changed every year? Think about it. Isn't this yet another rip off of the drug companies like all these drugs being pulled right now... Isn't it wonderful that I don't have a job and have all this time to do researh that will never be use! It may not be use, but many of the drugs on the market are not going to be used either. I did that... LOL No one has a nondisclosure agreement on this female scientist.


This is the first time in a very long time I could work on my web due to serious illness. I'm eventually going to have to break this bottom half off, but am not doing so well these days.... I just recovered from a massive head and shoulder injury that happened on Nov. 19, 2004. On Oct. 1, I was in the hospital with major chest pains that caused me to collapse. The medical bills are outrageous. I had vertigo so bad I couldn't even get to the phone for a long time. It cost the government over $6,000. Yes, by the time I get my lawsuit put together against the Gates Foundation for their interfering in with my ability to get legal assistance, medical treatment, vocational assistants and social services, it's going to be a real doozy. Here are some choice document that will be included. I have over 14 years of lost income and harassment by Prestion Gates and Ellis, Microsoft and The Gates Foundation. They are self-insured and don't feel they should have to compensate people for injuries they cause... Last year the Gates Foundation made revenues over $4 billion.


Oh well, someone must be getting nervous because today I got this in the mail!

Note that the date on the letter is Dec. 13, 2004. Well, here is the envelope and it's stamped Dec. 21, 2004. This letter was post dated by over a week giving me no time to make any transportation arrangement for a meeting right after the Christmas holiday on Dec. 28, 2004. I didn't pick my mail on Dec. 22, until I went to Safeway after their office was already closed. I thought they must be attempting to come up with an excuse yet again. I'm recovering from a head injury that I got just a month ago so this must be why I'm being summoned.

The person who runs this DVR office is named Danny Eng. And now I have a person handling my case. handling my case. I was told years ago I was being harassed by a group of Chinese programmer in Olympia. Well, look at what I found on our King Co. Election Site--a special Chinese Web Page. Were are the Latinos, Russian, Indian or other nationalities? Someone is working in the King County Computer center who is using the web site to tell Chinese People how to vote in some places. I did two screen shots of just one incident that I found out of the 111M of PDF files I've downloaded onto my computer... knowing that when I post this they will most likely be gone. In this intense, they are telling them to vote yes on I-892 and literally included a web link to support this. I did screen captures of both. I attempted to find an English version to compare these to because the size of the Chinese files were so huge and couldn't find any. This is what I got!

Clip from 4gencedition18.pdf about I-892.

You can't translate English to Chinese or Chinese to English so the Chinese Mafia think they are protected from detection in many of their illegal activities locally. This initiative is about scratch ticket gambling.

This is the site I was referred to: Just Treat Us The Same. I thought it would be about being Chinese and was shocked at what I found. Take a look!

This site explicitly tells people to vote yes, claiming that it will reduce property taxes, which they claim have increased 5.25 billion in the past 23 years. Given the increase of population density and building, that seems a pretty fair increase to me. Someone has to pay for roads, county services, etc. I think this needs to be investigated along with their 3 point ballot signature verification. Do you know that if you get to something you don't know and decide not to vote they can toss your ballot in some places? The difference in size between the English and Chinese pamplets is enough to warrant an investigation and should have drawn attention. So who is Dean Logan and why is he allowing all of this? The only other thing I could find in English was this! Give me a break. Something is going on here.

So is our next governor also being selected like Gary Locke was? These people at DVR were obsessed with the fact that I sometimes post in Chinese on my website. I study linguistics and Chinese is one of my favorites. You can't translate it into English. You have to simply learn to understand it.

Well, I guess this letter is going to be going to the FBI. I'm really out to get a more comprehensive investigation of the Gates Foundation and these people in DVR who have done this to me. When I was last involved with them they had moron test done on me at by the Hearing, Speech and Deafness Center who received a grant from Gates of $250,000.

Oh gee, now that I'm in almost deaths bed after 14 years of harassment, retaliation and unemployment, they now want to reopen my vocational case? I guess they must be getting a bit of heat from DC. I've to my federal court PACE account. That's how I can track their court cases and get these documents. I would eat beans every day to have the money to do this. I've not seen my two youngest children in 10 years or even talked to them on the phone.

Merry Christmas folks. Microsoft and the Gates Foundation just laughed it off. Now I have these wonderful goodies to add to it.

This isn't a civil case when I have been put through a living physical hell as a physically disabled person here in the Seattle area. I'm not alone in my suffering due to this mess. There are even people still in the company that are on my side. You could say I unleashed a Trojan Horse years ago inside of Microsoft... I won't be satisfied until Bill Gates Sr., who has managed Gates' money and done most of this to me or caused other to do so, is arrested. He will most likely get off. But just the same, he will be strip searched, put in overhauls, solitary confinement, and treated NOT VERY WELL as a fat wealthy person.

When I think of some of these fat asses, naked, with some jailer sticking their finger up their butt and envaiding every bit of their privacy, it just makes me smile. They have to make sure you don't have a weapon, drugs or a micro cellphone stuck up your butt! Yep, every single one of them could be accused and put through it. Even if they can pay to get out of it, they still go through just what Martha Stewart did. That is the way all little people go through it. Just ask Martha Stewart.

I've been stalked for years by both people and my social security number which is on everyting. Now at 53, it's finally caught up with me and my heart. My heart is broken, literally. I have Marfan Syndrome that effects my muscles and connective tissues. Basically, people like me were not genetically engineered to be treated like a mule, and that is why I went to engineering school and studied computers--lighter work. But at Microsoft the men who assaulted and hazed me on a business trip treated me like a mule. I got badly injured from this. And even though I had a Labor and Industry Injury, covered by insurance, I never got the rehabiltation medician I needed.

The most common cause of death for us is aneurism. Marfan syndrome leads to aortic enlargement (aneurysm formation).  This is usually asymptomatic, and if unrecognized can lead to acute aortic dissection and sudden death.  Aortic complications are the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the Marfan syndrome. I was having heart attacks even as a child and was hospitalized for it and treated for it for years. Stress management and good nutrition are the only treatment. That means physical therapy to help with the stress and strenthen the muscles and connective tissues.

The Microsoft minions seem to have a blood lust for attacking people who have ever said anything bad about them. I'm one of them. So I've been denied normal treatment for this because of the Gates Foundation. In other words, it's in my records, my joint injuries are in part cause by this and doctors can see this in X-Rays, yet the UW and Harbor View denied me treatment. Overlake Hospital and Valley Medical Center have refused to keep me in the hospital for assessmemt when I've had an heart/attack. I'm having my transportation for my wheelchair interferred with making getting to other medical centers impossible. Now they say I have MS on top of this mess. And this is the way the Gates Foundation use their grants.

So the only outlet I have for stress now is my art and a sense of humor to go with it. I also continue to do genetic research on Molecular Biology and medical physiology--but from a quantum physics view. I feel this may have more to do with ions than jusut genetics. Yeah, those Ketons are really messing me up. LOL Isokinetic muscle strenthing is the only kind I can use and that means in a clinic. Denied... Denied... Denied...

So this is how I blow off steam and distract myself... with funny faces and strange places.

I'm getting really good with 3D graphic modeling and have decided to turn my pals at Microsoft's into the demons they really are. I'm waiting for some new models and when I get them I will be making texture maps that will make these boys look very real. This is just a freehand first try as Steve Ballmer. Then I discovered I could really morph him and got quite carried away. LOL I can also remove the genitials or make them mastrabate. I have hundreds of pictures of these criminal. I'm going to be having some real fun, especially with Gates' wife and her Indian sexual worker friends. I'm getting Michael and Victoria from Daz 3D do I can really have fun with this. I'm not sure what to do about Gates, but playing around with naked models is becoming quite interesting. I'm sure turning the Gates' into porn stars for all the nerds on the Internet who hate him will make his father really happy and do wonders for getting it across to the EU just how these people made all their money at the expense of exploited women and children.

Yep I can turn our Monkey Boy into a real one or perhaps Satan himself.

Now that I have better model, I can remorph Ballmer--Soon.

Hey but wait! Look how much I've been able to improve is a very short time!

You are just getting better all the time billg. Forget the pointed hats.
The Shadows don't become you at all... I don't know how to morph your neck wattle yet so you can look like this for awhile. With a little bit of plastic surgery to remove that, this is what you could look like. And what would that mean for you personally? I think it's impossible unless I try to use magnets on the geometry and that is kind of risky business... if you know what I mean. I am still working with this picture!

And this...

I got this off of Bill Gates' own web page at Microsoft. I'm not amazed by his face, which has caused me to call him Funny Face in e-mail since I can remember viewing him... It's the cropping of the picture and the big black suit, with that small head on top. We call this creative license in art and on Microsoft web site its all over the place. For instance... After Steve Ballmer took over as CEO, he decided to have his picture taken with glassed on like Bill Gates. We have still never seen him in a public picture anywhere else with glasses.

I think he also practice the smile too... It's not his normal way of smiling and as we call all see, not matter how hard he tries, he just don't have any lips... because he is always with a frown on his face...

POSER 5 is an incredible program that is selling on for under $100. It's an engine and environment for other plugins. But you can buy it and act out your own fantasies with the character being generated on the Internet at very cheap prices and in all kinds over outfits and props. I'm going to focus on what I do best, faces and infact, celeberty faces. With a face like this one I can make a texture map that will even show a scare or freckle on someone's face. I am looking at a lot of people.

I am working on Bill Gates' wife for him. She is really hard to do because she has a major frown and worry on her face. I was morphing her into a mermaid and I wanted to give her a smile. A normal smile just doesn't look like her. She has a Betty Davis smile. I was working from a picture of Melinda with Indian Sexual workers. The picture can be found at Corbis, Bill Gates media company. I've never seen her grin like that. She wants to be like Princes Diana, but her facial expressions just don't fit the image. This is what I got. There aren't any really good morph points to really get her right so her upper lip is still visible. I was also unable to put the deep lines into her face. So to get her smile like Betty Davis, I had to do an open smile, then a frown and then add a snarl. People's faces match their personalities, so this was really interesting. She is about 180 degrees from Princes Diana.

Her upper lip is too full. In the picture she doesn't have one. The face texture I was using kept giving her lipstick so I would have to male a new face texture for her to get it to look right. I may try that in the future. I know I need to make her nose stick out more, but when I attempt to make it bigger, it also get's longer. But that is OK. Sometimes the Ghost in my machine shows me the way.

So she looks much better in this fantasy mermaid grin than in reality. Enjoy Bill. While I was working on this another person with a similar mouth came to mind. Ken Evans had a similar mouth, small and with the frown and snarl, he also had similar eyes lids, etc... Bill you need to get yourself some psychology books by Lowen and research the concept of transference. Your a magnet for attracting negative people to you. It's that positive energy that they go after. But they are sucking you dry. LOL

So this is Melinda as the Little Mermaid. When I get the model done I will pull it into Bryce 5 and put her under the ocean with some sea creatures. Doesn't she look fabulous? I left her with Vicki 3's body for you. When I get your model morpher, perhaps I will make you a Merman. Then you can go live happily ever after in the C. LOL It's hard to get her face right because the pictures I'm looking at show her at many different ages and her face is sometimes thin and in other's very puffy and round.

This is the face without the smile. I got frustrated with her morphing and decided to see if I could get her ethnic background. I tried every Cacucasian type in Poser 5 yet nothing worked. Then I started looking at racial differences. Asian/Chinese didn't work so the next one was Indian. Well it did work. It was easier to morph Melinda Gates from an Indian to a Caucasian than the other way around. For the fist time her nose actually looks like her nose. The shape and proportion of the face worked, as did the brow line. I had to add some Asian for the eye lids and her lips were still too thick but hey, this is a major break through for me. At least I know why she was giving $200 million to Indian Sexual workers. Can you say Madam Butterfly? Yeah, I have 14 years of lost income and I can do this with a 3D graphics I've only had for 2 months.

Gates is going to be hard also. He can screw up his face more than anyone I've ever encountered. I have called him Funny Face in my e-mail for over 10 years now. I know he likes that. And I know he is quite flattered by my artistic renderings of him also. I know when I seen this exhausted and pained person that there is really this sensous man that wants to come out. It's the same with his wife. She looks destressed and sad a lot but underneith she has this child in her that wants to save the whole world. She is a bit on the hysteronic side, but that is part of her background and may not be real. Learning NOT to project your own experiences and behaviors onto others is one of the biggest lessons we all need to learn. This is what we did in Iraq and we were very wrong.

My older sister has a smile and mouth like Melinda's. My daughter Shasta has similar eyes, eye brows and nose. Shasta has small, but very full lips. My youngest son didn't have this kind of snarl in his smile or lips until after he was taken away from me to live with his father. Now he has it also. It's body armer. An angry dog snarls when they want to attack you. So a snarl is associated with pent up anger.

A baby is born with somewhat of a plastic face. The bones are soft and as they grow, the muscular tension in the face is what shapes the facial features as much as genetics--maybe 60% is from facial expression. Normal people see and undersand on a subliminal level what we artist know as fact and put into our work. So It's vertuialy impossible for people who are not skilled in the performing arts to cover up their ture personality and feelings.

Steve Jobs has this thing with his eyebrows that makes for many mystic adventures.... Hummmm. Then we can do our fantasies. They have to be real wizards or why would they be who they are?

Love is what it is. When do you really want to feal love> Insead of virtual reality;?

Not the most handsom man by normal standards, by wisards standards a true sorceress like fines him more than desirable. There is that Mona Lisa Smile.

Bill Gates has been acting out his fantasies as various characters his whole life. He is Harry Potter on this page of mine. So I think Bill it's about time for you to become a REAL Wizard. So with my help, you will have a model of yourself, and all of these great props, sets and outfits. But since I studied the history of clothing, as a gifted student in high school, I could design attire for the sets we designed in the 60s. I can assure you that non of what I'm seeing in either the movies or on these models are correct.

This wizard graphic is very difficult given your plastic face. It's hard to get your face to morph right. You have your face tilted up in this photo. But here are some of my first tries. This one was my first. But you look too young. I don't have a bump map and have been too ill recovering from my last injuries to really get into it.

So I had to do a bit of work to age you... That Mona Lisa Smile is right. Yep, the way you looked when I first meant you iver 30 years ago, you looked more like this.... You had the face of an angel and a smile like the Mona Lisa, eyese like Mona Lisa and a nose like the her too. I couldn't get the cheeks to go out. Maybe I do Mona Lisa next or dress this Boy as Peter Pan.

First I tried a beard. The outfit was wonderful and you posed just find. I didn't like it much so I went back to the messy hair thing. and did more work on your funny face. I've sculpted with gray clay in my teens but you usually feel the persons bone structure with your hands... LOL I also keep coming back to your hair as it was in 1990--that sandy blonde. So this is one of my last one close up with and without shadow. Notice the artifacts in the one without shadow. I'm having a lot of problems with math in this program-Poser 5 on the Mac. It was originally engineered for the PC and that seem why.

Notice the gray on the texture. I'm not sure what is causing this.

With this one I generated shadows, but they definitely aren't rendering correctly. Something Wicked This Way Has Come... But your nose got better. I think I need to enlarge your eyes and lower your brow. Not sure thought. LOL You seem to be able to contort your face more than anyone alive... And that neck thing. I may have to create a prosthesis. I'm still going to do you as a Merman and a fighting Angel. Both suit you so well.

You must really want that pointed hat bad to get me this fast. From boy to man? LOL Now I need a side view. NO glasses and try to loose all those Shadows. They are hard to deal with. And you have to keep your mouth shut for once in your life and look straight ahead. No more looking behind you. I like your hair... LOL It must be nice to grow up in a wealthy family where you've always had food to eat, medical care and a decent place to live. I ran out of food, accept for can goods and spent 2 hours on the floor struggling with a can opener, after finding out my arms were too week to use the electric one. They were trying to starve me at the time, but I eventually did it using my excellent intuitive knowledge of physics and laugh to myself thinking this was going to be very good physical therapy! I'm a giggler and laugh about these idiots all the time.

In my family, and even now, these things are always in question. In 1993 my weight dropped to below 115, because I had two boys and not enough money, so I fed them first. You can see this in my face. I hope Melinda and your father get off on this. I have an archive of many more for their entertainment value. I live day to day, just tying to stay alive. I have no social service or transportation any longer. I would much rather take my chances on dying than to put up with any more of these creeps in my house.

The last group was called Addus. I had a really nice women coming I hired, but she was being harassed and eventually became very distressed about this. So I let her go. So I investigated them prior to them coming out and found that their web site wasn't working. I looked into the code and noticed it was intentionally disabled. So I pieced it back together on my own computer. In the process, I found a news letter that had an interesting article about their IT people. Then I waited to see what they were about. After few months of assessments, I dropped my COPES services to see what would happen. Addus, closed up shop in Bellevue in a few weeks and move back to Seattle. Shortly there after their web site went back up.

This has gone on and on. I've caught your wife involved many times. And yet I was denied any kind of a hearing about it. Evidently, your wealth puts you and your family above the law in this state. For every day of unnecessary suffering and horror I've experienced in the name of your family and Microsoft, I pray for Divine Justice. It would seem that God is coming through.

Addus really didn't have many clients on the eastside except for me. The first women they sent out was wonderful, but they wouldn't give her any other clients. We even found a women in my building who wanted to have her and she couldn't get Judy through Addus either. Before Judy quit, she took me by Addus' office. It wasn't the kind of office one would expect in this kind of business. It was nothing but a hole in the wall.

After Judy quit due to a lack of work, they sent this other women. I was told she was a school teacher. That turned out to be a lie. She was educated as a teacher but had worked in banking/investments. She also claimed to be a Christian. They played this one with me before. For some strange reason people think I'm a Christian and can be manipulated by these people. I'm a Unificationist. I don't believe in any religion! I only believe in what I know through personal experience. So when this women began with her Christian psychotic psychobabble of hate, that was it. I can't handled having a psychotic in my home. The only people who will do this kind of weird spying thing for your wife or her sycophants are always psychotic. So I now have no services at all. AND it's wonderful... LOL

I've been through this again and again. When Brie Adams was working for me, her husband was offered an internship at Microsoft after only one term in technical school. Thin Lam told me he worked at the Olympic Hotel prior to this job and that his friend at the Hotel was working for Mrs. Gates and asking about me. For the past 6 years, I've had a man in my apartment building named Klaus Ristau, whose family lives in Medina, harassing me. He claims his mother knows Mrs. Gates and has met her at his mother home. He gave a really good description of Melinda. His mother makes jeweled eggs. He said she made an egg look like a foot ball for Faye Allen. I would have discounted Klaus because he is a pathological liar, but last year he showed up at my door with a 4 page fax from Overlake Hospital with the death certificate of another Microsoft employee who committed suicide. The last page is on my web.

He was ranting at me and claiming that Microsoft was going to do the same thing about me. He is always trying to make me paranoid, so I just ignore the guy for the most part. I find this whole thing quite funny. Mrs. Gates has to be just as stupid as these people and just as psychotic to believe any of them. LOL

I've taken these documents and others supporting the retaliation to the FBI and continue to pursue a criminal investigation. My metro bus may not be able to get me to a doctors appointment in Seattle, but I don't need an appointment to seen the FBI. The bus leaves me off on 4th and they are one block away on 3rd, I pick up my bus home on 2nd. One, two, three... So Melinda can continue to do what she is doing. I know her marriage to Gates can be annulled because he was coerced into it. This is why she harasses me. The thing that is bizarre is that all of these people have low IQ, learning disabilities and most are psychotic. Does Mrs. Gates think she is getting accurate information about me from people like this.

I still have massive problems with my left arm. Even the act of eating can cause massive muscle spasms on the left side of my back and neck because it's a repetitive movement. It's very difficult to let my left arm just hang most of the time and use only my right one. But the right one still works and has developed more muscle since I started my experiment. This situation could be totally fixed given our present technology. My uncle has a small plate in his neck that keeps his vertebrae in line. My sister has three fusions in her neck. They are both just fine and live totally normal lives. My uncle is local and was a programmer at Boeing when he was hurt, so I know that can be done here. Oh, that's right, you didn't know that I had an extended family in the Seattle area did you. Well, Chuck knows Mick Hallman also. LOL He has major economic losses from what happened to him at Microsoft. There are just a few people in town who don't like Steve Ballmer and have worked closely with the government.

Today Dec. 18, 2004, it's been almost a month and my face, shoulder and dislocated elbow are still a mess. It's just on the side of my face now.

It's been 13 days since I had the last accident (in this picture) and I'm still a mess. Don't for get to check out the other pictures. The ones of my knees from last summer are a real kick. I was going down hill in my defective wheelchair and hit a bump in the side walk which cause the chair to hurl me out. I've had this happen many times. At least I didn't hit my head this time. But those knees too almost 2 months to heal.

Why are these people so obsessed with us? You wouldn't believe what went on with my insurance case. During the psychological assessment, they were grilling me about you. They demanded I give them your phone number? Where is this coming from. I haven't even sent you an E-mail since early 1999. This was Safeco. Do you have a conflict with Reed?

Why do I think you have people on the Board that would like to get rid of you? Perhaps for the same reason that I know that Ballmer was trying to get rid of you for years. Now that he is CEO he has a different view? Scared Balllmer? LOL

I was just told by a sales rep at PC Mall that they are selling more Mac these days than PCs because of your bad security and the instability. Cool. You can run Virtual PC on the Mac... so you may be saved for a while but only for a while. When it's over it's over. Apple has already started taking your server market in the government. That is domino effect. And you don't have any other products in the works that looks like they stand to make a profit? X-BOX, Tablet PC, Swatches, PDAs, etc. Your not making a profit on any of them. In the small device category, you can't charge what you do on the PC because it would make the cost prohibitive and these products would sell. If you were smart you would also port .NET to the Apple.

I've been viciously harassed because of you! And your father? Do you know they really hate him around here? Especially in the Bar Association and at the UW. God only know what they think about him in the United Way. (I noticed the Old Man isn't on the National Board of the United Way.) He uses your money as a political tool to push people around. So does Melinda and Patty. This is one of the reasons you lost the antitrust case. People in D.C. don't like people who use their money to try to buy cases.

I'm seriously considering suing the Gates Foundation because I have so much evidence of them interfering in my life. Having my social worker from the City of Seattle telling me they didn't want me leaving my house and interrogating me about you was pretty telling. Agency after agency getting paid money to screw me over for either social services, medical or vocational services. Where is Jaime Garcia these days? Gary Locke refusing to investigate any of it. Is he going to work for Preston Gates and Ellis now? THE FIRM! I bet they are over billing Microsoft (and everyone else) just like in the movie! LOL What do you want to bet? I know why you rock... Your surrounded by psychotics and idiots. LOL And that is what your father is--idiot or psycho. Wouldn't be ironic if your father had prostate cancer?

My physical condition is totally fixable. But because of your father and Melinda and they way they use YOUR money in the Gates Foundation, I've been denied that medical treatment and social services I need to recover. I'm very unstable. Trying to do my own physical therapy on my own is resulting in a lot of accidents. Eventually, Medicare will have to investigate what is going on here because of the medical bills. But don't ever think you are going to kill me off this way. My research is paying off. My own research from the 70s and 80s, combined with Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science and my research in the Genome Project have totally change this women who use to scoot around on the floor to who I am now. I'm in the process of putting up a video of me dancing (as soon as my face heal.) I've got to be really careful about my neck-Ti Chi, but baby can I ROCK N' ROLL.

Isn't it too bad that people like Christopher Reeve and other can't benefit from my research? Tell Melinda to take another shot. She will probably die of cancer herself... I think I can cure cancer and HIV/AIDS with my research. BUT that will never happen, because I won't give this away for free. AND I'm beginning to believe more and more in natural selection. So I hope those how have relished this 14 year stint of harassment get their in the! It really makes me grin. You will probably die of prostate cancer yourself. You see I do know what cause it and who is most at risk of getting it. AND until you understand the cause, you can't cure it! Same with AIDS.

So you want to be a wizard? Have you ever seen a Mother of Vinegar? I'm laughing at that. You have the talent, but baby you are feeding the wrong people. There is really no wizardry to what I do. It's all just basic technology.

One of the term papers and presentation I did as a freshman in high school was on the history of clothing. Lets take that pointed hat that is now associated with witches and wizards. It was a very high tech object of the time. The one thing that could kill you quicker when out in the open cold weather, which is were people were without modern vehicles, was a wet head, especially if their is a win chill factor. So they had a steep pointed hat with a much larger brim that wouldn't get blown off in the win and would keep their head dry.

Their magic cloaks were made of unwashed wool that were quite ruff. This is because natural wool has lanolin in it, a highly priced water propellent at the time for some Wizards and it could be brushed to shed the water. Common people washed their wool and spun it, loosing it's protective qualities. So a common man in washed woolen hat would die going out in weather that a pointed hat wizard could handle. Folklore. Magic? NOT. Technology.

They rarely bathed or washed their hair for similar reasons. Now the rich were living in palaces and they wrote the books. Enough has survived of the ways of 90% of men and their technologies to make history straight even in today's time. So I will make you a REAL wizard, but it will be in real wizard garb suitable to the smartest people on the planet at that time. And by the way, I'm an most certain that even Leonard Da Vinci had a pointed hat of his own in his time because he hated the wealthy and was always going out to study the elements himself. Being able to do these things that would kill a normal person made them wizards. So when you see me in my wheelchair going down the street and taking risk that others would not, it's because I'm also a wizard! And the people in Issaquah know it. Maybe I should make a REAL pointed hat for me. With my long white hair it would be quite a mystery. So if you REALLY want to be a REAL wizard baby, you need to hang out with one like me.

I will be 54 soon and as you can see there are still no lines on my face of any notice, yet my hands do betray me from much work they are warn. You can continue to attempt to hurt me but in the end I will have won. And you can bet on this. For even if I die I win at this point. People all over the world still and translate my website. I hope I offer them a new hope in an new age. If I can survive the attack by a large corporation like Microsoft for all these years I must be something right. Every time they hit me they loose more and we sometimes call this Chi. It's REAL. I'm REAL. So take it from my leave. I've survived their assault as a disabled women with only my wit and Chi. Even if I die soon, a blessing at this point. They have not even put a wrinkle on this face of fear or horror. Of course these men who are all 5-7 years younger than me have way more years on their faces.

This is the CEO of Microsoft--The most powerful man in the world. Trust your gut on what you see. I am going to make this man a major morph image with expressions and posses you won't believe. Every Zit scare on his face will be in high relief. Isn't that what a BUMP MAP is for? LOL

Now remember, I'm 6 years older than this man and look at his face! It's my hands with the liver spots that always give my age away, not my face! Yep I have hundreds of pictures of this man to put together a really realistic picture of him and will be able to morph him into his most outrageous facial expressions for my friends using POSER 5! ROCK ON! Now I could go to the archive on Bush but that will have to be another day!

What goes up must come down, but even though this is what the graph says your stock ticker is saying something else. Yep, this is one of the ways Microsoft made all that cash--by bogus numbers. It just went down 1.52% yet that ticker on your Swatch PDA or Computer says it's the up. Do you buy or sell after such heavy trading the previous day? High volume is the best indication of insider trading.

I believe this pose is for the NeoNazis in the Microsoft Developer Network that illegally elected Bush. It's amazing how he does this stuff. As a retired women engineer, I investigated this, and it was a rig election. Well, look what you got boys. If he continues, we will have a draft in 2005 like we did in my youth. Post Traumatic Stress and Body Bags, destroyed my ability to have a mate that was mentally stable. I don't want to see this happen ever again. The number dead in Iraq is over 1,000. They are the lucky ones. Coming back disabled is the real horror story. You have all your civil and human right taken from you and are force to live in a bureaucratic immigrants system run by immigrants from third word countries who hate Americans. In most third world countries the aged and disabled are left to die and that is what you get here.

Just yesterday, (Oct. 29) after waiting a half hour in the rain in my wheelchair with two umbrellas, yet another bus had a lift problem. But this time it got stuck and it could go any where. The bus was in a major intersection during rush hour in Bellvue full of commuters. So the traffic backed up then a 210 came and since it was also going to Issaquah, they all transferred. I almost got left because they count find a place to pick me up because the other bus was in the way. But since it was raining, the driver decided to pull into the other lane and lowered the lift in the middle of the street. LOL Now both lanes were blocked and the traffic was really backing up. I'm always very slow about getting on the bus when these situation occur because they happen so frequently. I sit on a heavy blanket on my wheel chair and always come prepared . I have no appointments to make. It's not that much a bother to me.

For some reason, when I call either Metro or the county ombudsmen they think, because I'm the disabled person, that it's a complaint about my situation. I was told by Simms office to call the ombusdsman and he was just plan nasty to me. He said, you've been in here before. I said, "Yes and you didn't invest agate anything." Evidently you are NOT a real citizen if you are disabled in this state. I couldn't get Governor Locke to investigate a situation where someone had illegally cut off my Medicaid by seeing the number of people covered to zero. I wasn't even notified so I was also denied the right to a hearing on it. I only found out about what was going on with it when a computer program sent out an automated letter reporting the change when someone changed it back to one after I got an attorney. And he also wouldn't investigate when a someone in the state sent me SPAM from a state computer for 6 days every 20 minutes. For some reason this page will not display in Safari on the Mac. Maybe because I have some E-mail header information that shows where the SPAM is coming from, a state computer at So you have to have IE to view this. But you can view this.

Actually, I love it when I cause this kind of chaos. I'm a shut in and am very board. I usually start doing mental calculation on the actual cost to the county of not maintaining these lifts and of denying me Access transportation because of Laidlaw, who is a contractor working for both Metro and Microsoft. I sued for harassment over 10 years ago and Laidlaw seem to feel they can promote themselves by discriminating against me.

It's really exciting to talk to many very wealth people who live in Bend and commute via the bus. On this date, many were missing their transfer to Bend and were NOT happy about it. I had this happen in the Bus tunnel in Seattle and we held up buses for about 20 minutes. It was so funny. Think about how many buses we backed up that day. I was on the bus and then she couldn't get the lift to stow. Then after being walked through a reset of the electronics by BASE, she couldn't get the doors to close. They finally close and we get to somewhere between Westlake Mall and the tunnel entrance and the whole electronic system shuts down.

I was talking to a reporter at the Seattle Times and he asked how often does it happen a year. I laughed and said, you mean a month. On a few occasions I had my electronic camera and you can check out some of the photos here. We are frequently held up because after I get on the doors to bus won't close. They eventually do close but it always delays the bus and that means people on the bus with me miss their transfers or are late for an appointment.

The belts don't work either. Yesterday I had a severely disabled child in a chair next to me. He was in a chair that had belts connected to it that were just lying there on the floor. His chair was very heavy. If we had stopped suddenly he could have been crushed because he was belted into his chair. I don't do that. I would rather fly free and hit something than by in a chair and totally crushed by it's 150 lb weight. And if I do get injured due to their negligence, I will simply sue metro.

On this Friday, with all these people really wanting to get home off one of the 3 Bellevue I90 exit, we had one bus that must have ended up blocking a lane for an hour or more and another that block the other lane to load me so that both were blocked for about 15 minutes. It was a major traffic jam for people coming off the freeway, yet no one in Metro seems interested in correcting the problem. I'm looking at this mess and thinking about how much it's costing and these people like the King Co. Ombudsman just refuse to even investigate it. One of these days, that guy sitting across from me with the silk suit and leather brief case who keeps looking at his watch is going to get really ticked off and we will see some feathers fly.

As for me, it's extremely funny to watching all these people with jobs and by the way they dress, good one, get upset while I've been denied the right to work for 14 years. Perhaps I should try a daily commute to Seattle and transfer to the 550 on Mercer Island so I can go into the bus tunnel and cause a bit more chaos. (Gee, billg, do you know what is wrong with all these buses? How much money does it cost to have about 300 people miss an hour to work due to a bus problem or traffic jam? hee hee)

I'm pretty bored right now and this seems like real fun with Metro's maintenance being at such a low. I might have to swing by the Veterans Hospital and recruit a few more wheel chairs. Perhaps we could do this on Nov. 10, the day before Veterans Day! This sounds like a plan. LOL We could have a really good time. We are all getting abused by these bureaucrats who come in from third world countries, get government jobs due to Affirmative Action and take out their hostility towards white people on us. I wonder who is suppose to do the maintenance on these buses?

Now for the good stuff

Now I'm going to have to buy one of these! Good to see Steve Jobs is back and with a smile on his face. Nice to see you recovered so well Tiger. ~

Rock n' Roll guys! So Jobs when are you going to add wireless to the iPod? LOL

Microsoft's response to the iPod?

Hy baby, I saw them at Bell Square by accident and played with them. What a joke! LOL They are really weird. They are bulky, ugly and they feel like those jelly worms the kids like to eat or a dead fish. Yuck. Does anyone do marketing research at Microsoft at all? Same with your new Win XP Media system. Billg, where is your smilie face? You worried honey? Next time have Ballmer do the PR for this kind of thing. LOL Take a hint from U2. Deal with Jobs instead of this Jerk! Microsoft is going down the toilet like a dead guppy.

There is a concept in business known as "First in the Market Strategy." What this means is that the first company to produce a product usually will monopolize this market. This is what made Microsoft such a powerful PC monopoly - DOS. Bill Gates understood this concept very well. I guess he now thinks these Swatches are going to be the next best thing? LOL

I bought a Mac Duel G5 this summer. I do 3D graphics and a lot of other very complex things. I also have an educational background in art, the performing arts, commercial art, electronics, programming, robotic, laser optics and AI. I worked my way through college writing sample code for small compilers, floating point math, lexical analyzer, Lex and Yacc in Unix, writing grammars for compilers and writing curriculum in Software Engineer. I was a student teacher for two years and my software student hated me when I made the emulate hardware in software to do math. Then when the project was over they were really amazed at what they had learned from emulating something as simple as a half adder. LOL

Lets just say I'm a very complex person who as a child was taking apart anything and everything way before kindergarten and putting them back together - and they worked. Let's just say it's a compulsion with me. So when I determined that our society was broken it really disturbed me. Then I enountered Microsoft and well, it was really broken. I knew something had to be done. So when they decided to Tango with me, I said, "Let's Dance." I decided that we should form a REAL dance party for this Tango and recruited a lot of others to enter into our Ball Room competition. Microsoft lost. They are dancing with two left feet and have not agility for bending in either direction.

The music on this page is the Tango Jealcusie/Jealousy which I feel is very appropriate given our situation. There are a lot of sexual overtones in the Tango. Thinking of a nerd doing the Tango, especially those at Microsoft who are all into porno, makes me laugh. I took ballroom dancing when I was about 11/12 years old. I took other dance lessons at a very young age. I also did figure skating. I love dancing on skates, especially when going backwards because you can go so fast. I had an unknown benefactor that I never knew. As a result I my older sister hated me. I love to dance but the boys were always much shorter than me. You have to be able to look each other straight in the eye to Tango. It's just that way. So I lost interest.

As I lean both the Apple OS X operation system, click and drag, differences in terminology and culture, I'm also learning new 3D and other graphic programs. I've done extensive research on the G5 and PowerPC CPU, and it is truly a breakthrough in technology. In Poser 5 does figure modeling which includes flowing hair, moving cloth and every imaginable thing I've seen in 3D graphics. I'm learning it now and the render times are amazing. I've never seen anything this complex render this fast! I've never had the G5 crash. I've had iTunes going, Potoshop open, a render in Poser working and been working on GoLive and it didn't hang up or crash. I've had Poser crash on exit only twice due to my own error, some utilities crash and that is about it. So far I've not lost any data. It's an amazing breakthrough in PC technology.

So back to this "First in the Market Strategy" thing that Bill Gates did. Who ever is first to develop REAL unusable programs that take advantage of both the unique architecture of the PowerPC and the parallel processing of the G5 are looking at programs that may run as much as 15 times faster than what we are seeing right now on the Intel based PC. And let me point out that Apple now has this system as low as $1,200. We are talking about running full screen and full frame movies on your G5 that cost about 1/3 what you would pay for a Plasma TV and with just as good resolution. With game technology, the realism could include things like solar flares, ray tracing etc. Then there are those complex spread sheets that take so long to process, science simulations, and we could go on and on regarding the possibilities. Who ever is FIRST to begin a software company dedicated to developing parallel processing applications for this technology is most likely going to ended up being even more wealthy than even Bill Gates.

Oh and I forgot to mention, the G5 comes with development tools. I figured these same tools for Windows XP/NET would cost about $3,700. It's an open source system with a lot of community behind it very much like the Linux world. So after you consider the cost, it's cheaper to develop on this platform that on the WinTel platform. You know if you want to get the really hard work done I guess Jobs is the one to do it. Thanks Steve! It is truly amazing. And by the way, so is the iPod.

This is one of my 3D sketches. It took me about 15 minutes to put this model together about 4-5 minutes to render her. It has 3 lights, shadows, ray tracing and individual hair strands, each with hundreds of polygons. It's amazing!

You can find some very complex and amazing Poser 5 graphics at Curious Lab's website.

Another thing that is amazing is the Ethernet card. I download a 157M file in only 13 minutes over broadband. Having taught I/O in higher Ed myself, I know that the PCs with Windows I/O has always been really bad. But when I went over the system's hardware architecture I was amazed at the way it was being handled. There are several layers of multiple processing systems going on aside from the two CPUs--which can also do multiple processes internally themselves. This design seems to be like a 3D tearing system that allows multiple process to go on in I/O as well as other areas and then converge through a hub.

The I/O in all areas are faster. A hard driver search is amazingly fast also. It's wonderful. The only time a search is slow is when I attempt to search my FAT 32 external hard driver from my older PC! LOL And boy can I hear those driver thrash and they are totally defragmented. So there is obviously a secret to what they do with their file system also.

Of course, I was one of those people who supported the NeXT platform in 1989. We could have had much of this technology over 10 years ago. But Microsoft used their monopoly in the software industry to block development on the NeXT platform. This is one of the issues that I will never forgive Microsoft for. If for no other reason, really consider doing development on the Mac OS X if for no other reason than to STOP Microsoft.

Like I said, Thanks Steve Jobs.

Some of us are very highly focused on creating things. And then there are others, such as Microsoft, who are very very focused on destroying, which is what really came out in their antitrust case. Well, you can really see the difference in the results. While Microsoft was out trying to destroy everyone, and still is, as my own situation illustrates, others ignored them and just stayed positive in their desire to make it all happen. AND it's wonderful. The US government also agrees. They bought 1,560 G5 servers for the military. So there is another market for application development.

So here is the deal. We all forget about Microsoft and their tying of their MediaPlayer into the OS. From a technical point of view, this will continue to cause them security problems and degrade the performance of Windows. That's a "Good Thing" for Mac OS X developers! Now that the Military has started buying the G5 and Apples has started bring the price down, it would seem that the market could really GO! If we just let Microsoft have it their own way, it will in about 5 years screw them all up. You can remove iTunes easily. So this could be a major selling point for business. First into this market is something we can be sure that Microsoft is not going to compete. Not having to compete with Microsoft is one of the MOST enticing reason to do development on the Mac!

Anita Borg, one of the most progressive women in the computer industry and moderator of the systers list, died at only age 53 last year. As things are going, I'm about to be next due to a progressive degeneration of my own health that has effected my heart after 14 years of unchecked harassment by Microsoft and their stooges. I've had all my social services and handicap transportation cut off. And for the past year someone who is stalking me, has interfered with my ability to get medical treatment for MS. Last year it was medical treatment for a dislocated and broken elbow.

Lets hear it for sexism and the impact male harassment on women is having in the computer industry. Well boys (not men) when I died you are going to really have a GHOST in Microsoft and bug up the you know what. Count on it! Perhaps Anita is also doing some haunting herself... She didn't like Microsoft and was very concerned about my situation.

Microsoft is the most sexist and sexually hostile corporation I've ever encountered. Anyone who would harass a physically disabled women would by clinical definition be psychotic. I've even been personally harassed by the CEO-Steve Ballmer myself. I always wondered what his wife though about his obsession with another women... :-) The sexism at Microsoft started right from the top and trickled down like sour piss. You have NO BALLS Steveb if you have to attack a women, and a disabled one at that! And what you pulled on Billg with the antitrust case... I will never forget either. Happy haunting and Happy Halloween... <grin><grin>

Gates' anger was apparent in his signature on that declaration he signed in my case the day before the marriage announcement. The top signature is from the declaration and you can see the anger in it. The bottom one is how he normally signs his name. He has open loop on his letter normally, and look at the W in William. There is also the pressure in his hand when he signed that declaration. Yep, I wonder where dear old Jon Lazarus is today? Raise the dead man baby... LOL

I've written on my web before, I'm a mystic. I use to get up in the morning, make a wood fire, get my husband off to work at about 5:30 AM, then in bare feet and flip flops, and sweat shirt, proceed to go out an milk the cow in below freezing weather. I'm a very disciplined women who has studied this mysticism since 10 because of my unusual abilities. I'm really getting good about moving the weather aren't I? And I'm once again, not only able to walk, I can dance. I can also snap my fingers. Cool. It's all about committment, focus and discipline. Oh, and you have to believe in yourself and your abilities. That is key.

How about that storm. I was kind of pissed off about the bus so I begin to focus and here comes the Wind. And then the power goes flicker flicker and out in a few places. And I just grin. I don't think humans understand how much they can effect their own weather. LOL

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