As a public service I'm going to be publishing court document regarding that are very hard to get regarding Barbara Campbell vs. Microsoft Corporation.

When an Angel curles it's wings that means they are really very angry... Watch out!

Oh yes, and this month Ballmer yet again proved his stupidity in public. As he points the finger at everyone stealing music, fact be known, his own engineers have claimed that they have been forced to steal from just about everyone. In fact, the more Ballmer points that finger, the more I know he is projecting his own behavior else were. Yes, Ballmer is one techno-idiot. If you doubt me, just read his deposition from the antitrust case! I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. No wonder his legal team didn't put him on the stand! It's so bad at Microsoft that the technical talent is fleeing, some with Bill Gates support like Charles Simonyi. Yeah, baby it's really rocking at Microsoft. And Jim Allchin, Ex-VP of Systems has sold almost all his stock.

See, there is your REAL smilie face when you think something is really cool. This was in a magazine add. But then there was Ballmer who came in and enslave you and your DOS boys. So Billg, when are you going to do the Simonyi thing and quit? LOL Never stay in a place where you are not wanted. It's a waste of your creative talent! Let him have it. Longhorn is a Dead Cow and we all know it. Besides, I'm pretty sure your books are cooked. One of your engineers turned loose a worm that is silently modifying the accounting and over charging clients. I warned you about it years ago. If your clients find out that they have been over charged there will be massive fall out. Especially with the GSA and Military accounts. After all, these people in the government are all stupid anyway. They will never catch it. Right? That is what they said when I was working those accounts. Isn't that why I'm still being harassed? Aren't you getting tired of being attacked for the thing that Ballmer and his gang of thugs are doing? Aren't you getting tired of seeing this kind of thing on the web?

I put this one up for Halloween. Seems appropriate! LOL

Happy haunting and Happy Halloween... <grin><grin>

I've always had this vision about all the illegal things I saw going on at Microsoft. You are going to some day have the FBI and department or treasure come in an lock up all your business computers. I just hope you aren't still there to again take the blame for something you didn't even know about.

By the way, the Gates Foundation is about the same. I know your sister, Kristi Blake can see it also. After all, she is living in Spokane. I think it's to stay away from your father and his criminal buddies. When Bill was 17 he said all his father's clients were crooks.

Ballmer is under investigation also. There are media people at Forbes, the Washington Post and locally here in Seattle tracking his finances. We know what he makes at Microsoft because it's in SEC reports. So, the question is how did he come by all his property and a huge yacht that cost more to maintain than his salary? I bet the Treasury Department is looking into it also. Let's face it, every corporation in this country has taken a hit from the war and economy. Yet your cash and assets continue to grow and grow with no apparent reason to support it. The OEM's are all hurting, so your not selling product through them. So were are these assets at Microsoft coming from? You see it's not making any sense. If your OEMs aren't selling enough to support your sales, then how can you claim them?


Happy haunting and Happy Halloween... <grin><grin>

This is more the REAL Melinda. This is how she is with your children when you are not around. It's so bad that you domestics and others have attempted to use me to get this through to you. I guess that because she is so obsessed with me, they think I'm that other women in your life. Since she seems to be intent on doing to me what she did with your mother I have nothing to loose. It's always hard for me to no which one of the people around you, your father, Ballmer, Melinda, or some of the unknown faction still unseen by me, are messing with me. Melinda has attempted to use my physical disability against me.

She has used my COPES services and the people place in my home to spy. What always happens is that when people meet me, I'm such a nice nurturing women, that they change sides and I end up with spies in your own household. So I no quite a lot about what Melinda does and really is when you are not around. So when Jenny wants to go with you this is why!

Melinda has managed to make quite a name for herself locally. The contractors on your house hated her, the domestic workers fear her, the local retailer are appalled with her demands for wholesale prices, and in general, she just is NOT liked. Even the helicopter pilot who was taking you to the Hood Canal. It was the same at Microsoft also. Some of the artist were really freaked out about her and your marriage to her. I would think some of it was related to the money thing accept that I do handwriting analysis and her signature said it all.

First thing I noticed is a very big difference in her first name, the F for the French and her sig for Gates. Compare your Gates sig to hers. See the way the top of the G has two sharp point. And the way the t is crossed is like a slash. There is a lot of anger in her signature of Gates. This could be an indication that she doen't like being Melinda Gates on a subliminal level. There is a pattern to this sequence. It's kind of like what I said about the Prices Diana Complex. Her expectation doesn't meet the reality and responsibility of the position.

Now her fist name is very interesting. It's has no forward slant, and indication that she doesn't reach out to people, definitly not what she is pretending to be. The e is totally closed. The l is almost totally closed and then we get to the d and a which kind of bounce around. It's a very closed person that is kind of unstable. Yet the F us totally straight up and has this big loop? Were are the big loops in the Gates sig? In essence she has the signature of someone with a multiple personality, even in her pre-Gates marriage! Then when she becomes a Gates, her persona changes yet again. Now we have three Melinda's in one!

Melinda who expected a husband to take care of her and support her. French whose Father - whom I have talked to and he is about as bad as yours. I've yelled at him on the phone more than a few times. He just doesn't hear you. - has higher expectations and Gates a lonely and high pressure position. There is a lot of anger in the way she signs that name. It could be what is coming out with the children. Subconsciously, they are a trap. I don't know if I'm right, but I do know there has been an expressed concerned. Keep what happened with Lady Diana in mind.

My ex-husband acted like he totally understood what I was doing and talking about while we were married. The when we were going through the divorce, it turned out I had talked over his head for years leaving him feeling very confused and jealous of my work. When he expressed an interest in other women due to his loneliness, I gave him my permission to purse it because I felt guilty. That is what ended the marriage. Then it really got bad. Everything was coming out. I was so overwhelmed I saw a psychologist. He suggested a separation. We did and David was seeing other women almost at once. Amazing. We were totally opposite.

In contrast I give you Martha Stewart who was just sent to jail for lying? Well, it's certainly isn't in the character of her signature.

She is artistic, consistent, forward and honest. Look at her t compared to Melinda's t. I love Martha. We are so much alike and get hit with the same kind of crap just because we are highly intelligent women who are OK with being a women and don't feel like we have to be like men. I bet if Martha and I got together we could have one hell of a good time telling war stories. This very forthcoming, genuine and honest women is in jail. I'm a women who is also illegally imprisoned, not because I can't work I do work, but because of prejudice.

She seem to put on a very different face for you. She become whatever she thinks you want to see. She is a Poser. I think her interest is more to find a model for what a women genius so she can appear to be your perfect mate. The picture I put up of me singing to my daughter when she was 2 showed me with very long hair that is the same color that Melinda has now colored her. LOL

It wasn't long after this picture of me singing to my daughter went up that it came out that Melinda and Bill were now taking singing lessons and Bill joking tried to sing twinkle twinkle little star in some interview. Then Melinda started to grow here hair longer. Now it's the same kind of lighter brown mine was most of my life. This picture is very old so the color isn't good by a better one is on my other website here:

I watched a video of one of her speeches on the Gates Foundation's web site and she was quoting things that I had written to Bill about in E-mail or that were on my web site. Things like how about 50% of the world's population have never used a telephone. This I think has changed but not that much. Over 1/3 of the worlds population doesn't have safe drinking water.

I'm living in abject poverty, and they respect my intellectual views enough to spout them and never even consider compensating me or hiring me even as a consultant? Bizarre. At any rate, she is taking many of my ideas forward so, so I really don't mind having a Joan Clone (what is what the nerds called her at Microsoft 10 years ago) mimicking me. When people consider what it means to have true genius I always say, just be true to yourself and don't allow people to make you become something that your NOT! Whenever Bill goes out and does one of these stupid PR things, it saddens me quite a lot. Why do this? Your not being who you are. Why? You hated that watch so much that your attempt to smile looked like a grimmest. LOL

"To thine own self be true." William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was a very great man. His plays and poem are metaphors for many other grater wisdoms. So "First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers..." Stop listening to your father. Even in Shakespeare's time everyone knew they were corrupt.

I've started making my Melinda Poser Model. I don't have a texture map yet and may just leave it as is because with V3's texture map and the softer features I've created she looks almost sensuous. Any way, the nerds on the Internet will really get off on this one. She has a large nose, flared nostril, beady eyes, thin lips and almost flat eye brows which are in a constant state of worry and fear. I was working from an older picture about seven years old (and she is 14 years younger than me) but had a lot of lines on her face, especially on her forehead. You learn a lot about people doing portraits.

I call Bill Gates Mona Lisa because even when his face is totally expressionless, he has that mysterious smile, especially on the right side of his face. I became intrigued with his face while beta testing AVI in 1992. Microsoft gave us a CD-Rom with video clips and most of them were of Gates as a talking head. It was amazing to go through these clips frame at a time and watch what he did with his face while talking. Cute. And listing to his voice clips was also amazing. I've never seen anyone with such a complex communication style. He is a ver creative and honest person. It comes across in his face. I learned how to read a face and decipher it for psychological reason from a psychologist after my last divorce. He use cognitive psychology with me because of my high IQ. So I was getting all these hard core books on psychology to read. This is the one that help me the best because I am an artist.

Opposites attract, well it is certainly true here. Melinda's mouth frowns. There is no texture or bump map on this but if there were, the lines on her face would tell a really incredible story. She was only about 35 in the picture I was using so that was even more suggestive. So when I do a portrait of a person it is usually so I can study their psychology. When I did Melinda, I couldn't use the normal morphing tools because she has so much body arm in her face. This means her face has taken on the mask of her inner workings. He has a permanent fear etched into her face. She also has a frown etched into her face. She is both passive-agressive female and phallic-narcissistic. In other words she emotionally a child who is looking for a daddy to tell her how wonderful she is. And when that isn't happening or she is confronted directly, she passively begins to manipulate things, like my situation. Bill Gates seem surrounded by a lot of these people.

Narcissistic usually have either a physically or psychologically absent mother or mother figure in early childhood - before 7 to 12 when the personality is usually well established. We have a lot of people in the US like this due to he feminist movement. The last time I was going to attempt to save my marriage, the psychologist working with my husband called me and we talked. He said marriage counseling wouldn't work due to David's psychosis. And he sent me this wonderful article by Joan Lockard.

When you either work or are married to someone like this, you can become borderline yourself because your own perceptions of reality are effected by their views. You know, everyone is out to get you... so you better stay with me so I can protect you from them... Everyone hates you because of your success, I'm the only one who can love you. Tell me how wonderful I am and I will stay and protect you. Bla bla bla bla... If you criticize someone like this at work, the next thing you know they are sabotaging your work in some way. If you are married it can be just as bad. They may attempt to also sabotage your work because they feel they are competing with it.

I just did a psychological test on myself at this website.

I was laughing when I went to look at my score and what it meant.

INFP or iNFp

At least I'm consistent... LOL

This will be pretty hot with the nerds... if you get the picture.

She is a true POSER and a big secret. I've been on the receiving end of this women and she has absolutely NO conscious at all when it comes to using the Gates fortune to dick with people like me. In my case, it's a felony -- Malicious Harassment using my disabilities. Really sick. After doing some legal research, I found that given the circumstances under which Gates was force to marry this women, his marriage could in fact be annulled. The same criteria is valid under civil law also. I think coercing a person into marriage in order to obtain their wealth and status does count. Especially with the lack of prenuptial agreement when the wealth is so great. He would still be the father of his children because his name is on the birth certificate. And since she is guilty of insider trading and stock market manipulation, she could go to jail for life. When I file a lawsuit against the Gates Foundation, this coerced marriage is going to be a factor in it. It's my knowledge about what she did, especially with respect to Mary Gates who had cancer at the time, that is behind the harassment and retaliation.

Gates' anger was apparent in his signature on that declaration he signed in my case the day before the marriage announcement. The top signature is from the declaration and you can see the anger in it. The bottom one is how he normally signs his name. He has open loop on his letter normally, and look at the W in William. There is also the pressure in his hand when he signed that declaration. Yep, I wonder where dear old Jon Lazarus is today? Raise the dead man baby... LOL

I've decided to leave this POSER with the V3 body so the clothing will still fit. I enlarged her head a bit instead to get the proportions right. It seemed appropriate given Melinda arrogance and ego. I feel sad after doing the morphing. She really is not where she wants to be. It's too hard for her to live with you because she is always trying to POSE as someone else. She is trying to be what she thinks you want her to be instead of being who she really is herself. I do have a pointed witch hat for her but I haven't gotten into that yet. They have some really interesting clothes at But for the women who lust after diamonds and huge mansions, there is one outfit that truly does fit her well. Take a look.

Right now I have NO social services, my use of Access Van services was essentially cut off about a year ago when I attempted to use it to go to the YMCA. Then my scholarship to the YMCA was cut of just a few months after getting it. It really didn't matter since I didn't have a way to really use it. So I use Metro, and funny thing, every since they found out, I've had major problem with the lifts not working on.

I've written on my web before, I'm a mystic. I use to get up in the morning, make a wood fire, get my husband off to work at about 5:30 AM, then in bar feet and flip flops, and sweat shirt, proceed to go out an milk the cow in below freezing weather. I'm a very disciplined women who has studied this mysticism since 10 because of my unusual abilities. I'm really getting good about moving the weather aren't I?

How about that storm. I was kind of pissed off about the bus so I begin to focus and here comes the Wind. And then the power goes flicker flicker and out in a few places. And I just grin.


poete maudit

genius loci

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