Lyriv and mp3

It's now being used as a hook for installing spy ware and viruses on the machines of people who have religious and spiritual interest. Get it here: Lyric and mp3

I found out who the artist is. I had to get a Mac G5 to find her. Amazing.

She is European-Swedish and virtual unknown until I used her music here on this site. Her name is Magoria. I love this song and am looking forward to hearing more of the same angelic voice. She has other music. I would like to thank Magoria for this wonderful music. Sisters in Peace. Archangel in Red.

I am very fawn of Northern European music. It pleases us. I am distressed over the mostly black sexually charged music in the US. It's vulgar and meaningless. It is intended to make humans base and like lower level animals. So Sad. Humanity is being divided by God. Those that worship the body and those that live in the spirit as intended are being grouped.

The body is but a test for everlasting spirit. Lust for money, pleasure, power or fame is to lust for everlasting lust. Think about it. Rutting for the eternity of your whole existence. Think about it. Lusting for more money for the eternity of your whole existence. That is what Hell is all about.

Be careful what you wish for. God can give it to you. He can make your foolishness an eternity of hell and that will be what you wished for. God will give you life everlasting as a human--wanting and needing for every. That would be Hell as you wished it.

As a Caucasian, with European roots in my genetics, being able to find music and culture akin to my genetics over the Internet, It is like going home. Discover the music of your ancestors from Europe.


Love to all the Children

Redmond Rose~

The Color of Angels


Spring is in the air and so are some big bugs

Purple Passion

YANBU LE 29 ET 30 AVRIL 2004

Digital Divas and Insider Trading

Gee, billg we made one nasty storm over my e-mail on April 27, 2004. Did that thunder, lightning, wind and hail shake it  up a bit at MS in Redmond?  LOL I am suing your Gates Foundation and you will be stalk by people to server these papers on you--and so will your father and wife. See you on stage baby! I got over 100 Linux guys to do it too.

Seattle Times Tornado

Seattle Times 2

Messiah's Handbook,

Reminders for the Advanced Soul

Over the years I've made many post to the Internet about Angels.  In fact, in the early 90s a war broke out between the Angels and the Dogs. The Angels were the artist and creative people and often associated with Los Angels.  The Dogs were the Borg up here in Seattle and were associated with the Huskies.

It was really kind of funny. At first it was the local artist who were being harassed by Microsoft.  Seems that Microsoft felt they had to the right to demand free media from local artist. They hit on anyone and everyone from the local small artist to big media TV producers. They were NOW media savvy having produced a program and media format called AVI. Anyone remember how huge these files were?

AVI was actually stolen from Apple's QuickTime and never really did very well on the PC. We had another video format at the time called DVI that was produced by Intel. But, it was a compressed analog format. It required a chip set or board. This was the intention. And what it did was open up an analog box on the screen and stream digitally compressed analog signal.  Like other analog signals, it could be as small or as big as you wanted. So at the end of 1992, we could play Terminator full screen over Microsoft's network from the Rosebud Server in 15 frames per second. DVI had some artifacts in it due to being analog, but they were no worse than the ones we see on a typical TV. You didn't get that chunky block head stuff at slower speeds, instead you dropped frames, something that these other media formats all do.

We still can not do this with either MPG, QT, RealVideo or Microsoft's video format. The bit heads at Microsoft, didn't like this because they thought digital was better. Well, a digital picture is better, but most people can't see the difference. So to most normal people with IQ of 85-115. 

i'm still having people ask me to go back and so an OS again. Microsoft attacked me the last time. It was really promising too. I knew what normal people do.  I've had dinner in their homes and watched TV where the people had a green tint and the picture was so over saturated it was killing their TV.

So for over 12 years I've been trying to get someone to help me create a consumer OS that is equivalent to the automatic transmission in the automobile. This is one of my first attempts to get monetary backing for such a project. Well, Bill Gates knows I'm right about this whole issue, but instead of hiring me or backing this kind of project, he and his wife have repeatedly tried to do this.  One of their first big failure was BOB and Melinda French Gates was the product manager for that. I was almost rolling on the floor with laughter at Egghead when I went over to see what they did. They stole a concept I used and instead of getting that I was using a home and it's rooms as a metaphor for managing data on a computer they took it literally. The program was insulting and stupid. And what was worse, it was programmed in Visual Basic! Now that is really braindead!

I've continued to make the point that we need this automatic transmission... but now they are going with the AI stuff. AI doesn't work with normal people. This is because AI depends on some kind of consistency in the behavior. Normal humans are so random and inconsistent, these AI approaches totally screw up, causing their computer to crash and their data to change without them knowing why. AND this creates time lose, frustration and a very bad experience for the normal user.

I know exactly what they need, and how to do it. But you will never read a single word of it on this web site or anywhere else. My vision is too complex to risk that way any longer. Gates did .NET and now he can't figure out how to really make that work. And when I first proposed the broadband in the early 90s, I had a marketing plan that went right along with it. But that hasn't worked either. They just about did the opposite of what they needed to do.

All the components are there. The technology was all created for what needed to happen to move computers to what I call the Utility state. This is when everyone has to have what you are selling. This is when it is as essential to a person as the TV, electricity or telephone. This is how you move the Internet and broadband into a place where it is cheap and as prevalent as water.

So lets go back in time to before Microsoft's stock crashed in the beginning of 2000. This is one of my pages from my Transport.Com website that I posted in June of 1999 a few months after Gates and I were again censored.

Terminal Server 2 Terminator 3! :-)

You know, if you leave, you will be the visionary for the whole world. You will be the real wizard. If you stay, you will be frustrated. I know you are afraid. But I'm here. You have a friend in me... :-)

Gates and I got very rebellious in 1999 after we were again attacked by idiots. He became one of the Angels a long time ago. I knew he would quit. But even with his hard work, the guys on the outside of Microsoft still follow me. This means that if he stays in Microsoft, he will just spin his wheels forever. He has two choices. Either leave and start a company with me, or hire me into Microsoft. Until we are working together, you economy and MSFT will remain in the dumpster.

The design I came up with in the early 90s for a computer/network based utility is a totally new kind of technology. It solves the security problems for the non technical user, provides access even to people who are in lower income brackets and will also drive HDTV and other Cable TV products.  Like I said, it's all ready and just need to be put together. AND because I don't work for any single company, I've worked this out so that just about everyone in the industry will get a piece of this pie.

I've never stopped working on this and you know it. But I will not put these puzzle pieces together without compensation. Watching people attempt to steal from me is rather funny. And yes it was totally premedicated. I knew I could destroy the economy this way. No money for me so I give it away and create chaos in the wake of this mess.

Less than a week after Microsoft lost the EU antitrust case Gates appeared several times in pubic, barely able to contain his happiness. Perhaps he is going to leave.  He is also wearing Green. Green is the color of St. Raphael the Archangel of Hope and Healing.  So are you ready to turn this mess all around? I'm tired of waiting. I have everything ready to do, as you already know.

I was denied a hearing about services and my defective wheelchair. You should try driving a chair with only one back wheel touching the ground. It's like slipping around on ice. I'm in really bad pain. Harassing a disabled women is not making you look too good you know.

My most recent success was to get my neighbor down the hall living on less than $600 a month to buy broadband. He is in HUD so now this and his TV are what he is spending his money on . He is doing exactly what I expected. He is totally addicted to it. He has a large HDTV that he bought when he got his SSA back check payment, but now broadband is almost neck and neck.

One of the other things about most normal people is their addictive behaviors. This is what the advertising media exploits all the time. I would much rather see someone addicted to finding information on the Internet that can help them grow than going to a mall and buying garbage they really didn't need or eating junk food.

You know this is the case. How many Easters will pass with me suffering like this because of this hate.  Who are you married to?

Gabriel is the Archangel of Justice. He is the one who bares God message of pine Justice to mankind. He is usually seen in Blue.

Weaning people off of this mindless mental manipulation on TV and in the Media was my number one reason for going into this technology. I wanted to move people, especially women in he home, from these destructive behaviors and expose them to something that was productive. Being able to choose what you do, instead of being saddled with a set list of TV listings is a major issue. And being able to talk back to the TV is another vision that I have. Right now there re many shows that encourage this, but not everyone who wants to talk back has the means to do so. What I envision will definitely do this.

Bill, you seem to be loosing weight too.  Looking pretty good. I hope this is also based on good news.

The company is determined to fight the EU decision. I guess they still don't get it. Oh well, you will be sitting on hold almost forever. And we are at war. We need a change. We need something to pick up this world and make people happy again. Are you crazy. Can you see how to fly?

Back the to the Monkey Trap

I made this for you. I thought about mailing it but figured that the security people wouldn't give it to you. Then I thought I could deliver it. They would mostlikely arrest me. So here is the best thing I can do.  I know your father has fretted over my situation for years. I hang over Microsoft with all those horrid court document that your competitors are so willing to use in exparte meetings with judges. To change this, we must change the perception of our relationship publicly. You know I wasn't suing you for sexual harassment. The complain was about harassment and retaliation. It wasn't briefed so they didn't know it was about nerd bashing. You are the top nerd and bashed more than anyone I know. I want to find a way to make this clear. One of the reason Microsoft code and security is so bad, is that all the really smart people were either harassed out or bashed so badly they couldn't work well. I've had them say that it was impossible to do creative work in such a destructive environment. How about you? 

I would really like to give you the 42 page white paper about your systems vision from 1990. And I want you to have the Monkey Trap. It's a good way to demonstrate for MBAs why they look so stupid holding onto something in the face of even more pending danger. I think you could use this prop right about now. Because I'm the most dangerous thing to them. I exist. And they stupidly put all kinds of very bad things in court documents that can be used against them in the EU. Believe me, SPAM and pornography, especially child porn, are major issues in the EU. The fact that some people in your company were actively promoting both is an issue. You could end up with yet another antitrust case in the US on this one.

So why don't you humor to me about this. Perhaps we can come to some kind of common ground and put a different spin on this. And I will give you the Monkey Trap and show you how to make more.  There is a little Indian Video and Market called Mayuri on 152nd by the Overlake Park and Ride that has the biggest and best coconuts for making these babies. Check it out.  AND see if you can figure out HOW to do one yourself! It's very tricky business.  I bet you can't figure  it out!

And I was thinking... Perhaps one of my Bunny Men could start a cottage industry in India, Indonesia and Bali. Seem a monkey trap might sell pretty well here in the US.  It could be one of those Christmas gifts for the executive who has everything. LOL  Besides, I have my Bunny Men and you have your security problems... Maybe we can work something out. After all, given how much insider trading was going on in 1999, your wife and you could end up in jail. I always figured that you married her because her insider trading scheme made you so wealthy. You know, if they go after Martha Stewart for $45,000 I would bet there's pretty good odds that your wife could get life for a few billion here and there, especially given how much money everyone lost when that bubble popped.  It was really funny how that stock dropped when I went to the UW for medical treatment. So I did this test. I knew that they were gossiping again and it was effecting the stock price. So I made a scene at the UW on purpose to see what happened. You know what it did, in less than a week it went up like a shot. Check it out.  Dec. 2000.

The women obsess on me the same way the men obsess on you. Why is that? I'm confused about this. NOT! I figure that MSFT is only worth about $12 a share if the truth be know. Then again, I could spin it and the whole industry right into Heavenly space again.

This is what happened after I posted this.

Did you know that your software patches trashed Mathematica also. You know what their solution is? They say to remove Windows 98 and install Linux. Seems that your math problems are really do to software after all. How would you like to square off with Stephen Wolfram? LOL He gradated with a Ph.D. at 20. I think I'm one of the only people who understand his New Science and is applying it--with excellent results.  Oh, you really know how to piss people off boy.

Hey take a look at these pictures of my defective 

Right Wheel Not Touching Floor This is a really good one.

The Flat Free tires get flat.  They come with an air pocket in them so they always have a flat spot. There is no suspension at all so without air filled tires you get beat to death. They have discontinued this model and you can see from looking at the newer Jazzy model that they know about these design problems. On the Jazzy they put the two back tires on a suspension bar that is attached to the frame in one place. And they also have suspension on the drive wheels. The Jazzy is selling for about the same price. They have all these adds for seniors citizens on the TV where they say they will work it out for Medicare. Well, over charging Medicare for this is insane. I filed a complaint about it and nothing happened. CMS said that they could charge what ever they liked. It is a contractor that handles this for them--Premera Blue Cross. Someone must really be on the take for this one.

They just took a regular tire and injected foam into them. They don't even have an insert like normal flat free tires. This was paid for by Medicaid and it's all a total scam.

This is what the chair sells for.  I've been through 4 tires in 1 years and the tread is still good. Now we are ordering another set. They can't even be replaced with air filled tires and you have to replace both each time one goes bad because the 

These are pictures of my defective wheelchair. It has 4 solid wheels and no suspension. It's like a table with one short leg. Ever try to eat soup on a table like this?  I tried to do something about it. The company who sold it to me over charged Medicare by about $2,500 and delivered me this broken piece of crap. I requested a hearing about this because I needed help to deal with this after my first accident. My request for a hearing was denied! I don't have any services and my hearing was denied?  I've had all of my civil and human right violated in this community because of your family and Microsoft. 

Because these tires are bad in the front it causes at least one of the back wheels to be off the ground and not working. Trying to drive this wheelchair with only ONE back wheel is like being on an icy road. I've had numerous accidents from this. The one I noted on this page:

Ok Harry Potter - Overlake  Take a  look at the police report. They thought I was intoxicated. Actually, I have a minor seizer disorder that causes pate mal seizers that are infrequent and short unless they are brought on by a head injury or sever pain. Well you can see the head injury.  Under those conditions I become aphasic--no language. To be conscious and loose your ability to understand language is the scariest thing there is. I rarely have a problem with this but have been labeled developmentally disabled do to it just the same. I guess I shouldn't complain. I wouldn't be on social security if not for this because 10 years ago I didn't have but nerve damage in my hands and a chronic pain problem.

I got a letter from Access threatening me. As you know Laidlaw happens to work for Microsoft and they do the scheduling. This is a fraud. I don't use Access because leave me stranded all the time so I was quite surprised by this letter. Laidlaw, who schedules the rides, works for Microsoft, so I avoid them like the plague because they give out my private information to your people about what I do. This is the main reason I use the bus even though it's more dangerous. You don't have a right to know who my friends are and neither does Melinda. So I take the bus as you can see in this police report. I'm so tired of having my doctors and friends harassed by your minions. At this point I don't even get e-mail. After YOU spied on my e-mail and harassed everyone, people re afraid to communicate with me. Gee, I don't have any damages here due to your harassment do I?

This is never going to be over as long as this kind of thing continues to go on. I will use ever single piece of defamation and harassment against Microsoft. Even if this letter from Access were true, as a disabled person with MS and a crushed spinal cord, falling out of my wheelchair is not that unusual.  Treating it like intoxication and not taking me to a hospital like the Issaquah police did, is abuse. So while this fraudulent report is intended to defame me, it actually places these people in a rather bad light. People with physical disabilities frequently don't have control over the movements of their body, due to palsy. People assault us all the time just because our bodies jerk around. Even Steven Hawkings has been assaulted.

And sometimes I'm not in good enough shape to bath myself. I am in pain so bad that I go for too many days without sleep.  I go into the bathroom and look at the chair in my tub and know even with the chair, I'm at risk of falling. I have no help. So I do smell bad  and have bad breath sometimes due to a lack of sleep and poor hygiene. That doesn't mean that I'm intoxicated. I just get punch drunk due to no sleep. You know what I mean. LOL It means that it's time for me to buy something like vodka or wine to get me to sleep. I can only get 10 Ambien a month because of Medicaid restrictions on this kind of drug and they don't even work. You know what it's like to have a super high brain bandwidth. LOL

This whole thing with your wife and others at the Gates Foundation and Microsoft attempting to control my life is going to backfire.  I was trying to work with you to fix your security and math problems back in 97-98 because I was an asset for the CIA. I ended up involved with the government because of my father. I was working with them when I got in the auto accident. Even though the CIA who has no jurisdiction in the US, they still do intelligence work here. The security problem at Microsoft is very high on their list and NATO's too. We know that the integration of IE and your MediaPlayer into the OS is part of the security problem. So I speak for others and you would do well to listen. Don't buck this decision by the EU! AND stop trying to defame me. My government files go back to when I was a child and people don't do a 180 change over night.

They have major concerns about you and Microsoft! I'm not doing anything but posting this nastiness now, but can assure you that when you leave the country you have excellent of protection. LOL  I told the that if anything happened to you, your crazy fascist feminist wife would have all that money. Sexism being what it is, she is under surveillance all the time now. 

So you really might want to consider that lunch meeting so we can talk in person.  I can give you this 42 page document.  I also want to give you the Monkey Trap. I can assure you that the people in intelligence would feel a whole lot happier if you were working with me as at least a consultant. So when I say, you need to do a client using your embedded Windows XP, I'm not kidding around. We are at war. Get that through your head.  I started in on the security back in 1990. Then I spent all that time documenting and writing you about the security and math. And it took 9/11 before your people would even get serious about it.

By the way, I know how you got those military contracts. It's because of those backdoors you put in for them, isn't it. They know about this in Europe. They are not happy about the US trying to spy on them. Did you find out who it was in the company that agreed to do this?  All of these things you are now fixing could have been done over 6 years ago. 

Life is just a fairy tale. Do you have a fairy tale wife?  Are you Peter Pan or Pinocchio? Do you know what a fairy God-mother is? Do you want to life a Wlter Mitty Life?

If you want this MP3 angels.mp3, get it from your Internet Temporary Folder from this download. Don't get it off the net. It's now being used as a hook for installing spy ware and viruses on the machines of people who have religious and spiritual interest.  I've had this since 2001 so it's clean. You really DO know when your dealing with the Devil. Take it and this web very seriously. If you have the Crescendo Media Player as a plug-in for Midi and MP3 then when you get one as an embedded background sound you can use the player to save the file by clicking on the right icon. If a site takes too long to load, push the button on your modem or  computer and turn it off at once. This is a real war between Good and Evil, between pornographer and parents and peacemakers and the destroyers of all love and life. Feel free to copy and mirror anything on this site. That is the only way to beat these people.


Does anyone know the Artist and Lyricist?

In space between the worlds
Into the white lifetime we dreams
Colored - by our desires.

~Come morning our destinies.

Back to the place -
Where the scared lilies grow.
In dimension everlasting.

~We hold our head high

Walking with angels
Into the garden of delight
Walking with angles

Walking with angels
Peace and Love is on our side.
Walking with angles

Into the ambient -
Of peaceful quietness
Of breath of absoluteness

~when soul gains victory

Back to the place -
Where the golden river flows
In dimensions everlasting.

~We hold our head up high

Walking with angels
Into the garden of delight
Walking with angles

Walking with angels
Peace and Love is on our side.
Walking with angles

~The self that is beyond what is the self

~Into the wholeness of our beings
~Full is infinite and facelessness
~We create ourselves
~We create ourselves

Melting into timeless -
Open door within-see struggling
And be willing to let go

~Let go of things

Back to the place the place
Were the Phoenix prophecies at dawns.
In dimensions everlasting

~We hold our head up high

Walking with angels
Into the garden of delight
Walking with angles

Walking with angels
Peace and Love is on our side.
Walking with angles

Walking with angels
Into the garden of delight (de--Lite--ite)
Walking with angles

Walking with angels
Peace and Love is on our side.
Walking with angles

The link to this song came from a Bunny Man so I never knew the artist. It could be from a real angel. Does anyone know who did this?


poete maudit

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genius loci



<bgsound src="Archangel_files/archange.mid" loop="-1">



















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