I love these monkey pictures. They are so sexy.  ... Love'n the Wild.


Modern Day Monkey Trap

Told by the Redmond Rose~


This is my Funny Face friend. He is a real Nut. Sometimes he does the strangest thing and makes the funniest faces so I think he is a coconut.

See what I mean. Now what is these suppose to be--prelude to a KISS? What a wonderful concept. I'll have to think about that one. With such a Funny Face it might be fun.

Well this Funny Face got himself in a lot of trouble. That seems to be one of his biggest talents.  He frequently mouths off before he things. I can remember a time when he was absolutely certain and will to make it very clear to everyone that Turbo Pascal was totally braindead and only Basic was good. I guess he never considered compiled languages, such as C++.  I'm sure this is behind the Java mess too.

Then there was the time he thought we only needed 64K of RAM, then soon it ws 640K of RAM and NOW... if you don't have at least 512M you computer may not work for you. I remember when he thought  everyone would want information at their finger tips.  Gee, I know a lot of people who are throwing their cell phones out. There are others who are throwing their computers out and using only smart cell phones.

Astrology is one of the oldest valid sciences. Chinese is even older, and sometimes more valid... It can explain a lot--Goats are the Walter Mitty types. But the Snake is ... Think about it.

This is the Chinese Character for Tiger

Point is: People buy things and uses them because of the novelty and peer pressure. Then there is saturation of the market. Then their to many competing products. The consumer becomes stressed out. They may even become physically ill. Now the product that was once loved in now an evil enemy. The consumer burn out,   backlash occurs and the market for that product takes a major tumble.

I saw this coming in the computer industry in the late 90s and began bugging Bill Gates about it. His company was in the Monkey Trap. While they were wasting time on antitrust, the industry was getting ready to take a dive.  So he quit as CEO and went back into the trenches with the other nerds. So I wrote this for him the following Fathers Day in 2000. 

At the beginning of 2001, the market crashed right on time.  No matter what I said, not one paid any heed. Instead, everyone got stuck on the in the Monkey Trap, crying "Innovation" instead they should have been making a new "Creation."  Right now the Japanese and other Asians corporations are miles ahead.

Times change. People rethink things. And some young kid comes up with something totally brand new. This product addresses the needs of his generation. Now the whole process begins running it's cycle again.

The Monkey Trap Story by Mother Teresa

I know who the Golden Monkey King Is....

This is a Monkey Trap that I made myself. It was a true labor of love for this aging old women due to my weakening  condition. But I think that being able to truly illustrate this problem It was worth the pain. 

Modern methods of marketing spend a lot of money making what they have to offer look much more than it really is. I did this one myself. This is the seduction. It's a total illusion. As we like to say: All that glitters is NOT GOLD.

I really had to hunt around to find something for this monkey trap. My daughter left a few things around and I had an old crystal in my window.

It was really difficult arranging these trinkets because when you put your hand in and grab them you can't take your hand out just like that monkey. This is why in my life I have always stayed away from money, men and fine things.  I've always know the way of the mystics and this monkey trap is key. So I used chopsticks.

I love rainbows, moonlight, looking at the stars on a clear night. What do I need with pearls and diamonds when a flower in my hair does just as well. People place too much value on these things. In my mind the more you have the more you have to work at keeping it in order and protected. I like spending my time in more productive ways--like pondering why double rainbows refract opposite.

When my children were young I use to braid buttercups or daisies into flower wreaths. And they would dance around and giggle. They were really happy and felt more special to have a flower wreath than to go to the malls and get a new hat.  But this is because we had no TV or Radio and lived in a rural area.

When life is simple, happiness can be found in morning chirping  of the birds or the buzzing of the bees. I still love listening to the birds in the morning and watching the squirrels running through the trees.  What I hate the most is the sound of a refrigerator or the hype on radio or TV. And if I didn't have a physical disability I would be using a computer right now either. I really can hate these machines too.

I tend not to get caught in monkey traps. My fist marriage was essentially over after only three months. It took another three months to find another place to move. It's amazing how different  people are when they don't have a ring on your finger.

I've never owned a real wedding ring either. No this women would never put a diamond ring on my hand or even a gold band. It's a sign of owner ship and also can be very dangerous if it gets caught on the wrong thing... I and a small silver wire ring that I forgot to take off in a laser lab and got a major sap of voltage when it bumped the wrong thing. I was lucky this transformer only was about 400V. 

I've also watch girls in gym get runs in their nylons from wearing rings. What bimbos. I didn't wear nylons to school preferring dance tights. But these bimbos would continue to attempt to wear these big rings even though they constantly got them caught in their hair and would run their hose pulling them up after toileting.  It's humorous. I have such vivid memories of girls with long finger nails and rings attempting to wiggle into those hose without getting hosed in them.

See this is what the monkey trap is all about. It always makes me laugh.  I've seen insane incidents in women's room over fixing a run in hose due to ring damage. Usually they have to find finger nail polish or carry repair kits. Then they have to repair the run before they can pull the panty hose up. This is because with most of these hose pulling the makes them run more. The polish or other goop has to dry first.

I've always had a lot of respect for Hillary Clinton because I'm sure she wears pants because of this bother. I've always warn my dresses mid calf or pants for the same reason. Usually I could wear scandles this way. Yep, I hope Hillary does run for President someday soon. She has her head really set straight and is extremely smart.

I don't know how many times a girl friend of mine has gone into these whimpering complaints about how she was so lonely because her hubby or boyfriend was always too busy with other things. Or would complain about his behavior or dress or grooming.  And I would say: Why don't you leave? And the reply: But I love him so much... Somehow this never really logically fit.

I had one boyfriend that was bothered by my book shelves. He felt that I should put my books in some order according to subject and then alphabetize them. He had a wall of CDs all in alphabetical order by artist and then by Title.

I have a very functional manner in how I have my books. Its about how I use them. I keep the books I use the most closest to me and the other further away. When I'm working on  a project I stack them... LIFO POP. That way I don't have to move them around much. I'm extremely lazy about that. Well, that monkey was out of my life quite fast.

To this day I have never used the MediaPlayer on my computer. I hate it as well as all the organizational tools.  This is because I organized media by date. It's easier to remember what I was doing when I got something and what the time of the year was etc. It burns me up that I can't set my file system to organize this way. Sometimes when I sort the folder I get annoyed because it takes so long to sort.

In my life I've always a been a very fast mover. Even with  a physical disability. This morning I had  to change a wheel on my wheelchair. Too bad someone wasn't filming this. I have to laugh when I think of how many creative solutions I had to come up with to get this dune. The number of work around I had to come up with to accommodate my weakness was amazing. I was scooting around the kitchen floor pulling tools out of the bottom cupboard.  I couldn't believe how many workaround I came up with and how fast I could do it. 

Of course I do have telekinesis and in a real pinch I use it.  I found that my scissor jack was a bit too high for this machine. In seconds I spotted a piece of partial board about 2'x1' against the wall behind where my machine goes that helps protect the way. So I scooted over got the board and placed it in front of the wheel. then I drove the chair onto the board. It was so close but the jack still wasn't working.  So I pump myself and reach under the end of the board and using leverage, lift the wheel off the floor about 3 inches. Sid my knee under to hold it up and then slide the jack under the frame. Lifted the board and removed my knee and was done. Needless to say. I've been high all day and walking better too. <giggle> Now the fact that I'm walking at all, is something the doctors said I wouldn't do and that my condition would just worsen... justification for not providing treatment...

This experiment of mine is getting really good. Everyone has telekinetic energy, but some of use with really good spatial skills seem to know how to use it. You an use this to bypass nerve damage. Then what happens is the nerve tissue not damaged begins to grow to the energy the way a plant grow towards the sun. Try it with a house plant. They lean to the light. And if you turn them they will move back toward the light. Telekinetic energy inside the body works the same way with nerves.

About 20 years ago I came up with a method that would use a computer in a passive way to program brain how to do it. I went back to college for this purpose and studied every thing I needed to make this so. Of course, I don't do traditional medical like drugs very much either.  It waste your psi.

I saw a dog on TV the other night that had only two legs and they were on the same side and he was running like nothing was wrong at all. I learned what I know about from animals. Many of the bodies regenerative properties are stopped due to drugs. Drugs are one of those major Monkey Traps both for patients and doctors. Every time I see Christopher Reeves on TV I think to myself get him off the damn drugs. If you are loosing your  hair it's bad for you. It means you are toxic.

I'm still high and it's almost 11:00PM (Sun 3-4-04)! So I'm thinking maybe I should be doing more of  this to see if it would give my nerves a jolt. It's a bit risky with muscular weakness that makes my spin vulnerable  because I'm by myself. It's like gymnastics training. You really need a spotter.

My eccentric ways have lead to being single for more than 20 year now. My weird science projects would drive any sane person nuts. But the whole season I dropped out of college the first time was that I didn't want to get programmed into thinking like 2000 years of history. I didn't go back until I knew what I could do and needed the labs and equipment to test it. All true breakthroughs in technology have come from outside those institute. Even Einstein was only a patent clerk.

If you get caught in the money trap and find that it's putting you in certain conflict or danger let it go and try something else. IN this fast moving world, it's is the one who travels light, can move fast, and know how to turn on a dime that will win in the end. This is because the true winners aren't the ones with money, power or success. Winning is really about being true to your own self. Even if I never do anything with my theory, it doesn't matter. I'm having so much fun doing this stuff that I wouldn't want to stop.


I know who the Golden Monkey King Is....


Baha Men song lyrics

Move It Like This


Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and call the doctor woke him up
I said Doctor! Is there nothing I can take
I said Doctor! To relieve this bellyache
I said Doctor! Is there nothing I can take
I said Doctor! To relieve this bellyache

Oh let me get this straight

Oh mister Doctor man I think Iím going insane
My girlís been creepiní on me and my heart is filled with pain
Now I canít sleepí canít eatí canít stop this funky beat
Canít you hear it she keeps playing in my head
Baby You really drive me coconuts
Tell meí what am I gonna do"

You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and call the doctorí woke him up
I said doctorí is there nothing I can take
I said doctorí to relieve this bellyache
I said doctorí is there nothing I can take
I said doctorí to relieve this bellyache

let me get this straight

My temperature is up to 103
Is there anything you can prescribe for me"
Well the doctor said "Hmmmí now let me see
just keep your body moving thatís what works for me"
Babyí you really drive me coconuts
Tell meí what am I gonna do"

You put the lime in the coconut and drink them both together
Put the lime in the coconut and you feel better
Put the lime in the coconut and drink íem all up
You put the lime in the coconut and call me in the morning
doctorí is there nothing I can take
I said doctorí to relieve this bellyache
I said doctorí is there nothing I can take
I said doctorí to relieve this bellyache

I canít catch myselfí hey doc Iím sick
Iím feeliní all run downí Iím sinking like a brick
Iíve seen dots in front of my eyes
But you talk about coconutsí and youíre feeding me limes"
Different remedies youíre giving to meí but nothingís working
Docí if you donít tend to me Iím gonna be the big bad wolf
And blow your house down

You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
Put the lime in the coconut; youíre such a silly one
You put the lime in the coconut and drink íem both together
Put the lime in the coconut and you feel better
Put the lime in the coconut and drink íem all down
You put the lime in the coconut and call me in the morniní

Woooo Woooo
Is there nothing I can take
Wooo Wooo
To relieve this bellyacheí I said
Oh Wooo Wooo
Is there nothing I can take I said
Wooo Wooo
To relieve this bellyache I said
Yeah Yeah
Is there nothing I can take I said
Wah Wahh
To relieve this bellyache I said
Doctor! Is there nothing I can take I said
Doctor! To relieve this bellyache
Put the lime in the coconut and drink íem both together
Put the lime in the coconut and then youíll feel better
Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up

Now this guy is really singing about the Monkey Trap.
And this Monkey doesn't seem to know how to let go.


U C Well...

Not that this guy has a RED sweater on? LOL Yeah, those MBAs at Microsoft still don't get that thing about wearing RED and Open Source. :-)

I use to give people the code to Minix all the time as well as the C code to Lex, Yacc and Xlisp. Most of it fit on a 360K disk. LOL There are a lot in Europe who were frustrated over the high price of US software, so I did quite a lot of mentoring, in an attempt to move the potential hacker to more productive work.

My first install of MINIX was on an 8088... Looks like a phone number now to me... Yeah, and I use to get my CSD in OS/2 on 1.2M. Them were the days when people could program. So it only made since that some people wanted to code and others want to play around with cool tools that we start something new that was based on something very old and traditional. Charles Simonyi got it right--Intentional Software. LOL

In the late 80s while Microsoft and IBM were having their war over OS/2, I didn't get stuck with my hand in the monkey trap. No. I worked on both the open source Xlisp and Unix projects and was encouraging everyone to use this book and the code that came with it to start a new OS. You know what. Everyone got the idea about the same time and Linux was born. Thanks Microsoft for giving this women so much free time to promote open source Linux.  Yep, while IBM and Microsoft had their hands stuck in the Monkey Trap we merrily went our own way. Now Linux is the scariest thing to Microsoft today.

Microsoft also black balled me, so I began doing thing like this! You will note that the texture on Java which is a green back is upside down. LOL Yeah, I know must a little bit about Microsoft's math errors.

I remember the first time Microsoft attempted to head hunt me. I took my xlisp robotics project with me. It include both the hardware interface design for robotic controls and the device driver to use natural language to control robots. With xlisp you could expand the command using macros. Their engineers couldn't  even read it.

Then when Bill Gates attempted yet again to head hunt me in 1989, the same thing happened. Then when I went to work as a contractor in 1989 I found out why when I was attempting to read through their Windows 3.0 code. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Needless to say, it was the biggest hacked together mess I've ever seen. There were very few comments and in some places you would find a comment like: "You have now entered the Twilight Zone, Nobody know what this code is!" 

As for controls... well I'm not a bit surprise they have so many holes to hack. We use to have jokes in Redmond at other companies about how they didn't know who to manage a stack. Usually when you crash in Windows or lock up, it's due to this issues.  What we use to call out of control do loops, I now call object loops, uncontrolled function calls that go back and forth until the stack is gone. Now after more than 13 years, they are being force to rethink what they are doing.

Microsoft hired me in 1990 shortly after the first antitrust case. I was only their 4 days when I was sent on a business trip with to males. I was haze and assaulted, which resulted in injuries. I've been on SSI/SSA since 1994 due to the disabilities. To this day I don't believe that any of this has been an accident. I got another threatening letter from Microsoft attorneys the other day and they consider me the one who is harassing them?

Be real. These  people are crazy. Even though they know they were wrong, something that has been admitted to me by Tom Sullivan of MS Security in 1991, instead of finding a way to put closure on this situation, they continue to harass a physically disabled women who is now 53 and has developed MS due to year of stress from their continued assault. 

These attorneys at Preston Gates and Ellis are Monkeys and they do have their hand stuck in a coconut.  They commit one illegal act after the other without fear just because Bill Gates Sr.'s name is on that law firm. If I were Bill Gates Sr. I think I would be more concerned about protecting his family's name and take his name off that law firm. It's being use to intimidate and manipulate people.  What they are doing with the Gates name is not in keeping with what I know to be the Gates Family Values.  He may also consider changing firms of the foundation also. If he ahs any doubts about the seriousness of this, I'm more than willing to allow him to look at the bizarre legal document I have that they have produced. The one from Connecticut is really out there. They say I'm harassing them and then fight me when I want to leave town.

This isn't about harassment, it's about control and retaliation. I've never done anything to these people at all accept attempt to help Bill Gates understand the math problems  because I knew they no longer teach the math at the level I know it and help him understand  the government security concerns. Attacking someone working with the government regarding major security issues is a federal felony. The penalties for this kind of whistle blower harassment is up to 16 year for each incident and $200,000 fines. 

Bob Marley song lyrics

Babylon By Bus

Rat Race

Ah! Ya too rude
Oh what a rat race
Oh what a rat race
This is the rat race

Some a lawfulí some a bastardí some a jacket
Oh what a rat raceí rat race

Some a gorganí some a hooliganí some a guineígog
In this rat raceí yeah!
Rat race
Iím singing
When the cats away
The mice will play
Political voilence fill ya city
Donít involve Rasta in your say say
Rasta donít work for no C.I.A.
Rat raceí rat raceí rat race
When you think is peace and safety
A sudden destruction
Collective security for surety

Donít forget your history
Know your destiny
In the abundance of water
The fool is thirsty
Rat raceí rat raceí rat race

Oh itís a disgrace to see the
Humanírace in a rat raceí rat race
You got the horse race
You got the dog race
You got the humanírace
But this is a rat raceí rat race


The Gathering... Coming together to heal the planet... Mystics of the world unite!

Love to all the children




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