A tale of REAL and Imagined Computerized Events
This page may have some errors. I'm almost blind so things get past me. Please let me know if you find any. I some leave errors intentionally as a form of motivation to get people to dig deeper. :-)

If this link doen't work, got to http://www.corbis.com and do a search on WAR Posters

This graphic was generated by Ultra Fractal. The above graphic has an axis through the middle that looks like a black cross. This line shouldn't be their. It's a computer generated error like millions of others, I've seen in computer math over the past 20 years.

I like to call this the AXIS OF EVIL because it related to a very common math problem for computer. Unfortunately, we are no longer teaching computer math to programmer in most situation. Many no longer even have basic college math.

The REAL and Imaginary components of this graphic are:

Complex Value = -2/1.5


If this link doen't work, got to http://www.corbis.com and do a search on WAR Posters

The above Picture is a corrected version. Using a little twigging, I was able to correct the math in the computer and get rid of the error. This is not always possible.

The REAL and Imaginary components of this graphic are:

Complex Value =-2.316696998/1.737459571

We are going to war. It occurred to me that since President Bush was math illiterate that perhaps I could help him make better war plans if he understood the Moebius we are on right now in the computer industry. The links I've included are math based but you don't need to understand the equations to look at and understand the graphs and pictures.

Over the past three years, as Microsoft has attempted to fix many of their math problems which have plagued the industry for about 20 years+, more problems have turned up. They software had Overflow Error that produced erroneous results, usually by making a number negative. In spread sheets, this could really Cook The Books. This was also effecting our graphics, engineering and sciences. Now they are trying to fix them. Math is our REAL, not Imaginary AXIS OF EVIL.

Microsoft is fixing security flaws and we are ending up with math errors or some other problem in an application. And with every fix, someone else's work-around fails, leaving many applications broken. Because of their monopoly there is nothing to be done accept warn people to look for errors and trust their natural instincts in war.Ý This problem is effecting our military and national security. Good Luck. One of your problems is called MOLE!

Check out the history in war posters at:


and do a search on "War Posters".Ý History is best kept by the media they read, not the words in school text books. This is the best Poster Collection left. LOOK! The ART-I-FACT is still left.Ý Even this is so in Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Colonial and primitive "Ears." There is no way we can go to war for any length of time without encoring major economic damage.

We Wll Rock You! United Artist Against Hate!

At Corbis on one WAR POSTER it says: "Joan of Arc Saved France. Women of America Save Your Country, Buy War Saving Stamps" World War I Poster After Haskell Coffin

Joan of Art: me, says put your money in the bank to help the NEW WAR effort and store water and non-perishable foods and staples. We have never had a war that didn't cost MONEY! Lots of it. And we have never had a war that didn't create food and goods shortages. Check out the posters and then prepare for the worst.

Love to all the childrenÝ
Redmond Rose~

When diamonds burn... What does that mean? Coal and diamonds are just a few pressures from burning....Ý "Silence Must Be Heard. Friendly thoughts will be burned."Ý -- Enigma -- European Rock Group -- Behind the Screen

We just had yet another election. Microsoft's math is flawed. This document will explain.Ý Their math is so bad that you may as well do a coin toss to see who won.

Think the November 5, 2002 US General Election went smoothly?

Well, we don't have paper to audit our computer errors any more. And as you all know, Bill Gates says, "All software has bugs." So why not paper audit?Ý Look at this!

Try Voting with the iVotronic Seems there is no audit trail or backup for possible computer errors.Ý And as Microsoft like to say, "All software has bugs." It would be nice to know what is behind these new Kiosk voting machines that just messed up the vote yet again.


A Message for Steve Ballmer
CEO of Microsoft about the Future
And some oldies but goodies parities of Gates

Dr. Wolfram's Comdex Keynote... AMAZING Genius
Breaking the Binary Barrier at last. Finally a REAL Visionary

This page has a Picture of an Analog Computer
There are really grave RISK to censorship in this world today, especially in the sciences.Ý With high population growth, the winds of change are coming on fast. Can you we handle it?Ý Microsoft has set back science and math about 15 years so we will have to wait and see.Ý The artist are all telling you what to do:

ÝThink Different as they say at Apple


Math is more theology than technology

We are almost totally dependent on computers today unlike 12 years ago. These issues are really important to understand.Ý We are seeing military personnel injured or dying in jet and helicopter crashes all the time now. Everyone who know the computer math is like me. We know its software bugs.Ý Bill Gates claims all software has bugs, but when my computer crashes I don't die from it. People are dying and yet he continues to lie.


The Equation for REAL, NOT IMAGINED Economics is:

Labor + Land (materials) = Capital

I don't see anything even close to $30 billion for Microsoft, let alone $300 billion. Oh... It must be a computer rounding error. Round up in the right spots and down in the other and that Floating Point Math is really a wonder NOT!

To understand this problem you must first understand the whole idea of Real and Imaginary numbers. This goes back the our first REAL understanding of math problems posed by what is now called:


This is Pi

It is the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. The circumference of a circle is the diameter times Pi.

c = d ?
see d Pie

Pi has no REAL decimal equivalent because decimal numbers are a very archaic system of counting. It's related to using your fingers and toes. It more or less, evolved from the Roman counting system that was based on units of 5.

Pi is a number very close to 3 but not exactly 3. It is also close to 3 1/7.Ý But dividing 1 by 7 is yet another problem. In modern decimal systems Pi is calculated in so many different ways that you never really know quite what you are going to get. In the rough it's:


? is the symbol for infinity which can also be ...

Pi is both an Irrational and Transcendental number. In other words, because it's not something you can relate to in your personal reality, it boggles the mind.Ý It also blows up a lot of computer programs, crashes aircraft and sends satellites into spins.

Pi has a few relatives. In a circle you can also fit squares.Ý A perfect square has equal sides.Ý One of it's relationships is the square root. In a perfect square, that root is of 2 or ?2 ? and equal to 1.41421... ?Ý

This comes from the Pythagorean Theorem that says:

z = x+ y

Since this font thing isn't working I made a graphic.

I had to do this in Illistrator and cut it inot PhotoShop and save it as a graphic. Now to my great dispare I find the colors are not the same in these programs either. So now I have to change that too.

What you see is not what you get from OS to OS and browser to browser and this is because Microsoft has a monopoly and won't conform to any standards. Microsoft is now refusing to agree on the MP4 standard. This page was first assembled in FrontPage 5. I'm now looking at it in GoLive on the Mac G5. The values don't even look the same. This is forcing a lot of people to use graphics instead of fonts. All they want to do is fight and non of them care about how many people may die due to Microsoft's monopoly due to the wrong medical results or being shot in Iraq or someplace out because we aren't speaking the same language. Trying to make this work across cultural and technical differences is impossible.

This should be z to the power of 2 is equal to x to the power of 2 + y to the power of 2.

[side bar: I keep getting an interesting error when I try to bold the above equation:

z = x + y or z = x + y or z2 = x2 + y2

LOL Seems FrontPage decided to change the character of this on me.  has a Unicode (in FrontPage) and what appears to be a html Code in GoLive of #61450 and 2 #61447Ý and that is a difference of #00009. Not knowing how this is going to display else where... is very dangerous. Someone could read the wrong formula or instruction from a web page in the Military or else where.

I just can't get away from the math problems in windows no how hard I try. What a mess.

Here is a page with one graphic displaying on top of another. Having this displaced on a screen is very dangerous. This may not display the same in Netscape or Windows XP.

Microsoft has a history of making major changes like this as a promotion to force people to buy their next upgrades. This is what their monopoly is all about. Now I understand Charles Simonyi's Logos has two math characters in it. Obviously, being Hungarian, he is much more sensitive to this.

Yes, Microsoft could really end up starting a major war with this kind of thing. So what is the Unicode for this word? Back to the math. Perhaps I should call this:

THƎ ?XIS OF ƎVILÝ is z¾ = x¾ + y¾ or z = x + y ]


z = ? 1 + 1 or ? 1 + 1 or squrt(1¾ + 1¾ )

since 1 X 1 = 1

z in a perfect square is:

z = ?2Ý = 1.41421... ?

This is the length of a diagonal in a square 1 X 1, yet another Irrational situation for both a human or computer to handle.Ý

When you have a perfect square with equal sides it has one 90ƒ angle and two 45ƒÝ angles.

The a sin 45ƒ is .7071.

This is with equal and opposite sides and angles. Now to find the area of the square of side .7071, you have to square it.Ý That means you take .7071 to the power of 2 or .7071 (my Unicode ).Ý Now this creates yet another interesting problem because when you multiply two fractions you get a smaller fraction--.7071 = .5 or 1?2.

But if that square has equal sides of 1, you get

1 X 1 or 1


simply 1.

This is sin 90ƒ = 1. And in a perfect square, the angles of both sides are have an equal tangent of 1, tan 45ƒ = 1. This is a perfect square but unfortunately we very seldom find perfection anywhere in a normal human society or science.

Most of geometry creates fractions. Fractions in a computer are hard to handle. But Irrational Numbers are very hard to deal with. So as you can see this starts really getting complex. It's also very very Irrational to do any math related to "Sacred Geometry."

This is a Biopolar Graph that I stole from a Naval Military web site. As you can see,


is everywhere. This is a sample of what vector graphics looks like and it's used in navigation. Here are a few other web pages from the Navy with equations and much better graphics.



Waterloo Maple Math Software -- System Requirements

A list of key commercial customers includes Sun Microsystems, Hewlett Packard, Boeing, Raytheon, Allied Signal, Motorola, Robert Bosch, General Electric, Lucent Technologies, Nortel, Daimler-Chrysler and Ford.

On your desk with a compass and straight edge, that decimal number can work. Then you can start calculating other things with respect to circles, like angles and squares. This is where we start getting into Square Roots, Cube Roots, Sin, Cosin and other nasty numbers.Ý They are all fractions at least in part. Because PiÝ or roots are Irrational number, all numbers related to them have irrational components.Ý One of myÝ math books has 52 tables for such numbers, including compound amount, present value, amount of annuity, and other accounting tables.

sin x where x = 1ƒ is .0175

But since this is a nonlinear system...

sin x where x = 10ƒ is .1736 in my math book.

On my HP calculator it is: .173648178 which would create an interesting problem. If you round 8 up to 1 and add it to 4 you get 5. So do you round 5 up or down? This could cause you to get .1737 if 5 is rounded up.Ý There is not real standard or law on this in the computer industry because it is an unregulated industry. We have no equivalent to the AMA or Bar Association. When you use these numbers with really big numbers, like millions or billions in a big corporate or government budget, it can really make a major difference.

.001 X 5,000,000 = 5,000Ý If this is in a corporate or government spread sheet macro used by a lot of department, it can really add up.

Most people would think that multiplyingÝ sin 1 by 10 would give you sin10 but it doesn't it give you .175 This is where you get Pi in your face:


The larger your sphere of reality grows, the more critical Pi is that is because you are multiplying these fractional part by miles, meters or feet.Ý We might call this one the Devils Stair case.

So if your in a space shuttle or going to the moon or a jet fighter Pilot at war, Pi begins to fall apart quit quickly. The world is not round, it's spherical, sort of... And the radius of the earth is very large. We don't know exactly because we have no real way of accurately measuring it. So Pi can begin to fall apart.

Light doesn't travel in a straight line, it curves, sort of... It's fun to play with light because of it's no linear characteristic. I've played with lasers.Ý Light is the same as radio waves. This is what we use for GPS--global positioning satellites. So those wave can curve too giving slightly different reading. If you are moving relatively slow, nothing much is noticed. But as Einstein proved, it's all relative. When a jet is moving at hundreds of miles an hour things change.

300 m per hour = 5m per minute = about .08 m per sec.

600m per hour = 10m per minute = about .166 m per sec.

These speeds are not uncommon. In a jet fighter the Pitch and dive causing declination with earth to change. All these factor in to GPS readings. In other words, the very way the move relative to satellites can cause a warp in the space/time continuum. That does this mean? Well, the computer is likely to choke. It doesn't have to be running Windows to hick-up. A few "skids" in the math process and you get errors.Ý It's like a car going into a "skid" on a curved road. It takes time to recover. At 600 mph there isn't always enough timer to recover.Ý

In this big sphere, small numbers multiplied by huge numbers will give you really big errors.

This is the kind of thing I did research on in college.

Here is another one that about chaos.... I learned in "trying" to program math, it was very very iffy. The best you ever get is an approximation. Yet technology is marketed as absolute and better than the human brain. If anything, good intuition is better than relying on man made devices.

I've been studying abstracts in math off and on most of my life. On your desk, you are frustrated by tools, like the sharpness of a pencil or the compass point. We use sandpaper on the points when I was young... I'm 51. And rulers and protractors are no more accurate. Even the best manufactured engineering tools are flawed. Then I though that mechanical pencils were amazing. They had problems too.

Then in laser labs, the accuracy is great, but vibration is NOT. I was taught to calculate the percent of potential error due to visual parallax. (An apparent change in the direction of an object, caused by a change in observational position that provides a new line of sight.) + or - 5% was considered acceptable.Ý Well not on a computer or laser.

People are even less accurate. Human response time is between 3-7 seconds (about) and that means they can read meters and equipment differently though they appear to be in the same time and space. They aren't. That is why we call some people "spaced out." People are the real unpredictable "Chaos" factor. The computer industry as a whole is extremely chaotic, with Microsoft being the pendulum in this system due to their monopoly which was obtained due to other's inability to keep up with this massive chaotic mess and fast growth. There butterfly adds for MSN make me laugh.Ý I've never seen such an incompetent group. First they had the a window breaking up and blowing away in the wind as an logo and now they use the: It's better with the butterfly," and the symbol for CHAOS to define themselves. What a joke.


Your computer doesn't crash every day because of the butterfly factor, but it only takes one crash from Pi error to end someone's life if they are in a plan or jet. The engineers all know this just what is happening, but most are working. Their employer's who sell these product have contract preventing them from disclosing these issues. I don't. So I can blow the whistle on this. Right Bill? He is gagged too.


We Will Rock You!

While doing some research for this today I came across this software for the Military. It's called MOLE. It's use for making maps. Because of the bugs in Microsoft's math I don't think any of their software should be used in mission critical applications.   Perhaps there is only one organization more chaotic than Microsoft right now. That would be our military. Over worked, young and stressed out due to the complexity of dealing with these machines. In other words, Microsoft Chaos spills over into many other places. Things are never what they seem when you use their software. This page explains it more.

Military OverLay Editor MOLE

Check this one out...

Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) is an easy-to-use symbol generator and editor for modern battlefield planning applications. MOLE reads the MIL-STD 2525 fifteen-character message string, along with all the other unit descriptors specified in the standard.

Tech Specs

To use MOLE you need:

  • Pentium CPU
  • 16 MB RAM
  • 6 MB disk space
  • ArcView GIS 3.1 or greater for importing graphics (recommended)

MOLE operates in the Windows 95, 98, 2000, and NT environments.

MOLE installs everything you need to begin using and creating 2525B symbols. ESRI has already loaded the graphics primitives to create symbols for Tables A-III through A-IX of MIL-STD2525B Appendix A. These specify symbology for: Space, Air, Ground, Sea Surface, Sea Subsurface and Special Operations Forces tracks.  The Military deploys over 800,000 people.  You can bet that the reason this product was written is because these forces are the very ones who are using it.

Geography Network

Творите сами с помощью шаблонов ArcMap
I guess even the Russians have bad software too... LOL We can't even depend on allies. I bet the British have this too.

Компания ESRI завершила разработку ...
Military Grid Reference in Russian. LOL  I wonder if any Arab friends are using this software?

If you go on Google and search on "ArcMap military" it gets very interesting. Problem is Microsoft math has massive errors right now due to patches and IE/Media Player Upgrades. Right Bill? LOL  He was trying to fix things and well, Pinocchio it's really messed up now baby.

MIL-STD-2525B This is even better Bill. I'm getting Unicode Font errors and they are using fonts for these mapPing systems. I hope we have the time before we go to WAR to fix this FONT problem for these WAR MAPS in MOLE! Yeah... and guess what. The Koreans are using this product too. Maybe this is why our people think we still have Hazardous Chemicals in Iraq! The FONT are messing up!

How about sample font!

Read the Liability for damages on this page. Sounds like it was written by Microsoft legal. Well, now that Ballmer is CEO he will be the one most likely in jail for this one. You were smart to quit when I told you too and Charles Simonyi is too.

Look who is buying this one product in Windows!

Andrew Bohlander
Hazards Technology Program Coordinator
Washington Military Department
Emergency Management Division
Building 20, MS: TA-20
Camp Murray, WA 98430-5122
[email protected]

Things in our reality are analogical. This is from the Greek word  analogus which means proportionate. This means they have a relationship to other things that are dissimilar. When you place a these things in the space and time Continuum, the relationship propagates.

Relationships have unseen components that effect their behavior. This is because they have a spiritual quality we can't see or discern because it transcends our biological unit's perception.  But for some of us, moving beyond this reality is not a problem. We are born to it. We see these complex relationship intuitively, through our natural senses.

In science and math, over time--thousands of years--humans have logged these relationships like our friend Pi.  They measured millions of circles and diameters in an attempt to find an accurate relationship. They have never found one. We have also never found any REAL mathematical formula to human relationships either. But there is definitely an Irrational numeric relationship to circles of people too. Some of us are better than other at approximating these issues to. Women are much better at it than men because of maternal instincts which are tied to genetic predisposition.

When I think of something like Browning motion I laugh. A man has obviously never dropped a jar of Pins on the carpet and spent weeks getting their feet pricked.  There is no logical explanation for where they can actually get. The behavior of young children or puppies is quite the same.

Ping Pong

The closes I can get to even experimenting to develop a model for human behavior or even that of other uncontrolled events is to get a bag of Pin pong balls, toss them on a small pond and track the movements over a period of time. Still this would fail.

There is really no such thing AS a controlled event. Your pond can get hit with a wind draft and all your balls will be blown to one side.  They get stuck there against each other for a considerable time until some other, outside event begins to move them further apart.  Perhaps it's that acorn that just dropped from an oak tree over there.  That acorn was knocked off by yet another unseen even, an Irrational squirrel bouncing around. I've been watching one from time to time outside my window, always cognizant of the erratic sound their movements make as they dance around.

The jet fighters that just crashed are like those Ping pong balls.  Some unseen element entered the equations. Like that squirrel, something didn't work the way their computers said it would. Every time I hear of yet another air crash, terror attack, satellite failure or lost space or rock mission, the cost in both human and economics begins to tick away in my head. In just the past few months we lost a $253 million space craft after launch and two more fighter jets about $159 million. (Bill Gates made $1.9 billion today in the stock market 11/4/02.) In April 201 when we had the Chinese Aircraft crash landing, we also had within a few weeks of this two jets fighters crashed in Scotland, one crash off the cost of Japan and a cargo plan miss the runway by large amount in Germany. We recently had 4 Canadians killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.

This WAR mapping software running on buggy systems with bad fonts could become one hell of a Squirrel and Acorn in the Military's Pond, don't you think BALLMER?

[I wrote this quite some time before we went to war. I was concerned about the safety of our troops. Many of the troops that have been killed were lost and going right into the hands of the enemy.]

This mess is really getting expensive. And it all comes back to Pi, REAL and IMAGINED numerical events that become Irrational and Transcendental numerically. AND what seems to be some kind of major bug in the way Microsoft's is converting from Binary to Decimal system. I know what it is too. BUT because of Microsoft's monopoly, no one can do much about it. The people in D.C. are mesmerized by Microsoft's money. This is because Microsoft controls the show and has the money to manipulate politicians.

Science has over thousands of years come up with relationships.Ý We have graphs that we use in an attempt to deal with it. They are only an approximation. These graphs and their tables are based on human observations, which are flawed in the first place, and generalization. We keep tables of the data from that information from the graphs.Ý In one math book I have 52 tables and there are many more than this. This is because these relationships are NONLINEAR. These fractals are from an attempt to do a better job of it using computers.

Computers have a real problem dealing with nonlinear events. This is because they only have two numbers, 1 and 0, True and False.ÝÝ An addition in a computer is not like it is on paper. We actually use a logical operation, do a test of a flag and then on that result we increment a counter. We use AND, OR, NOT, NAND and NOR logic. This once again brings us back to our circles because addition on a computer is really based on SET theory, not decimal logic. We have Circle A and it has these qualities, Circle B has other qualities.Ý But some of the elements in both those circles share similar qualities. You have to come up with the cross over which is C.

What we use in computer logical is the NAND logic for the most part.ÝI taught a classes in this at OIT in software engineers. They had toÝ write a program in Boolean to emulate a addition and subtract it in C and they hated me. Then at the end of the term when they were bringing me their code and their program output they were so excited about doing it. It's the best problems for programmer to solve.

This is a very simple way to thinking about what a single bit in a computer register is. The process I taught is a recursive algorithm that can be done in a very small amount of code and expanded to how ever many bits you like. It's a way to check math in a CPU or other software like in compilers. You emulate full precision. Since multiplication is simply addition and division subtraction it works.


A B C1 C2
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

10 + 7 = 17 in decimal but it looks like this in binary.
carry 1< 1 1ÝÝÝÝÝÝ
ÝÝÝ ??óóóó
ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ 0001Ý set carry to 1

Of course this is how the old 4 bit machines looked. Then you check for the carry and add it to the next register if it's 1.

In system with positive and negative numbers theÝ overflow occurs when the sign of the number is invalid leaving a state of unknown error.Ý If the overflow is unchecked, you may think you have a positive condition when in fact it's really negative. Could be bad for your accounting. On a 16 bit machine, adding 32766 and 3 will give you a negative -32767 due to overflow if not done correctly. In binary the two most significant bits are usually used for status and sign. Since two negatives equal a positive, an overflow error from floating point (NASA.gov)Ý like this can add this number instead of subtracting it, doubling the error.

"Simulating" Simplicity and Tie-Breaking

The tie-breaking algorithm stems from work done by Edelsbrunner and M¸cke[4] and is known as Simulation of Simplicity (appropriately abbreviated as "SoS"). The technique resolves geometric degeneracies by assuming a consistent set of virtual perturbations sufficient to insure that geometry is always in general position - in accordance with the assumptions outlined in the discussion on boolean intersections). The attraction of this approach is that the topological primitives never return a zero (degenerate) result, thus alleviating the need to consider specialized treatments for degenerate geometry. Moreover, since the perturbations are "virtual" and "consistent", data is never altered and ties are always resolved with the same result. Symbolic perturbation schemes like SoS are attractive for many reasons. Prinmarilly, however, whats important is that they represent an algorithmic approach to tie-breaking. They do not depend on the experience of the programmer to foresee all possible diabolical cases, and virtually eliminate the need for special-case coding to trap out degeneracies arising from objects or data in special position.

(This is from NASA. Gently put, we are flying SoS... not too funny if your a jet fighter pilot or on a space mission. Where our Mars Missions SoS?))

During the 80s, their were many people trying to save memory so I'm not sure if a status bit was kept... :-) At any rate, to get numbers large enough we use floating point math. This allows up to use two our more words of data for one number.Ý How this is done differs from compiler to compiler, OS to OS and system to system. This is because there are no rules or regulations. When I hear of corporate accounting problems I think about this major factor. Programmers tend to think the way they learned first, including myself. But when I see a font print upside down or graphic flip upside down in Excel or another program--which I've seem quite a lot, I think overflow error or floating point problem.

Here is how confusing this can be. No rules of the road... The computer inudstry is total and complete CHAOS!

More problems. You see some companies see 1k as 1,000 and other see it as 1024 or 10000000000?. This is where you get confused because it's based on very old computers.Ý It 2ƒ... So we count differently too. We count from zero instead of one. Each binary bit value from is counted from right to left. The value of the bit is based on 2 ? where n is equal to the bit position. 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,1024... So to convert from binary to decimal you add that number if the bit is set to 1.

for a 16 bit computerÝ it's 2Ý 32,768 the bit position is the work size - 1.Ý Now because we have overflow and get a carry bit.

2 or 65,536 or 64K I think their may be a REAL potential for problems for math error in these newer machines. This is why emulate the binary math in Boolean is needed. There is no other way to check for FLOATING POINT errors.

You can think about it like Circles of Friends.Ý You and your spouse are having a party. You both have different circles of friends.Ý Some are alike and yet others are so dissimilar you can't have them in the same room.Ý This is a logical problem. But this is the kind of logical problem we try to use in a computer every nano second of the day.

You want to have the party go well so you try to negotiate your party list.Ý Many marriages have come to an end over some of these very issues. And many computers have also broken over similar problems of negotiating math issues using logic that is really based on Irrational number system.ÝThe improper negotiation causes collision.Ý It's like being at a crowed party and trying to get across the room with a martini in your hand without spilling some of it.Ý

If you area a real Ýbit head, your logic intuitively works out to the NAND. The party never happens unless it either all our friends or all her friends.

You have your friends over for the Super Bowl and Wife 1.0 is out the door.

She has her political friends over and you have your business partner call up and say there is an emergency at work.... and split. That is what the overflow bit is about. This is computer logic.

You see it the last bit is set you have a negative number. Kind of like having Wife 1.0 trying to fit into your Super Bowl part.

Not AND ~ NAND ~ !AND > Split ~ exit stage left... LOL

NAND isn't included in my computer's spell checker from Microsoft. This is weird. LOL It's what many of use would call an indication of the REAL, not IMAGINARY problem the industry communicating with the company. It's one of the reasons I believe we are seeing so many math errors in their software. The seem to be lacking the very basic logic in a computer.

In our computer we have tables for Irrational events. Some computer companies have come up with special algorithms to substitute these tables and have patented and copyrights to them. They may or may not work. But we are in fact using them like we have all had to use Windows without know if the math worked or NOT. This is causing a lot of things to crash. And if Apple has an algorithm for math they can horde it and not share it with someone else. Or if Microsoft has a Piece of code, they can prevent others from scrutinizing it for potential error. It's this whole mess that is REAL and it's not our imaginations. It's effect on our whole economic system is quite apparent--corporate accounting errors, stock market crash, recession, dead people all over... etc. So when is it a crime for someone to be worth Billions while other people, including our own military, are being place at risk or dying?

Just as I get errors in my math for graphics and fonts, we also have similar errors in our spread sheet, medical technologies and space and military programs. This is not only costing money, but also costing lives. Ever time a soldier dies or some plan crashes I really do know what it is. Yet people like me are being Silenced so greedy people like some at Microsoft can gain more power and make more money.

PlayPeople... it may not last too long

I'm black balled by Microsoft. And they just don't bar you from developer support or working as an engineer. These people assaulted me, left me disabled for life, harassed my children, aided my ex-husband in taking my family and are NOW interfering with my need for medial attention and food. That is OK. I stored up before this round started.Ý I'm not alone with this problem. There are dead bodies all over.

There just aren't very many people out there who have built from scratch the electronics for math in computers, programmed the floating point (decimal math), and done the numerical methods left. This Silence of the Lambs must be stopped. The Silence MUST be Heard.

This is what the antitrust case with Microsoft is all about.  I couldn't help but notice in the media reports that Gates did a charm act on the Judge.

He cast a glamour over the judge. Gates is very good at this. That is how he go rich. And it's not just something he does physically. He studies witch craft and wants to be like Harry Potter.  I remember seeing that crystal ball in his office. I know about this because they projected this on to me. These people had the nerve to have my son interrogated at his school about this 10 years ago. They wanted to know if I was a witch. LOL And then told him he shouldn't tell me about it.  I've never been involved with the occult nor am I an ex-hippy. I'm a art/scientist who simply decided to do what Leonardo Da Vinci did, study the old imperial sciences in an attempt to figure out how they work. And I found out. Most of it is mathematical and based on biochemistry, a science Gates is very obsessed with.  

He charms people with an electromagnetic aura. He was so intense in court that he blew out a transformer. This is an electronic component. He told them what it was and just smiled about it...  He has done this with the people around him for over 25 years. I've had executives who quit say when he gets angry things literally fly off the wall. 

I've watched Gates take over a crowed many times. He has no effect on me because I have the same ability. I've blown up Microwaves when I've been upset from the harassment. I pop light blabs all the time and then there was that lightning strike at the beta strike... My energy comes from the pain. I pray and mediate to escape my body. Hit me again. Chi. How's that new baby?

Gates can steal people's minds because he can project his. To him they are like my analogy of Ping pond balls in that pond. But unlike that squirrel in the tree, my actions are not even close to being random. I'm highly focused and disciplined. I don't drop nuts. I'm throwing lightning at his balls. You know what happens when a lightning bolt hits a bond of Ping pong balls?  Well, a lot of them pop and most of the others go flying.

Would you want to get struke by lightning here?

Bush as a similar ability, as did Clinton. LOL Many rock stars like Bono, Sting, McCartney, Madonna understand this science too. They all use it. We sometimes call people with this ability charismatic. That stock market crash was pretty funny too.

While I tend to find Gates' antics humorous, I do not support his irresponsibility to our math issue. We are thinking of going to  war and this math issue needs to be addressed. As Microsoft attempts to fix the security and math problems in their OWN applications, more applications (usually not their own) are having problems working.  In the computer industry we call this the MOEBIUS.

At this point, I even lost my fax program from Intel and PhotoShop from Adobe and they all use to work when I bought this computer. They stopped working due to security patches and upgrades to Internet Explorer. Microsoft's own product Encarta is also broken. 

I would know there are major problems with the spread sheets too. We are using Microsoft Office in the military due to their contracts and monopoly. Much of their procurement programs may be running on them. So the Ping pong balls in the military are having that squirrel erratically drop acorns on them. But worse than that, the military are also using Microsoft's OS in other major military operations, such as the strategic defense initiative, telemetry, space shuttle, space station, to run satellites, genetic research, CDC, power grid, etc.

The rolling black outs in California were most likely from their upgrade to Win 2000 and math anomalies that followed it. I found a memo on their web myself and saved it.  These financial problems in corporations and even our own state and federal budgets seem related too upgrades to Win 2000. The problem is so bad that Jim Allchin, Executive VP of Microsoft, said in his hearings that opening the source code to the public could create a security threat to the whole US because of the number of security flaws in it. This is because it does the math differently. And they have all had software problems.  We have even had battle ships down with math errors.

So the computer industry's AXIS OF EVIL, may end up becoming Bush's Bane. If we don't find a way to fix this problem it's just going to keep cycling back on it's.  Like a big mountain with too much snow on it, we are most certainly due for an avalanche.

This is yet another one of my graphics. I did it in about 1988-89. What I was seeing in the computer industry was greed, dishonesty, selfishness and fear. People who lie cheat and steal are always given away by their paranoid behavior.  So when we steal from third world countries, cheat them out allies, and then lie about all of it we need to be paranoid. You can't Piss off the whole world without having a pay back.  It's the simple law of numbers. But the funny part here is that we have lied so much about our technology to intimidate our neighbors, that now we really believe it ourselves. That is just what brought down Hitler too.

Love to all the Children

Redmond Rose~

<BGSOUND src="music/O_Fortuna.mid" loop=3>

The top graphics.

BackgroundLocation {
center=0/0 magn=0.86330935 angle=0.001

This numbers may make since to someone with computer math knowledge. I'm attaching the formula for this graphic at the end of this document.

There are some standard fractal types for Ultra Fractal 2. Many other

"standard" fractal types can be found in the file dmj-pub.ufm and


All formulas written by Frederik Slijkerman.

Last updated December 7, 1998.



FastMandel(XAXIS_NOPARM) {


type = 1


title = "Built-in fast Mandelbrot"

center = (-0.5, 0)

param start

caption = "Starting point"

default = (0,0)

hint = "Perturbation. Use (0,0) for the standard Mandelbrot set."


param bailout

caption = "Bailout value"

default = 4.0

min = 1.0

hint = "Defines how soon an orbit bails out, i.e. doesn't belong \

to the Mandelbrot set anymore."



type = "FastJulia"

seed = #Pixel

bailout = bailout



FastJulia(ORIGIN) {


type = 2


title = "Built-in fast Julia"

param seed

caption = "Julia seed"

default = (-1.25, 0)

hint = "Use this to create many different Julia sets. You can \

also set this value using the Switch feature."


param bailout

caption = "Bailout value"

default = 4.0

min = 1.0

hint = "Defines how soon an orbit bails out, i.e. doesn't belong \

to the Mandelbrot set anymore."



type = "FastMandel"

bailout = bailout



Mandelbrot {

; Generic Mandelbrot set


z = @start


z = z^@power + #Pixel


|z| <= @bailout


title = "Mandelbrot"

center = (-0.5, 0)

param start

caption = "Starting point"

default = (0,0)

hint = "Perturbation. Use (0,0) for the standard Mandelbrot set."


param power

caption = "Power"

default = (2,0)

hint = "This defines the power of the Mandelbrot set. Use (2,0) \

for the standard Mandelbrot set."


param bailout

caption = "Bailout value"

default = 4.0

min = 1.0

hint = "Defines how soon an orbit bails out, i.e. doesn't belong \

to the Mandelbrot set anymore."



type = "Julia"

seed = #Pixel

power = power

bailout = bailout



Julia {

; Generic Julia set


z = #Pixel


z = z^@power + @seed


|z| <= @bailout


title = "Julia"

param seed

caption = "Julia seed"

default = (-1.25, 0)

hint = "Use this to create many different Julia sets. You can \

also set this value using the Switch feature."


param power

caption = "Power"

default = (2,0)

hint = "This defines the power of the Julia set. Use (2,0) \

for the standard Julia set."


param bailout

caption = "Bailout value"

default = 4.0

min = 1.0

hint = "Defines how soon an orbit bails out, i.e. doesn't belong \

to the Mandelbrot set anymore."



type = "Mandelbrot"

power = power

bailout = bailout



4x4 table

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16























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