So, as I'm sure you have all noticed (the thousands of you who come here daily!) I have really been sucking at updating this stupid page. But fear not, I haven't deserted you. The sad truth is, Micky discovered I was in fact barely legal *and* female so he has been calling day and night, sucking up all of my time. Or not, but that sounds so much more interesting than "I'm a lazy ass", does it not?

I'd also like to announce that the contest regarding the naked Monkees has been won.(And all of you who have never been to this page before can just be confused. All of you who never read my intro before can ALSO be confused. I don't care about you people) The winner was um.. actually, I don't know. She didn't seem to care much for the prize of a nice, shiny penny after she had caught all four of the naked Monkees.

So go click on all those little pictures displayed below. They will surely make your life more wonderous in some way. If they are actually succesful at making you happier however.. you owe me $10,000 for the therapy. Thank you, and enjoy the ride.

Quote of the non-specified time period!
I fixed the problem with the forms where you can email me! Please use them now! (In "you and the monkees" and "your stories")

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Micky bio Davy bio Mike bio Peter bio

stories of your monkee encounters! how compadible are you with the Monkees? An article from the 60s pictures of the monkees

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The Secret Room
Sorry, currently occupied by Neffie

Last Update- May 24th, 2001

people have been snoopin' in here since January 3rd, 1998 at 7:08pm EST

Please go here!! It makes me money!! I'll love you forever if you just go here!!

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