
Go to these pages! No, wait, read all of MY page, THEN go to these pages...

39 links here so far!

I made my original links page back in 1997, and since then I've updated it and changed and removed links for pages that had moved or gone offline. 1997 and 1998 were the years that I was *really* into the monkees, and involved in the online life. Now it's March of 2000 and in updating this page I've discovered that many of the sites belonging to people who were once active participants of online life in my "generation" have since moved on, just as I have. Since most of these people were people I considered to be friends, it makes me sad to take off their links. And so I have moved them all to the bottom of my links page, where you will find a list of sites and their descriptions with the links removed, or links to a page explaining that the site has been taken down, or to a site that hasn't been updated in years. All the links at the top of the page are still active.
Thank you.

The Official Homepage

This is The Official Monkees Homepage. Yes, all in capitals too. It has everything your little heart desires. No, you're right.. not THAT *G*

Baily and Andrea's page

Go here. Go here NOW. This is the funniest page. Ever. 'nuff said.


Well, she's totally changed the page and now Mike's thought bubble is gone (I forget what it said anyway) But I love the site more than ever now. I swear, it's one of the best sites out there. (which is why I moved it up to the almost-top)

Micky's very own webpage.. what more do I have to say?

Rows of Monkee sites that are all the same

One of my old favorites... I haven't looked around at its new stuff yet, but it was a really funny site!

Daidreem BleevA's Monkee Madness Page!

Seems to be a lot of stuff here, another one of the newer pages..

Washburns Groovy Lill page

Go here to see the end of the story AND more stuff.. I betcha you're excited already!!

The Monkees Pad

Go HERE!! Read the stories!! They're SO good..

Blue Vinyl Presents..

I haven't really looked around much, but it's look like a really really good site - articles from the Teen magazines of the 1960s and lots of screen shots

Can You Dig It

Go see the Micky look-alike picture. Whadda ya think?

Davy Devotees Fan Club

Lots and Lots of Davy stuff. And we all love Davy. Or we do if we have eyes.

Melissa's Groovy Monkees Page

Oh, I *LOVE* her background. And Shades of Grey playing. Just because of that I'm going to get that song in my head, sing it for a week, piss off my friends, go insane, and buy the CD it's on. Yeah, anyways, go here

Aph's Page

I haven't really taken a look around her new page, but her old one had like, thousands and thousands of sound files of the Monkees.

Monkee Links

Lots of Links.. More than I could ever bother finding.. (that's it though, only Links)

Vixen's #monkeeschat page

Go here to find out what's happening in #mc, to join it and read bio's of regulars


Mike's page. Home of the bestest story in the whole wide world (or not) The Long Sandy Hair of Neftoon Zamora. Zamora? I always thought it was ZamBora. Well, dumb ass me. Oh, and there's other stuff here too. Just go and see Ok?

Hooloovoo's Homepage

Lot's of fun stuff, like THE Monkees FAQ's (which you are required, by, umm.. law.. to see) and...

The Official Micky Dolenz Homepage

Everything you need to know about Micky. Except if he'll date you *G*

Monkees is 'ze craziest people

Another place with a song thingie. And other stuff, not much else though.

The Cybrary Reading Room

Lot's of Monkees fiction, written by fans. Thus, Fan-fics.

The Purple Flower Gang

Another Monkees club. With other stuff too. Yup, there's stuff here alright. Stuff stuff stuff. (Stuff is really a good all purpose word for when one is tired, and head-achey)

Paula's Monkees Page

Looks really great, but I *just* found it, so Go Find Out For Yourself!

The Monkees Film and TV Vault

In depth descips of all the eppies, complete with pictures, the time slot of the show, the shows that followed The Monkees, not to mention all the TV Specials and commercials they did.. an informative site.

Sleepy Jean's Land of Security!

One of my friend's pages.. it's really very good, with her poetry, alternative lyrics to Monkee songs, dreams and other stuff I'm just too lazy to write about!

Micky's Art Page

This has (big surprise here!) Micky's artwork and stufflettes on it! (btw, stufflettes is a word I made up, meaning stuff so don't go and get confused on me now..)

Auntie Grizelda's homepage

One of those famous Monkee pages, lots and lots of info!

Girl In Yellow Dress' Monkee page

Funny page, with a trivia question, that I've never ever been able to get. Not even ONCE *sobs*

The Monkees Teen Fan Club

This page has TONS of stuff on it, and I *LOVE* the magazine articles from the 60's..

Nezgirls Shrine of Grooviness

My cyber-sisters page. She's insane. Totally and utterly. She thinks that picture of her and Mike is real. Be careful at this page.

Neffie's Monkee page

She's funny AND she has good stories and take a look at her links. THAT must have taken awhile...


Dedicated to Peter Tork.. you can also get into #torkfriends from here.. and gobs and gobs of other stuff.

Randy and Git's Monkees Page

Pretty good page, and the Monkee Skit's are funny (Even though I love Davy)

Robin-Pickle's Home Page

Again, one of those darned lucky "Monkees are attracted to me magnetically (or just, I have gone to a concert.. I get jealous easily *G*) people"

Propinquity's Hideout

Lotsa Mike links, and a FAB-u-lous story. Simply MAH-vo-lous, Dah-link. Read it.


Sarah's page, the inventor (or so says I) of the insanely funny, make no sense Monkee stories, and the absolutly wonderful story The Miracle. I just about died when I read it *sigh* Ok, I'll shut up now

Circle Sky

Only fanfics now.. and links to her other pages, which actually look pretty good.

Kristy and Jaclyn's Monkee Page

Very lovely! And in their Monkee Rumor page they don't even mention the increadibly stupid "if you didn't know this, why are you HERE?!" type rumors..

The Monkees Art Gallery

Pictures Of the Monkees someone did. They're good! Oh, and there is other stuff too..

A Monkee On Your Back

Oh, this one's good. That's bout all I can say since I haven't seen much of it yet.

Kokanee's Temple of Dolenz

My OTHER cyber-sisters page. She is also insane, or at least I am trying to make her so. Go here, and vote for ME on her survey. ME!!!

The Monkees Visual Discogrophy

All the Monkees albums, solo albums, and stuff about them (the albums)

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