This was originally to be on, before Micky bought it for himself, which is why it's Micky-focused. Change the "Micky's" to "Davy's", "Peter's" or "Mike's" as you so desire.
Check all boxes for which your answer is "yes".

  1. Do you know who "Micky Dolenz" is?
  2. Do you own an album on which Micky sings?
  3. -- More then 5?
  4. -- More then 10?
  5. -- More then 20?
  6. -- More then are legally availiable?
  7. Do you own all of the episodes of "The Monkees"?
  8. -- all of the shows Micky has ever been in?
  9. -- tapes of Micky that you made while stalking?
  10. Have you ever spent class/worktime daydreaming about Micky?
  11. -- and did this daydream not include clothing?
  12. Have you seen a Micky concert?
  13. -- and travelled to another state/province to do so?
  14. -- to another country?
  15. -- to another continent?
  16. -- and gone broke while doing so?
  17. -- and thought it was worth it?
  18. Have you ever met Micky personally?
  19. -- hugged him?
  20. -- kissed him?
  21. -- dated him?
  22. -- slept with him?
  23. -- not in that order?
  24. Have you made it your goal to convert your friends to Mickylovers?
  25. -- and you've actually done it?
  26. Upon entering your room do people ask you if you have a crush on this Micky guy?
  27. -- do they not bother becuase they already know you do from your obsessive talking about him?
  28. -- do they ask where you got the life sized Micky stand-up despite their knowlege of your obsession?
  29. -- do they ask what you do with it?
  30. -- do they eye it and NOT ask you what you do with it?
  31. Have you made a scrapbook of Micky pictures and articles?
  32. -- does it resemble a professionally done book more then a scrapbook?
  33. -- do you refer to it as a bible?
  34. -- have you renounced your former religon, or lack of, for full Micky devotion?
  35. -- do you quote passages of your 'bible' when the circumstances seem to call for it?
  36. Have you ever thought that you needed to get a life?
  37. -- and had others agree with you?
  38. -- and gotten you professional help?
  39. -- and had it fail?
  40. Do you know all the words to a variety of songs Micky has sung?
  41. -- to all the songs Micky has ever sung?
  42. -- and gotten bored with the old words, and written new words?
  43. -- and sent them in to Micky, honestly expecting him to use them?
  44. Are you expressing horror at the idea that anything Micky has ever sung could become boring?
  45. -- to the degree you want to send me a nasty letter?
  46. Have you ever written a fan letter to Micky?
  47. -- and included a photo of yourself?
  48. -- a naked photo?
  49. -- and had him write back?
  50. -- with a naked photo of his own?
  51. Do you compare your girlfriends/boyfriends to Micky?
  52. -- can you not do this because you don't date, becuase no one can come close to Micky?
  53. -- did you get sick of not dating, and start to date a Micky look-alike?
  54. -- do you call him Micky?
  55. -- while you are "being intimate"?
  56. -- does it no longer bother him?
  57. -- has he begun to call himself Micky?
  58. -- has he had his name legally changed?
  59. Do you have Micky's autograph?
  60. -- more then one?
  61. Do you have something of Micky's that he gave you/you stole/you ripped out of his body/clothing?
  62. -- has he tracked you down and asked for it back?
  63. Have you ever called Micky?
  64. -- has Micky ever called you?
  65. -- becuase he knows your phone number?
  66. -- and wanted to ask you something about himself?
  67. Can you name more then 5 Monkee episodes?
  68. -- more then 10?
  69. -- more then half?
  70. -- all of them?
  71. -- and you can spell mijacogeo?
  72. -- and you know all the names and relationships to Micky of the people the letters stand for?
  73. Do you have a monkee-related internet nickname?
  74. -- do you use it in monkee chat rooms?
  75. -- and know the names of all the other regular chatters there?
  76. -- and have met some of them?
  77. -- and travelled with them to see Micky?
  78. -- and missed school/work to do so?
  79. -- and chanced failing/getting fired?
  80. Have you ever quoted Micky/The Monkees?
  81. -- in your everyday life?
  82. -- and had people laugh at the jokes?
  83. -- and as a result, made them watch The Monkees with you?
  84. -- after they told you they didn't really want to?
  85. Have you ever written a fan-fic?
  86. -- that you've shown to others?
  87. -- that you've submitted to your creative writing class?
  88. -- and proceeded to bond with your teacher, who liked Micky as a teen?
  89. Have you considered making a monkee webpage?
  90. -- and done it?
  91. Have you ever thought about registering a domain
  92. -- and actually have done it?
  93. Do you have a webpage devoted to a friend/family member fo Micky's?
  94. -- and have a domain registered for them too?
  95. Are you a member of a Micky Dolenz fan club?
  96. -- are you the owner?
  97. Is a Monkee/Micky song playing on your speakers right now?
  98. If you had one wish, would it be to have Micky apear in your arms right now?
  99. -- is that not your wish becuase you've convinced youself you're already in his arms?
  100. -- is that not your wish becuase you actually are in his arms?
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