Top Ten Signs You Are Obsessed With The Monkees

#1) This word looks mispelled to you; monkey

#2 )When you hear that scientists have cloned a monkey, you asked if they were taking orders

#3) You don't think that slapping people with trout is at all odd

#4) You eat at McDonalds DailyNightly, because WOW! what a name! (MickEy D's to the commercial-free people out there)

#5) You have finally met your dream man (other than D, M, M, and P of course); he was willing to change his name to David Jones, adopt an English accent, and his plastic surgery is almost complete!

#6) You have begun worshipping your house plant, it looks supiciously like a Frodis

#7) You have long disscusions with other obsessives regarding fuzzy, straight, or ponytail.

#8) Your posters talk to you.

#9) Your second love is car commercials

#10) You have MIKE's autograph

#11) The name "Harold" brings to mind fond memories

#12) Instead of simply saying "shut up" you have begun to use "your words are ugly sounds"

#13) Seeing the word MickEy is enough to make you scream. Even when it's supposed to be spelt MickEy

#14) You have homemade Davy Jones bedsheets

#15) When anyone asks you where you're from, you answer "Belgravia"

#16) You talk to popsicles

#17) Both of your hands have touched those of a Monkees- in fear of their contamination you cut them off and placed them in a trophey case

#18) Although you are asked to do so constantely, you can no longer remember how to "talk about something else"

#19) You work on improving your vocabularity by listening to the songs of Nez

#20) You're in the process of sueing the ape community for misusing the name of monkee/y.

#21) You see Mickey Mouse spelt Micky Mouse and all you think is "Ha-HAH! Now *he* knows how it feels!" even though Mickey Mouse is a cartoon, and has no feelings

#22) You've dedicated your life to Science. And finding a time machine for the persual of three words: 1967 David Jones

#23) You have a collection of Mickys hair (the easiest to find *g*) and only 90% is from his head. The other 10%? Well.. I geuss you could say it's from his *head* too ^veg^.

#24) You set up light switches in your home that are connected to speakers hidden in your walls, that play wavs of Monkees saying things like "Hello" depending on the area. With this system, you don't even NEED anyone else!

#25) You're so excited about your upcoming court date.. with that silly restraining order, you haven't been able to get within 500 feet of your idols lately!

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