Pacific Blue
Season 5 - SNAFU
At the Firehouse Jamie spots the backside of a blond woman and asks if she needs help. The woman turns out to be Chris who is looking for Tc. Jamie informs her that he is at the hospital and although Cory is in charge she�s there as well, trying not to say too much.

Meanwhile up in the mountains a guy named Matt is gathering marijuana and a girl stands next to him trying to persuade him that they should leave. Suddenly an ATB is heard and they jump up on their bikes with the ATB after them. The man in the ATB shoots at Matt who falls down a cliff and then the police come. The ATB gets away.

Later Bobby visits Matt at a hospital to find out what happened. Matt and the girl come up with a phoney story and Bobby turns to leave. Then he changes his mind and asks if they really can�t think of a connection between the gunshot and the marijuana Matt were carrying on his bike.

Chris enters the hospital where Tc is and does not see Cory in the reception. Cory is shocked to see her and they hug and assure each other they�re fine. Chris asks if Cory has been with Tc and some confusion occur since Cory doesn�t know if Chris knows about the night Cory and Tc spent together. She tells Chris he is out of ICU and that he is going to appreciate her being there. Chris says that they�re after all married � for better for worse � which leaves Cory even more worried than she was before.

Tc is asleep in his hospital room but jerks awake when Chris speaks to him. At first he can�t believe she�s there. She asks how he is and he starts talking about facing rehab and losing his command. Chris says she wants to know how he is feeling and he answers her that before she came he hoped the crash would have been fatal but now that she�s here, he�s glad it wasn�t. Chris tells him that he has to deal with this on thing at the time and Tc says he can do that now that she�s there with him.

Some time after Tc and Chris go to Tc�s house and Chris is surprised by the fact that Tc has redecorated it in the way she wanted. He starts looking for his medication but Chris points out that it�s not time yet and Tc gets upset and claims the doctors don�t know how to treat him properly. After Chris tells him he�s an addict he gives in saying she�s the medicine he needs. He tries to kiss her but she turns away and says they need to focus on getting his drug habit under control and get him through his suspension hearing the next day.

At the Firehouse Cory is sitting in the Lt. office talking to Jamie when Will comes in. Jamie leaves and Will starts to massage Cory�s shoulders. He jokes with her and eventually tricks her into finding a little box in his hand. Cory gets worried while Will kneels down in the proposal position. Cory finds a ring in the box and tries to say something but Will interrupts her. He says that no matter whose child it is they�ll make it work. He puts the ring on her finger and asks her to marry him. She asks for some time to think it over and Will clearly gets disappointed but says yes.
Then Monica who�s been eavesdropping enters the office and Will leaves. She wants to know how Chris took the news about the baby and gets startled when Cory doesn�t answer her, indicating she hasn�t told her yet.

The next day it�s time for the hearing and Tc takes out a great amount of pills from a locker only to realize a second later that Chris stands behind him. Chris is adamant when she orders him to drop them and Tc does as she says.
There�s a knock on the door and Chris goes to let Cory in. While waiting for Tc to get ready Chris asks her what the news was she wanted to tell her about. Cory hesitates before saying she has a new boyfriend which Chris already has heard. Cory tells her about the proposal and that she has asked for some time to think it over. Chris comments that there�s probably a lot more they need to talk about then, without knowing how right she is.

At the hearing Tc is asked questions in order for the review board to consider his capability and suitability to continue his command of the Pacific Blue unit. All goes well until they bring up the fact that Tc forced a doctor to write out a prescription and wants to know if he has asked Cory for drugs and she has to admit. When they ask if she gave him any, Tc realizes that he can�t destroy Cory�s career and answers that he took them against her will. The hearing is adjourned and until they reconvene Tc is suspended and Cory shall assume command. Cory looks like she wants to disappear.

Up in the mountains Russ and Bobby are riding their bikes at a high speed and have the time of their lives, although they are supposed to look for marijuana. At another location Jamie and Monica are searching a bit more seriously. Monica asks Jamie what she thinks of the mess at the Firehouse and despite the fact that Jamie�s not interested in hearing it Monica goes on about Tc thinking his wife is coming back when she�s not and Tc and Cory sleeping together. Jamie puts an end to the topic when she spots marijuana fields.

Tc and Chris have gotten home from the hearing and Tc is really upset about how the board could know about him stealing drugs from Cory and thinks Cory betrayed him, but Chris defends her. From Tc�s point of view Chris was the only one who was really there for him and again he tries to kiss her and again she turns away. Tc gets annoyed that he can�t kiss his own wife but Chris is determent to make him listen to what she has to say.

Up in the mountains in the marijuana field two men inspect the plants. One of them wants to harvest within the next couple of days while the other one wants to wait.
Jamie and Monica spot their ATB and report to Russ and Bobby who are relaxing. Bobby and Russ find the field and can�t believe their eyes. When they come to their senses they decide to leave in order to avoid getting shot.

Back at Tc�s house Chris has Tc down in a chair while she gives him a lecture of how he is the type they arrest on the streets. She tells him she�s not there to take care of him or to reconcile their marriage but because he needs help. After a while Tc gets angry and thinks she�s cruel. Chris makes things worse by telling him she has thought about filing their divorce papers. She tells him he has to do this on his own and promises that if he does everything he can to get himself back on track she will be in his life in some way and if he doesn�t she will be gone.

At the Firehouse Bobby instructs the other rookies how they�ll be working undercover as campers to bust the marijuana growers and that they�ll work in two person teams around the clock. Russ and Monica is the first team out and Russ is thrilled he�s going to spend the night with Monica.
When they�re done Monica catches Chris and apologizes for her behaviour in the past regarding Tc and that she�s underestimated Chris as a cop and as a woman. She admits how hot she had been for Tc and wants to know what Chris�s hold over him is. Chris tells her she loves him.
Cory approaches them and wanders off with Chris to have their talk. Cory tells her she is pregnant and Chris�s excitement doesn�t last long when she hears the father might be Tc. Cory explains how she was confused and Tc was struggling to get over her and how it was one horrible, wonderful, terrific, drunken night. Cory lets her know she doesn�t want to say anything to Tc since he�s not in shape to deal with anything. Chris gets upset and then Cory gets upset as well when she blames Chris for leaving. She says she doesn�t regret it and that she�s gonna keep the baby no matter what the test says. Chris wonders where that leaves her and Cory says that it depends on whether or not she and Tc are getting back together. Chris answers she doesn�t know, especially not now and she sighs and leaves.

It�s evening and Russ and Monica are camping. Russ tells her that he was serious about wanting to spend the night with her and they end up kissing only to quickly stop. They realize they�ve seen too many examples of what happens when cops get involved and that they�re surrounded by romantic dysfunction. But Russ can�t control himself now that he has learned Monica�s attracted to him and they kiss again.

Back in Santa Monica Chris and Cory are walking together and contemplate whether their lives always have been screwed up. Cory unknowingly admits she�s in love with Tc and gets horrified but Chris takes it calmly and says she�s glad. Chris also admits she�s still in love with him although she could have sworn it was over between them. They eventually conclude their lives are a mess and when Chris jokingly asks whether she should hug Cory or kill her Cory says she wants the hug first and they hug.

When Chris gets back to Tc he has a visitor � a Sgt Jason Kendall who is there as a friend. Tc has been on his first twelve steps meeting and Jason has agreed to be his sponsor. Chris is glad. She walks Jason to the door where he says that there�s hope but that he has to do it on his own. Chris thanks him and he leaves.
Chris tells Tc that Cory told her the two of them made love and when Tc says they were drunk Chris says that she believes it meant something for both of them but that she is okay with it. After Tc has melted it he apologizes for all the things he has done and all the things he hasn�t done. Chris kisses him and when he is surprised she tells him that sometimes it takes everyone else telling you how much they want what you have to realize how much you want it yourself. They kiss and head for the bedroom.

Meanwhile Will is at Cory�s place and tells her he has taken the blood test. Cory decides it�s time to be honest and tells him how she loves him and that she is in love with Tc. Will takes the ring back since he doesn�t think it�s meant to be when she can�t say yes to his proposal without reservation.

It�s morning and when Russ and Monica wake up they hear a vehicle, inform Jamie and Bobby and soon the chase for the men starts. The rookies catch them but one of them doesn�t consider drug charges to be very serious. He gets worried though when a police car drops off the girl who testifies that he is indeed the man who shot Matt and Bobby kindly informs him that he could be facing attempted murder.

Earlier Cory and Tc have gotten calls from the review board about an emergency hearing and now they and Chris are there. Sgt. Kendall has requested it and puts before the board that Tc is doing his very best to deal with his problem and that he has the support of friends and officers. It is his opinion based on experience from working with recovering officers that Tc�s chances are better than average. The review board grants Tc a 90 day leave of absence for rehabilitation. If he then is clean and sober the board will explore restoring him to his command. Tc thanks Kendall and hugs Chris and Cory at the same time.

Later Tc and Chris stand by the water. Tc asks if she�ll come back and she says that he�ll see her again. They smile and he thanks her for believing in him. They hug and she leaves.

At a hospital Cory gets the result of the paternity test. She�s shocked by it.
Fun Stuff
Jim Davidson
Paula Trickey
Darlene Vogel
Marcos Ferraez
Rick Rossovich
Mario Lopez
Shanna Moakler
Jeff Sterns
Amy Hunter-Cornelius
Guest Cast
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