Pacific Blue
Jim Davidson
Paula Trickey
Darlene Vogel
Marcos Ferraez
Rick Rossovich
Mario Lopez
Shanna Moakler
Jeff Sterns
Amy Hunter-Cornelius
Guest Cast
Three beautiful women are at three different clubs.
Bree, one of the women, buys a drink and is hasseled by a man at the club.  She rejects his advances and slips away while the man is ordering drinks for them.
Bree leaves the club and gets into a limosine with the two other women, two sisters Lana and Sheila, and a man, Laslo Parks.  Parks congratulates them on their success for then night and asks to see what they made.
The three women throw money around inside the limo until they are interupted by the guy that was hassling Bree.
Parks orders their driver/security, Bobby to kill him.  Bobby carries out the order and the limo drives away, leaving the man's body on the pavement.

Victor, Tc and Palermo are talking to a contact called Arty.  Arty tells them that his friend, Rudy Baldez who works for Alejandro Cruz says that there is a million dollar drug sale gonig through on the beach but that Rudy doesn't know who the buyer is as nobody has heard of him before.
The three officers aren't pleased that Arty does not have anymore information for them.

Arty leaves and Palermo tells Victor and Tc to work harder on the case.
Victor points out that Palermo has a visitor in his office.
Palermo leaves to talk to the visitor.

He walks past Chris who is telling Cory about a disastrous date.

After conversing with the visitor, Palermo calls Chris and Cory to his office to talk to the visitor who is an FBI agent.

On the way up the stairs the women talk about their distaste for FBI agents and government agents in general...until they remember a rather attractive FBI agent by the name of Tim Stone.
They are pleasantly surprised to find Agent Stone in Palermo's office.
Stone tells the women and Palermo about counterfeit hundred dollar notes that have been showing up in clubs around Santa Monica.  He shows them a fake bill and asks them to compare it to a real bill.  The difference is minor and cannot be seen clearly without a magnifying glass.
Stone tells them that they've named the counterfeiters 'Rumplestiltskin' after the gnome who could turn straw into gold.  They work by having beautiful women hang out in clubs and bars where there is a high cash turnover and keep the change which is real.  He pleads with Palermo to let Chris and Cory work undercover with him because Rumplestiltskin will only be in town for three days before leaving.
Palermo agrees much to the delight of Chris and Cory.

Laslo is working on his computer making a bill.  The three women come into the room and Laslo tells them that he is creating a newer better bill.

Cory is bartending and Chris is waitressing on the night shifts to try to find these women and their bills.
The meet up with Stone afterward.  They tell him that there is no luck.  Stone offers to buy them drinks.  Chris agrees but Cory goes to leave.  Stone asks her to stay.  He says something and Chris realizes he was in the navy.  While they are talking navy Cory feels left out

Bree sneaks out of a club and goes down an alley.  She meets up with her boyfriend, Nicky Mink.
Nicky asks Bree if she's been spotted or if Laslo suspects anything.  Bree tells him that everything is okay.  Nicky asks if Laslo touched her and Bree says he did.  Nicky doesn't like that.  He starts to kiss Bree and she tells him there'll be time for that later.  She asks if Nicky knows how he's going to 'do' Laslo and Nicky pulls out a machete.

The next afternoon Chris walks into the firehouse wearing dark glasses.  Cory questions where she has been and is told that Chris and Tim were at the club until 3 am.  She also asks if anything happened between Chris and Tim and is told 'not yet.'  She is obviously jealous.  Palermo then calls then up to his office.
Palermo and Stone have decided that instead of bartending, waitressing and the like the three of them will be partying.

Laslo is on the phone to Alejandro.  He says that they will meet.  After hanging up he tells the girls to get ready for their nights work and also tells them that in 2 days time there will be a transaction at 10 am in a service yard behind the graffiti pit.  Bree asks what the transaction involves but is told that it is still a secret.

Arty is looking for Tc and Victor as they are looking for him.  They meet and Arty tells them that he has been hanging out with Rudy, Alejandro's driver all afternoon and that they should arrest him for possessing drugs.

Tc and Victor go after Rudy but he doesn't have any drugs on him.

That night Stone is at a strip club.  Cory is at another strip club and Chris is at a club.  They are looking for the counterfeiters.
Bobby, Laslo's driver is using the counterfeit money to pay for shoe polishing.  The women are buying drinks and partying.
Cory sees Lana at a bar giving the bartender a $100 bill.  Cory goes behind the counter, shows her ID and asks for the bill.  Sure enough it is counterfeit.  She takes the bill and sees that Lana has left the bar area and goes to find her but Lana is gone.

Also that night Bree is again meeting with Nicky.  She tells him about the 10 am appointment at the service yard for the transaction and speculates that it could be a drug swap.  She tells Nicky that they will let Laslo do the deal and then they will kill him back at the hotel.  They also say that they will deal with Lana, Sheila and Bobby.
Nicky and Bree kiss and then she leaves.

Alejandro and Laslo pull up in their respective limos outside a laundromat.
Alejandro is surprised and says that Laslo looks like a pizza boy.  He is also concerned that nobody he is aquainted with knows Laslo.  He questions where Laslo go the million dollars he will trade with Alejandro.
Laslo says that he has influencial friends.
Alejandro says that the deal will go down like he set out or not even Laslo's influencial friends will be able to help him.
Laslo torments Alejandro by hugging him then laughing when he gets upset.

Cory is sitting by herself at a table at a restaurant/bar thing when Chris walks in with Stone.  Chris is telling him a story from her navy days.
Cory looks glum and they ask her what is wrong.  She shows them the note and says that she was unable to catch Lana.
They tell her not to worry and that she can talk to the sketch artist tomorrow about getting an image of Lana.
Stone proposes they eat to celebrate.  Chris is eager but Cory declines.  Stone is unhappy when Cory leaves.

Tc is riding through the dark.  Victor rides up behind him.  They'd been asking 'lowlife sleezes' about any information to do with the drug deal.
They see Bree lying on a park bench and know by her clothing that she isn't homeless.
They try waking her to see if she has anywhere to go and find that her throat has been cut.  Victor checks for a pulse but she is dead.

Cory is walking along a path by the beach.  She sees Stone making a call at a phone booth and speeds up.
Stone sees her and hangs up the phone and runs after her.
She stops.  He tells her that although he likes Chris he only wants to be friends with her but he wants to date Cory.
She accepts, grabs his arm and they walk off together.

Back at Cory's apartment, she and Stone are talking about their childhood experiences until Stone realizes how late in the night it is.  He leaves but not without a kiss from Cory.

At the firehouse the next day Palermo and Stone have Tc and Victor in the lieutenant's office.  The medical examiner found one of Rumplestiltskin's notes tucked up Bree's dress.  Stone tells Victor and Tc that it is counterfeit.  They are surprised.
Victor and Tc leave and Stone says to Palermo that Bree was probably murdered because of internal deception.

Cory is giving Lana's description to the sketch artist and is also looking through pictures of other criminals to see if she can find a match.  She can't however.  Cory tells Chris that there is something she needs to tell her but they are interupted by Palermo and Stone.  Stone tells the girls about Bree's death and the note they found on her body.  He also says that instead of looking for coutnerfeiters, that night they will be circulating Cory's sketch and Bree's picture.

Lana, Sheila and Bobby arrive back at the hotel and inform Laslo about Bree and Nicky's plan to kill him and about Bree's death.  They say that Nicky will be taken care of.

That night Cory and Stone are walking along a path talking about their relationship.  Cory says she doesn't want to hurt Chris but wants Stone even if it damanges her career.

Chris, Cory and Stone are showing around the pictures.  Stone is getting information from people.  The girls are not having any luck.

Sheila and Lana are getting ready to go out passing their bills again.  Laslo comes in and tells them that they aren't going out because they might be spotted and tied in with Bree's death and that they also need to plan for the next day's activities.
The women find out that they will be buying $1 million worth of heroin from Alejandro Cruz that will be paid for with the new fake currency Laslo has been creating.  The drugs will then be sold in Detroit for a street value of $18 million.
They revel in the fact that Alejandro can't have them arrested otherwise he'd have to tell the cops that he was selling them drugs.

Chris is walking down the street feeling sad and lonely while Cory and Stone are making love.

Cory wakes up next to Stone the next morning and is happy despite the fact that he will have to leave her and go back to Washington DC

Cory finally gets a chance to tell Chris about herself and Stone.  Chris doesn't take it too well and is angry because she feels Cory should have taken her own feelings about Stone into account. 

They don't get a chance to finish their discussion because Nicky staggers into the firehouse screaming in pain and clutching his stomach.  He'd been stabbed.  Nicky tells the police about the drug swap.  They show him Lana's and Bree's pictures and he identifies them.  He also tells them about Shiela but is horrified to learn Bree is dead.  The cops leave to break up the drug swap.

At the same time Laslo, Sheila and Lana are doing the drug swat with Alejandro and his men.  The drug swap takes place even though both sides are wary of the other's merchandise.

Stone heard about the drug swap on his car radio transmitter and goes to the scene.  He is pinned down by gunfire until Tc, Victor, Chris and Cory arrive and secure the scene.
Alejandro's men are all dead including Rudy.  Bobby has also been killed.  Alejandro is arrested and so is Laslo, Lana and Sheila who tried to avoid being arrested by making out in the back of the limo.

Cory is getting ready for a date with Stone when Chris knocks on her front door.  Cory opens it expecting Stone.  Chris apologizes and says that she is happy if Cory is happy.  Cory apologizes that she didn't talk to Chris before it happens.  They hug and make up.

Cory goes out on her date to Stone.  They walk along the pier together.  Stone tells her he is going back to DC.  Cory says she understands but knows he'll come back.
They kiss, silouetted by sunlight.
"Bring us something we can use ok?"
"Go to work!"
"I put a match to his hamper."
"Great.  Another wacked out Fed."
"Agent Stone right?"    "He was pretty cute."
"Kelly, McNamara, you remember Agent Stone?"
"How were the tips?"     "Rotten!"
"What's Roxa?"    "Strip joint."
"Chris, where have you been?  It's 2.30."
"Chris, Cory, you want to come up now?"
"Del Toro, Callaway, where have you guys been?"
"Looking for you Arty."
"Here's my card.  I'll be in touch."
"So he ditches his plane in the middle of the lake."
"I browsed through every low-life sleeze I know."
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
"She probably had a whole roll of them in her purse?"
"It would help a lot if we could put a name to the woman you saw last night."
"She's a good friend.  I don't want to hurt her."
"Fireworks, roman candles, bells, whistles, you name it."
"There's our big drug deal."
"Where's Laslo?"
"You want to apologize?"
"I've got to get back to DC."
"You'll be back."
Fun Stuff
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