Pacific Blue
Lost and Found
Fun Stuff
Jim Davidson
Paula Trickey
Darlene Vogel
Marcos Ferraez
Rick Rossovich
Mario Lopez
Shanna Moakler
Jeff Sterns
Amy Hunter-Cornelius
Guest Cast
Tc and Victor are on patrol and are called to a punch up.
As the fight breaks up one man - Sammy Lugo - drops a packet of drugs and takes off running.

While Tc stays behind with the other men, Victor chases Sammy and catches him.
Sammy tries to bargain with Victor saying he's gone something to trade but will only speak to Cory about it.

Chris is talking to a girl (Rosey) serving in a coffee shop.  The two seem to know each other as Chris is a regular.

Victor tells Cory about Sammy wanting to bargain but will only talk to her.  He advises her that Sammy is in the interrogation room and she should talk with him before Palermo conducts the interrogation.

Chris and Tc have a handful of profiles of runaway children.  Chris recognizes one of them as Rosey.

Cory talks to Sammy who informs her that one of his drug lord bosses has employed a hitman to kill  her brother (Peter) because Peter stole money from the boss when Peter was a dirty cop.  Sammy will not tell Cory the name of the boss.  He wants her to help his charges to be dropped by her talking to the District Attorney.

Chris and Tc confront Rosey in the coffee shop.  She runs away but is caught after a short chase.

Cory tells Peter than someone is out to kill him on past grievances.  Peter doesn't think that the threat is real but asks Cory not to tell anyone.

Palermo, Tc and Chris have Rosey in the interrogation room and are asking her questions about her past.  She refuses to answer.
Victor comes into the room and tells Palermo he's called her parents and that her father was coming to claim her tomorrow.
Rosey becomes very upset and yells that she will not return to her father and when asked, still will not answer questions.

Cory goes to Palermo and asks him questions about the methodology of hitmen under the pretence that her cousin is writing a screen play and is begging Cory for inside information.  Palermo has previously worked for Organised Crime Detail and worked with an FBI agent on a case.  He passes on the information to Cory.

The next day Chris is with Rosey in Palermo's room when Palermo brings Rosey's father up.  Mr Evans asks Rosey to come with him and Rosey obliges.

Cory gets Sammy out of the lockup and takes him towards interrogation.  Victor watches on.
Cory presses Sammy for information about the boss.  Sammy is reluctant until Cory brings up the point that Sammy will go away from life because he has already been arrested twice before.
Sammy tells Cory the drug boss is Austin 'Little Boy' St Pierre.
On the way out of the room Sammy tells Cory to hurry as the hit has to be carried out by midnight the next day.

Victor approaches Cory as she is walking down the street on her way to meet St Pierre.
He asks if she's okay and if there's anything he can do to help.  She tells him to stay out of it and he obliges.

Cory meets with St Pierre on the beach and asks him about the 'rumor' of the hitman.
St Pierre denies his involvement but warns Cory not to get involved otherwise she will incur the same treatment her brother is getting.
Cory warns him that if Peter is killed that she will no longer have an excuse not to bring the case to the police.

A man approaches Chris at the firehouse and tells her that he is here to pick up his daughter, Rosey.

Cory meets up with Peter to tell him the new information.  She arrives just in time as the hitmas was about to fire.

The real Mr Evans tells Chris and Palermo that the man who they turned Rosey over to was in fact a guy called Lenny Patrani who was Rosey's high school science teacher and the man that ran away and is having an affair with Rosey.

Cory tells Peter the name of the drug boss.  Peter now believes that there is someone out to kill him but refuses to leave town because he knows the hitman will follow him.  Cory gets an idea.

Tc and Chris confront Rosey at her house.  Chris tells Rosey that her real father showed up and Rosey tries to run.  They catch her and Chris takes Rosey back to the station while Tc waits for Lenny Patrani.

Cory tells Victor that she needs his help but that she can't tell him what is going on.  He doesn't like that he is being left out of the loop but agrees to help her.

Peter packs his bags, throws them in the car and speeds off.

Lenny Patrani comes home and finds Tc waiting for him.  He is taken into custody.

The hitman follows Peter in his car.  Peter stops on the side of the road and calls Cory from a pay phone to tell her this.

Palermo, Chris and Tc are interrogating Patrani.  He admits to sleeping with Rosey and to running away with her.  He tells them it was because he loves her and because her father was beating her.
The officers are surprised and Chris asks for proof.  Patrani tells them to look at her back and look at her wrist which was broken when her father hit her with a chair.

Chris takes Rosey to Palermo's office and draws the blinds.  She looks at Rosey's back which is covered with scars.  She looks at Rosey's wrist.

Peter pulls his car off the road as Cory steps out from behind a sign.  Peter tells her that the assassin is still following.  He drives off.
Cory gets out her gun but the assassin comes from behind her and points a gun at her head.  He takes her gun.

Chris talks to Rosey about what is going to happen to her.  She says that her case has been turned over to a social worker.
Rosey tells Chris that she loves Lenny.

The assassin has Cory tied up and tells her that he knows she's a cop.  He tries to gag her but she knees him in the gut and tries to run but he catches her.

Palermo and Chris take Mr Evans into Palermo's office to talk.  They tell him that Rosey's case has been given to a social worker because of him beating Rosey..
Evans isn't pleased and starts yelling.  Chris then gets in his face and yells back at him.
Palermo tells Evans to go downstairs to talk to a District Attorney about the beatings.
Evans goes downstairs and sees Patrani in the lockups.  He runs over and tries to strangle Lenny.
Palermo and Tc struggle with Evans.  Chris watches on.  Rosey yells for them to 'stop it' and Evans lets go.
Rosey runs over to Lenny, kisses him and tells him she loves him.
Evans tells Rosey he wants her to come home and Rosey gives him a dirty look before leaving with the social worker.

The assassin guides a bound and gagged Cory onto the beach with a gun to her head.
Peter who is pitching a tent at the time did not see them approach.
The assassin tells Peter to give the gun to him.  Peter reluctantly does so because the assassin threatens to kill Cory.
Just as the assassin is about to kill Peter, Victor rides up to the back on a jetski firing his gun.
As the assassin is distracted Cory kicks the gun out of his hand and Peter goes for his own gun.
The assassin takes off running along the beach.  Victor pulls up along side, jumps off the ski and runs after him.  The assassin stops to get a gun from the holster on his ankle and Victor shoots him dead.

Later on, Peter and Cory are walking along the beach.  Cory tells Peter that Palermo believed the story she told him about somebody just having a grudge and that Palermo didn't ask her any more questions.  Peter is glad otherwise he'd have been arrested for being a dirty cop.
Cory says that St Pierre could still hire another shooter.
Peter gives Cory and envelope full of information on St Pierre
Cory asks where he got it and he said he pulled in some favours and that he used to be a good cop.  He tells Cory to put him away.

Rosey's aunt is moving her stuff out of her apartment she shared with Lenny.  Chris comes over to say goodbye.
Rosey is still mad at Chris.
Chris points out that Rosey can finish high school now.
Rosey tells Chris that she'll turn 18 soon and that when Lenny is let out of prison she'll be waiting for him.
"Why take the sergeant's exam?  Why not just go straight to Chief?"
"Go get him Chief!"
"Hurry please.  You're looking at a desperate woman."
"I suggest you go in there before Palermo gets to him."
"Hey beautiful.  Miss me?"     "Like I miss the macarena."
"She's in a pretty big hurry to get ahead."
"This PI's busy stuff.  Do you realize there are people all over southern California cheating on their lovers?"
"Her father said he'll be here first thing in the morning."
"Shut up Bobo.  Don't speak till spoken to."
"You just turned my daughter over to a monster!"
"I need your help."
"He'd dead."
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