Pacific Blue
The Last Ride
Fun Stuff
Jim Davidson
Paula Trickey
Darlene Vogel
Marcos Ferraez
Rick Rossovich
Mario Lopez
Shanna Moakler
Jeff Sterns
Amy Hunter-Cornelius
Guest Cast
Chris and Cory are on patrol and see Mahmood scrubbing the railing of the pier as part of his community service.  They go over to tease him.
When they leave Mahmood strips off his community service overalls to reveal a business suit.

Two men, Raul and Willy steal a car from a beach parking lot.  They work as a team however Raul is openly unhappy with the racist remarks made to him by Willy.

At the firehouse Palermo tells the gang about the stolen cars.  Tc wonders if they are being used for parts.  Palermo thinks they are being shipped to Russia and Victor tell them both that they are being diven to Mexico to be used for parts.
Rosa comes in looking for Victor.  Victor's boyhood friend Emilio has been parolled from prison but hasn't contacted his family.  Rosa is worried for him because the next time he gets arrested he'll get a life sentence.
Victor contacts Emilio's parole officer to find him.

Willy and Raul are casing a parking lot looking for another car to steal.  Willy is still making racist remarks.  They leave the scene when Tc and Victor ride past on patrol

Victor tells Tc that he and Emilio were so close they were almost like brothers and that Emilio was like another son to Rosa.  He also says that Emilio had a string of abusive step-fathers.  Emilio started out with gangs when he was 13 and has been in and out of jail ever since.

Mahmood is showing Lenny Steinruder the Santa Monica pier and tells him that they are moving the Queen Mary there.  Mahmood is trying to sell him leasing rights in exchange for money for himself and Sarah Farman from the city council even though that the bribe would be against the law.
Sarah shows up and appears unsure about whether she wants to go through with the deal.
Chris and Cory are watching on.  They are wondering who Lenny is.  Chris says he looks familiar.  They also wonder why Mahmood is talking with him.

Emilio is doing working as a janitor at Pacific High school.  Victor shows up and they hug.  Victor says that he's still Emilio's friend and Emilio says that he would rather die than go back to jail.

At night, Willy and Raul are stealing another car.  Willy is still insulting Raul under the pretence of a joke.  The owner of the car they are stealing sees them doing it and runs over.  He tries to tackle Raul out of the car but Willy shoots the man dead.  The two thieves drive away leaving the man.

Tc is reading a newspaper in Palermo's office the next morning.  The story is about the man who was shot by Willy.

Rosa, Victor and Emilio are having dinner at Victor's house.  Between the main meal and dessert Rosa ushers Victor and Emilio out of the house. 

They talk about something that happened when the boys were young.  Victor still regrets it but Emilio doesn't.

Mahmood is lying on Sarah's hotel bed when she comes out of the shower.  As she is dressing in front of him, Mahmood tries hitting on her but Sarah refuses saying she doesn't want to mix business with pleasure.  She does however say that she will show Mahmood 'heaven' after they have the money from Lenny.

The next day at the firehouse Chris shows Cory a newspaper clipping.  She went to the library after they saw Lenny and she found the clipping.  Lenny is the son in law of a jewish crime boss that controls garment issues in New York.  Chris thinks Lenny is here to start up a new business for the family.

Victor and Emilio are at a bar talking when a bikie man bumps into Emilio.  After a verbal disagreement Emilio reaches for his gun.  Victor pushes Emilio outside.  Emilio is angry with Victor for taking the man's side.  Victor is annoyed that Emilio violated his parole in front of him.  He tells Emilio to take things one step at a time or he'll end up back in jail.  Emilio agrees and they are friends again.

Raul and Willy are in a workshop.  Raul is looking over the car they stole.  There is blood on the door and carpet.  Raul says that because Willy shot the man he should clean up the blood.  Willy says that he shouldn't have to clean up after 'Raul's people'.  Raul throws a spanner at Willy and they are about to fight when Emilio comes in and breaks it up.  Emilio tells Willy to clean the car.

Lenny and Mahmood are anxiously waiting Sarah's arrival at the pier.  Sarah comes and wants out of the deal.  Mahmood agrees to ditch her and Lenny gets suspicious.  He thinks they have found someone else to give them more money.  He reaches into his jacket and pulls out...a calculator, much to their relief.
He says he'll give them more money and gives Sarah a cheque.
Lenny leaves and Sarah and Mahmood revel in their acting abilities to trick Lenny.

Chris and Cory are on the scene and call Mahmood over for a talk.  Sarah says that she will show Mahmood 'heaven' when he's finished with the officers and they meet back at the hotel.
Mahmood tries to brush of Chris and Cory saying he has a 'meeting' but they don't let him go.  They tell him about Lenny being part of the mob.  Mahmood is now worried.

Rosa and Victor at at his place and are waiting on Emilio for dinner.  He was supposed to have arrived 2 hours ago and Rosa is worried.  Victor is annoyed because he didn't call or anything but tells Rosa not to worry, that Emilio probably just got held up.  Rosa is happy because she is going to save Emilio some food.

Mahmood goes to the hotel room expectantly.  However all he finds is a note from Sarah.  She's run off with the money.  Mahmood is now worried about the mob coming after him.

Emilio inspects the cleaning job Willy did of the car and is happy with it.   Raul is anxious to leave because their person on the border patrol will be finished their shift if they don't start driving to Mexico soon.  Emilio gives Raul the go ahead for the drive.

The car is speeding around corners and squealing it's tired which attracts the attention of Palermo and Tc on patrol.  They check with dispatch and find it's the car of the man who was killed.  They chase it but find the car abandoned a short time later.

Mahmood is being dangled by his feet over the water by Lenny's men.  Mahmood says that Sarah stole the money.  Lenny only agrees to let Mahmood go so that he can find Sarah and get the money back.

Palermo tells Tc in Victor's hearing that there were three sets of prints in the car.  One is Willy's and the other is Emilio's.  Victor then confeses he knows Emilio and is deeply sadended that his friend is in trouble again.

Victor and Tc go to Emilio's hotel but the manager hasn't seen Emilio for a couple of days despite Emilio's possessions still being in the room.  Victor tells Palermo that they are going to the high school to check things out even though Palermo has said that Emilio had the day off.
On the ride there Victor tells Tc that the thing he regrets about their childhood was that Victor and Emilio stole a car.  They had been joyriding when the police came after them.  Emilio was driving and sped off then let Victor out of the car before taking off again and getting caught and arrested.  Victor never came forward and Emilio never gave him up.  Victor feels that if he'd come forward Emilio wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble with the law.  Tc disagrees.

Mahmood is visiting Chris and Cory, telling them about the deal he was trying to strike with Lenny and that Sarah and run away with the money.  They can't believe it.  He also asks for their help.  At first they refuse until Mahmood cries.  Then they offer to help and Mahmood makes a miraculous recovery.

Mahmood meets Lenny in a building with a lot of fish tanks.  Lenny is angry that Mahmood couldn't find Sarah and the money.  Mahmood tries to talk his way out of it but Lenny threatens to kill him.  It is then that Mahmood reveals the wire he is wearing. 

Chris and Cory come onto the scene with a couple of FBI agents.  Lenny and his men are arrested.

Victor and Tc go to the school.  At first everything appears normal until Victor sees a trickle of water coming out front underneath a door.  They go to investigate and find the workshop where the cars were stashed before being driven to Mexico. 

The door is shut and locked behind them.  They exit through another door where they find they are trapped on two sides by a fence, one side by a wall and the other side by four men with guns, two of which are Raul and Willy.

There is a shoot out in which all four men are shot and killed and Tc is shot in the head.

After Victor has finished securing the scene he sees Emilio fleeing.  He doesn't immediately make chase, choosing to go back to Tc.  Palermo arrives on the scene and tends to Tc while Victor goes after Emilio.
Emilio has a gun and refuses to surrender.  He tries to shoot Victor but Victor shoots back killing him.  Victor is upset and cries.

Chris is on the phone back at the firehouse with Cory listening on.  She's on the phone to the hospital who tell her that the bullet grazed Tc's head and apart from a headache he will be fine.
Mahmood comes in and asks the women to file a missing persons report for Sarah.
They throw him out of the firehouse.

Victor arrives home to tell Rosa the bad news about Emilio.  They cry on each others shoulders.
"Let's go poke fun at the little scammer."
"The lastest thing to do is load giant cargo ships full of hot cars and send them off to Russia."
"Mom?  What are you doing here?"
"Cops man, walk away."
"Emilio Lopez practically grew up in my house."
"That guy he's talking to looks familiar."      "One of your many dates perhaps?"
"The past has a nasty way of sticking to your shoes."
"Our presence may scare them away.  Who knows, we may get lucky."
"More food?  You're enough to make me look like a blimp."
"We used to sneak smokes all the time when we were kids."
"These are serious people."
"Damn I miss that."    "I can tell.  That's just three in five minutes."
"You're the one with the problem."
"Looks like Mahmood has got a girlfriend."
"Nice suit Mahmood.  Hardly the proper attire for scraping fish heads off the pier."
"Mummy don't worry."
"You think you can steal from me you scrawny little putz!"
"Wait.  I know this guy."
"Maybe there's an innocent explanation as to why Emilio's prints were there."
"Don't try to take these guys down by yourselves."
"Scab?  No.  We encouraged him to invest."
"I'm afraid I have bad news."      "That's bad news for you."
"Threatening to kill somebody is against the law.  You're under arrest."
"Doesn't look like anybody has been here all day."      "Then how come the ground is wet right there?"
"They stashed the cars here before they drove them to Mexico.  Dammit!"
"Tc.  You okay?"
"Looky here boys.  We got ourselves a real turkey shoot."
"Don't make me do this Emilio."
"I told you I wasn't going back."
"If he comes back in again, shoot him."
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