Pacific Blue
Deja Vu
Thanks to Lana for the pictures.  You can see her website at:
Fun Stuff
Jim Davidson
Paula Trickey
Darlene Vogel
Marcos Ferraez
Rick Rossovich
Mario Lopez
Shanna Moakler
Jeff Sterns
Amy Hunter-Cornelius
Guest Cast
Deja Vu
Tc and Tony are on patrol.  They are talking about Tony's girlfriend Suzy and her unemployment when they are called to an exertion.  Tc and Tony are fighting with some guys when Chris and Victor arrive. 
After the bad guys have been defeated Tony sees Gene Savage, a corrupt cop that Tony testified against and is understandable not happy to see the guy.  Victor and Tc question Savage while Palermo stands off to one side thinking.  When that is finished, Savage walks over to Tony and tells him that he doesn't hate Tony for testifying against him.  Tony wants to know why Savage came to Santa Monica.

At the firehouse Victor and Tc are talking about Palermo and Savage  and they wonder what went on between the two men.  Cory sits nearby and tells them that Palermo denounced Savage and put him behind bars.  Palermo then comes out of him office and orders Tc to find ANYTHING on Savage...even parking fines.

On the boardwalk a bad guy is trying to break a bike lock in order to steal the bike but gets caught and 'arrested' by the Good Samaritans vigilante group. 
The man pulls out a pen knife and slashes the arm of Andy, a male Samaritan just as Chris and Cory pull up. 
They two women question the Samaritans but don't get clear answers so Chris pulls one of them, Jane, aside for private questioning while Cory stays behind to make sure Andy is okay. 
Cory tells Andy that they should be more careful and leave the arresting to the experts who have more training and equipment. 
Chris comes back and says that they can't do anything so the two mount up and ride away.  Andy yells after them, 'I'm as careful as you Cory.'  Chris then teases Cory about having her first groupie.

In Palermo's office Tc throws a folder on the desk that contains all the offences committed by Savage.  Palermo opens the folder to find there is nothing in it and wonders why business licences are given to convicted criminals.  Tc tells him that Savage did his 10 years in jail so it is fully legal.  Tony is convinced that Savage is up to something.

Tc and Victor are out on patrol discussing Palermo/Savage saga and Victor asks what Tc would do if he found out Victor was corrupt.  Tc announces enthusiastically that he would tell.  Tc then asks Victor the same question and Victor also says that he would tell...just without as much enthusiasm as Tc showed. 
The pair then see two men, one of which is wanted for trying to steal a bike.  This time however they have already broken the lock and when they see the police they get on the bikes and ride off.  Victor and Tc lose them after a chase.

That evening Tony and Suzy are walking along a street and Suzy tells Tony that she has a surprise.  They stop in front of Savage's game centre and she announces that she got a job there as a bookkeeper.  Tony is angry.  He tells Suzy to wait outside while he goes in to find Savage. 
A few words are thrown before Tony gets really angry and pins Savage to a wall threatening that if something happens to Suzy that Tony will forget he is a cop and will do something that could end his career.  Suzy then rushes in apologizing for Tony's behaviour. 
Suzy and Tony leave, unknown to them that they are being filmed by a security camera.
When they are outside Suzy demands to know what is happening so Tony tells her.  He also tells her that he doesn't want her working there.  She says that it is not his decision and that she is keeping the job.
Tony realizes that he can't do anything to persuade her and apologizes but says that he will be picking her up from work no matter what.
They see someone climbing out of a window of Tony's apartment.  Tony chases but the man but loses him.

Chris and Cory are on patrol when they receive a call.  They arrive to the scene and see Andy and Jane, the Samaritans.  Andy is fighting with a man and after being separated Cory asks Andy why he didn't call them.  He asks her what she would have done if she'd seen a man beating up a woman.  She says that he was right and he tells her that she could make it up to him by going on a date with him.  Cory says no.  He says that he will be at a place and he will wait for her.  Cory says she won't be there.

Victor and Tc are also on patrol.  They are on the boardwalk when they see the bike thieves.  They chase them but lose them again when both men crash into a hot dog trolley and fall off their bikes.

Suzy and Savage are at work discussing what Suzy has to do for the evening.  Savage says that he understand the way that Tony is behaving but also says that he has changed his ways.

Palermo is at the firehouse when an Internal Affairs agent enters the building.  Palermo is not happy to see him.  They go to Tony's office and the agent shows Tony the footage from the security camera.  The agent says that he believes that both Savage and Tony were corrupt but Tony testified to save himself.  Palermo of course refuses the allegations.

The bike thief knocks on a door somewhere that evening.  He has two bike wheels slung over his shoulder.  The man at the door takes the wheels and says that he has another job for the thief.  He is to break into the game centre and steal money.

Suzy is sitting alone at the game centre calculating her work when she hears a noise.  The bike thief had broken a window.  Suzy gets up and walks around to see where the noise came from.  Then she hears a really loud noise coming from a game that the thief stood on.  Suzy gets scared so she hides in a broom closet for a while then opens the door slowely and tries to run quickely out of the centre to escape.
The thief catches her but she kicks him in the gutt and runs outside into Tony's arms.  He tells her to wait outside and call for back up wile he goes in.  He find the thief and threatens him with a gun.  His gun remains pointed at the thief even as Tc and Victor are taking over the scene.

Tony and Suzy are sitting on a sofa together back at Tony's place.  Suzy asks if their relationship is going to last under the circumstances.  Tony says everything will be fine.

The Samartians are on the boardwalk.  Andy is disappointed because Cory didn't show up for their date.  They see a man dealing drugs to a woman.  Andy wants to go after the guy but Jane disagrees saying it is too dangerous and wants to call the police.  Andy says that they won't get there in time and runs after the dealer.
Jane and Andy get separated and Jane walks through a door and gets shot by the dealer.
The ambulance arrives for Jane.
Cory is with Andy who is in shock.  He blames himself.  Cory tries unconvincingly to tell him that it wasn't his fault.

Tc and Palermo are in the Lieutenant's office and Tc is telling him about Jane's condition.  He also says that they didn't get anything on the drug dealer.
The IA agent comes to the door and orders Tc to leave.  He then gives Tony a piece of paper that is Tony's bank statement.  There is an entry of $40,000 to Tony's account from an unknown source.  Tony puts it down to compute error but the agent says he's already checked and it's not computer error.
Tony says that Savage must have done it to set him up.  The agent doesn't believe him and Palermo gets suspended.

Tony is jogging on the beach when Savage shows up.  He tells Tony how sorry he is that Tony got suspended and that he had no other choice.  He had to get Tony suspended for his own security.  He also says that he had no bad intentions when he came to Santa Monica, he just wanted to start a new life.
Tony doesn't believe him and leaves.
Savage then opens a bag which has a gun with 'Anthony Palermo' engraved.

Palermo is alone in his apartment when the phone rings.  It is the bike thief's accomplace who calls himself Tony's guardian angel.  He says he wants to turn Savage in and tells Tony to go to pier 5.

Tony goes to pier 5 and sees the guardian angel guy and Savage although he doesn't recognize them because it is dark.  They are fighting on the bridge above Tony.
He is about to run up there but Savage shoots the man who falls off the bridge and lands in front of Tony.  He reaches down to see if the man is dead and the bike thief shows up and screams that Tony killed the guy.
Tony asks the thief who shot the guy but he runs away.  The cops arrive then and draw their guns on Tony thinking that he shot the man.

At the firehouse Victor informs Chris and Cory that Andy has a weapon so the women rush out to visit Andy.

Palermo is at his apartment when there is a knock on the door.  It is the IA agent who accuses Tony of killing the man because it was a bullet from Tony's gun.  Tony goes to the cupboard for the gun and finds it missing.    He tells the agent about the robbery at his house but the agent doesn't believe him because he did not report it.

Andy threatens the drug dealer with a gun but the dealer pulls out his own gun and threatens Andy as Chris and Cory arrive.  They draw their guns and tell the dealer to drop his.  The dealer drops his gun so Chris arrests him.
Cory arrests Andy for illegal possession of a firearm.  Andy can't believe she is doing this.

Tc and Tony are in Tony's office discussing what happened the previous night.  They agree that they must find the bike thief as it is their only hope to find out who shot the guardian angel guy.

Tc is riding around the boardwalk asking people if they've seen the bike thief.  Palermo is doing the same.  He goes to the place of the shooting the day before and sees the thief but when the thief sees him he runs away.
Tony follows him and yells for him to stop.  As the thief turns around Savage comes from behind and threatens the guy with a gun.
Tc hears everything over the radio and starts riding to the scene.
Palermo finds out that the gun Savage is holding is his own.  Savage says it's the gun that Palermo used to kill the man the previous night but the thief says it wasn't Palermo, it was Savage.  Palermo says that Savage's prints are now all over the gun but Savage says that his prints got there because he was fighting Tony and took the gun after Tony had killed the guardian angel guy.
Tc arrives on the scene, coming from behind Savage.  Savage looks around and Palermo hits the gun from his hands.  They struggle, then Tc arrests Savage.
The thief is going to testify against Savage.

Tc, Palermo and the IA detective are all in the Lieutenant's office.  The detective tells how Savage planned everything.  The detective also wants to apologize to Tony for not trusting him.  After a little hesitation Tony accepts.
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