Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy NVVIF
  Nederlands-Vlaamse Vereniging voor Interculturele Filosofie

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do not overlook the membership registration form, Forum/Message Board, and 'suggest a link' facilities below

go to: Research Group seminar page.

Dutch/Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy (Nederlands/Vlaamse Vereniging voor Interculturele Filosofie, NVVIF)

The association comprises some forty members in the Netherlands, Africa, Asia, and elsewhere. Its aim, as stipulated in the association's constitution, it the conceptual and institutional elaboration of intercultural philosophy in a way commensurate with current international and intercontinental developments -- both in the world at large (multiculturality, globalisation) and within the philosophical domain. The association's main activities are the following:

The association was founded by Professor Heinz Kimmerle, its first chair, and first incumbent (1991-95) of the Rotterdam chair of Foundations of Intercultural Philosophy.

Currently, the executive has the following composition:

The association's address: Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy, c/o Prof. Wim van Binsbergen, Philosophical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O.Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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General Annual Meeting: The last General Annual Meeting was held in November, 1998. The first part of the meeting consisted of an address by Professor Vincent Shen, one of today's leading specialists in Chinese philosophy; he approached the problems of intercultural philosophy by contrasting the European philosophical tradition with a detailed examination of Confucianism and Taoism. His paper is now in press as a Working Paper of the NVVIF. After Professor Shen's meeting the new chair, Wim van Binsbergen, appointed Heinz Kimmerle to Honorary Member of the association, and moreover presented an extensive policy document setting out the association's path for the next few years. This document was accepted by acclamation. click here for a copy of this policy document. Its decisions are currently being implemented.

Join us

At least two lines of argument converge in the study of intercultural philosophy. In the first place, ethnocentric, Eurocentric tendencies inevitably underlie the North Atlantic mainstream philosophical tradition; intercultural philosophy offers a context in which such bias can be detected, critiqued, and left behind in the light of the achievements of traditions of thought originating outside the North Atlantic. Secondly, under contemporary conditions of globalisation, as well as the emergence of the massively multicultural society in Western Europe over the past decades, interculturality has inevitably become an implied or explicit dimension of every social situation, every philosophical and social scientific discourse, every situation of co-operation, conflict and reconciliation. In the Netherlands and Belgium, general interest for this kind of questions is reassuringly high, and we would like to see this reflected in rising numbers of NVVIF members, and participants in our seminars, conferences and publications. Once we as the executive wil be satisfied that we are providing, once more, a worthwhile service as an association, we shall ask members to pay an annual contribution of Dfl 35.00, or Euro 16.00. If you are a philosopher, social scientist in the broadest possible sense (including such fields as history, economics, social geography etc.), linguist, literary scholar or art scholar working on cultural production outside the North Atlantic, or if you are a senior administrator dealing with practical issues of globalisation and interculturality, then we need your participation at least as much as you may need us. Contact any member of the executive as listed above, and have yourself invited to our next meeting. You will be very welcome indeed. In order to accommodate as many potential participants as possible, and in order to live up to the facts of interculturality today, one of the proposals adopted by the 1998 General Annual Meeting was that English will henceforth be the language of communication within the association.

Membership registration form: click here for a membership registration form setting out about our three varieties of  membership:

by filling out and submitting this electronic form you register according to any of these three options.

The association's Website...

It is our intention that the Website, now finally brought to life, will play a central role in the Association's activities, not only for the divulging of information and stimulating discussion (see Forum/Message Board below), but also for the international, cheap and speedy publication of the Association's scholarly texts.

Full-size papers available in the present website

Although this website is not yet intended as a vanue of publication proper, a number of paper have been made available here in order to further the communication between the members of the Association and especially the Research Group:

Internal search facility:

In order to ascertain if your favourite intercultural philosopher, concept or problematic is represented in this site, you may use the internal search facility provided here:

(Incidentally, this search facility when set to 'The Web'instead of 'This Site', offers an excellent quick search of the Internet as a whole.
In case you are disappointed by this site's coverage, please amplify our scope or rectify our approach by making an entry onto our Forum:

Forum/Message Board on Intercultural Philosophy

click on the larger blue rectangle below to access the forum, read the discussions, and add remarks, responses, questions and news of your own:

Click on the larger blue rectangle in order to access the Forum. Once there, you select, by clicking, one of the subjects offered there
Use the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons in order to read the contents of the Forum topic by topic. It is not always obvious whether a particular entry has already received any reaction, therefore keep on clicking!
Entering text
-- If you wish to initiate a NEW topic with a contribution, remark, question, announcement of your own, then you click on ‘New Article’.
-- If you wish to enter your reaction to an already existing topic, then you click on ‘Reply
When entering, you see a box with a name and an e-mail address; these belong to the person who made the last entry before you, so do not forget to overwrite these entries with your own name and e-mail address!

Links to other sites in the field of Intercultural Philosophy

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internal links:

site development subsidised by the Trust Fund, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
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