Research Group Seminars

Dutch-Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy NVVIF

  Nederlands-Vlaamse Vereniging voor Interculturele Filosofie


Our last meeting, of April 28, 2000, was well attended and was characterised by a lively discussion. There were extensive oral presentations by Reini Raatgever (on the basis of a written paper) and by Henk Oosterling, in addition to a written text by Wim van Binsbergen, a somewhat revised version (13.5.2000) of which is attached here:

click here for: Wim van Binsbergen: 'Derrida on religion: Glimpses of interculturality'

The initiative to inject new life into our group by circulating, for our April 28, 2000 meeting, the Derrida/Vattimo/Gadamer book was welcomed in principle, but it turned out that most people attending had increasing doubts as to whether a Research Group on Intercultural philosophy is likely to reap lasting benefits from approaching spirituality from a North Atlantic/continental philosophy of difference approach. The last part of our meeting was devoted to venting criticism of the overall orientation, while exploring alternatives. So far this led to the following decisions taken by the group as a whole:  
1. after the Summer vacation 2000 we shall re-orientate the Research Group, but we still have to make up our mind as to alternatives to our current approach. 
2. until the Summer vacation 2000 we shall continue along the existing lines. Our next meeting will be on

Next meeting of the Research Group seminar: Friday, June 16, 2000, 16.00 hrs, EUR, Philosophical Faculty, Oostmaaslaan 950-952++++.

Perhaps we should try to re-establish what was a wonderful tradition under the chairpersonship of Heinz Kimmerle, and conclude the meeting with drinks and a meal. In that case it will have to be a Dutch treat i.e. everyone pays for herself/himself, as in the past  
3. It was felt that Wim van Binsbergen's paper had not been given an extensive critical discussion, which is why it shall be back on the agenda for the June 16 meeting.  
4. It was also felt that we do not explore sufficiently the rich stores of interculturality and spirituality all of us have access to as members of the Research Group. Wim proposed to open the meeting with a display of African spirituality, and to throw in a new paper on African spirituality from a point of view of interculturality. But we must not allow this Research Group to be turned into a one- or two-men show. What is particularly welcome is papers by the other members, if possible circulated in advance by e-mail, and addressing aspects of our research topic on the basis of personal fascination, expertise, experience, etc. Sometimes the feeling arises that we are not trying hard enough to make this Research Group a success. Let us try once more!  
5. We have invested considerably in spirituality, and have a few papers to show, and some seminal discussions behind us. Therefore it was proposed to yet try and organise a one-day conference, of modest proportions, for the Autumn of 2000.  


The first meeting of the regular monthly research seminar in the academic year 1999-2000 took place on:

Friday, 17 September, 1999, Philosophical Faculty, EUR, Rotterdam, 16.00 hrs

On that occasion we determined in greater detail how to approach the specific topic which will guide our discussions in the next two years, leading on to an international conference -- possibly in the context of the Rotterdam 2001 'cultural capital' manifestations:

Spirituality: Approaches from intercultural philosophy

Taking spirituality as our thematic focus, and the contemporary multicultural society of Western Europe as our principal referent for empirical grounding, we shall explore the intercultural-philosophical problem of how to conceptualise, and turn to philosophically underpinned praxis in concrete and topical social settings,
  • not boundaries and identities (around which the discussion and the praxis of multiculturality has stagnated)
  • but the possibility of (inter-)relation -- linking or eclipsing identities, and transgressing boundaries otherwise reified.

Focussing on a concrete empirical setting in space and time does not preclude the central involvement -- as has been the NVVIF's tradition and strength since its inception) of philosophers, philosophical traditions, and philosophically inspired or relevant social science approaches from outside the North Atlantic. On the contrary, it is certain that (inter-)relation cannot be adequately thought from the North Atlantic philosophical tradition alone, and needs to be elucidated both

  • by academics (both philosophers and philosophically interested non-philosophers) from all over the globe, and
  • by involvement of and reflection on the practices and conceptualisations of the people -- of a kaleidoscopic variety of origins and cultural orientations -- constituting our empirical setting.

In preparation of the meeting, we distributed three seminal texts by Henk Oosterling relevant to this topic, as well as a short introductory statement by the same author:

  1. Henk Oosterling: Spirituality -- Notes towards the new research theme of the Dutch Flemish Association for Intercultural Philosophy
  2. Henk Oosterling: Aporie als existentiele ervaring: (spi)ritualiteit (uit: Door schijn bewogen, Kok Agora, Kampen, 1996)
  3. Henk Oosterling: Een wereld van verschil: Over zingeving en (spi)ritualiteit in postmoderne tijden
  4. Henk Oosterling: Kunst en de spiritualiteit van het nihilisme

These texts may be consulted by clicking on the above hyperlinks. We regret that, due to the initial and experimental stage in which this proposed research project finds itself, we have not been able to offer these texts in English yet. But their being in the author's native Dutch does not mean a change of policy within the NVVIF: English will remain the principal language of communication, both written and orally.

The next meeting of the Research Seminar took place on Friday 29 October, 1999. On this occasion Wim van Binsbergen presented a paper entitled:

In search of spirituality
Provisional conceptual and theoretical explorations from the cultural anthropology of religion and the history of ideas

of which an expanded draft appears here. The paper generated a lively discussion, a protocol of which has been included in the present website. In addition, two other papers were distributed:
(Wim van Binsbergen)
‘Theoretical and experiential dimensions in the study of the ancestral cult among the Zambian Nkoya’ , and
(Wim van Binsbergen & Peter Geschiere)
‘Outline of a modes-of-production approach to ideology, belief and ritual’

Meanwhile the number of participants of the Research Seminar is steadily expanding.

In November 1999 the meeting of the Research Seminar took place on Friday 19, 1999, again at 16.00 hrs, Philosophical Faculty building, Oostmaaslaan 950-952. Then Marty Monteiro (who holds a M.A. in psychology) presented a paper dwelling on issues of universality and relativism. Tde relevant reading material was e-mailed to the members of the Research Seminar.

Gerrit Steunebrink (who holds a Ph.D. in philosophy and specialises on the philosophy of the multicultural society) presented a paper at the Research Group's meeting of 17 December, 1999, usual time and place. He discussed two papers, one dealing with the interpretation of Islam by a Christian French orientalist, the other exploring aspects of the multicultural society.

The meetings of the Research Group are to continue on a monthly basis through the year 2000. Details will be announced in due time.


page last modified: 09-06-00 16:04:35


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