Ladies and ladies... i can't believe we've been doing this for four honking years. How exciting! We've had our ups and downs, but mostly ups. One bad year out of four is really not bad. And that first year, we didn't know any better. You'd think we'd have run out of people to do by now, but by golly, we've got more categories this year than in any of our previous years. Do enjoy yourselves, and please try not to short circuit your computers if you do decide to drool. :) Happy visiting...

American of the Year
Brit of the Year
Australian of the Year
Mexican of the Year
Canadian of the Year
Asian of the Year
Artist of the Year
Hero of the Year
Villain of the Year
Disney Character of the Year
Marvel of the Year
Comedian of the Year
Reality TV Show Host of the Year
Unknown of the Year
Debut of the Year
Dumb Blond of the Year
Oldie but Goodie of the Year

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