Mexican of the Year

This is totally new and i love it! :D There aren't a whole load of like Hispanic guys in American acting. the only ones who are decently big were both in "Y Tu Mama Tambien"... oh and i guess Antonio Banderas and Benicio Del Toro, UCSD grad. nyahaha. I had to add that in there. it wasn't a choice. Anyways. Back to the task at hand. What else is there to say? I like Hispanic accents? Like Antonio Banderas'... Puss in Boots'! Stupid apostrophe s... I still haven't seen Shrek 2 at the time of this writing, so therefore i am lame and should be shot in the ass

Once again i couldn't choose between two pictures so TADA you get to feast your eyes. Take my offerings of Diego Luna. i go to UC San DIEGO! HAHAHAHA... okay that was just really bad. What's Diego in English? I think Diego in English is James, actually. There are way too many Jameses in this world in way too many different languages. I always thought Jacques meant "Jack" but a quick search into what "Diego" meant brought up that "Jacques" is French for James. Good god. Anyways, Diego Luna's name would roughly translate as James Moon... hahaha isn't that cool? I'm just stalling now, really. He was in three movies of note this year, and none were box office smashing hits, although one did get much better reviews than the others. "The Terminal" didn't do that great although from the previews i gathered that Diego must've played a poor love-struck janitor of some sort. Then there was "Criminal" with John C. Reilly, which got pretty dang good reviews only that no one went to see it. Last but not least came out earlier this year, "Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights". Diego is HOT in that movie... i got chills just from watching the previews. nyahahaha.

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