New York Jets

Mediocrety at It's Finest

While I wouldn't call them the worst team in the team, I wouldn't file them under "good". This team is brimming with mediocrety on every level. On offense, they have a decent pair of receivers in Al Toon and Rob Moore, but QB Ken O. Brien (wonder what the "O" stands for) is mediocre at best. "Mediocre" is a complement when refering to the running game, which features has-been Freeman McNeil and never-was Blair Thomas. Linebackers Dennis Byrd and Kyle Clifton are good, but the rest of the defense--save for Erik McMillian in excellent condition--just plain sucks. Hopefully, I can get more than a mediocre season out of this.

Week 1: Tampa Bay
Week 2: Seattle
Week 3: Buffalo
Week 4: Chicago
Week 5: Miami
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17

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