Reciprocal Links

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Why should I link to your page, and vise versa?

The web is called ``the web'' because it's supposed to be a web of links. The search engines, especially Google, recognise this, and use links to estimate how interesting and relevant a page is. The more web pages which link to yours, the higher Google will rate it, and the more likely would-be readers are to find it.

Google gives more ``points'' to links from pages which have topics similar to yours. A link from a page which ranks high on a search term like ``homeschool research'' will help yours to get a high rank for similar search terms. In particular, Google looks at the link text to determine relevance. A link like Annotated bibliography of research on homeschooling will help you more than a link like click here. Putting informative, descriptive alt and title information in the link is good, too. The alt information is used by text-only browsers, like the ones blind people use, and by the Google spider which rates your page. The title information will be displayed if you hover your mouse over the link.

So, the moral of this story is, you want me, and every other site on the web, to link to your site. I'd be happy to, because I want you, and every other site on the web, linked to me. If you'd like me to put a link to your site on my site, go read my instructions on trading links.

Links to folks who linked to me.

Here is a link from an anonymous blog to my essay on homeschooling and socialization.

Michael Crawford has an interesting site with a lot more than just programming tips, including a link to my site. Here's what he says about his stuff:

GoingWare's Bag of Programming Tricks - In an effort to make life easier for other programmers, I'm writing down some of the things I've learned over the years on these web pages.

Memoware has a page which lists the ebooks I've contributed to their site.

Friar Frog has a page on internal ballistics which references my Powley computer on my sliderules page.

From R language sites

Jonathan Baron's site Help for R: A language and environment for statistical computing and graphics links to my R language reference card

Homeschooling links

Inhomecentral has a link to my main page. They look like a link farm?

Is Homeschool a Benefit or Disadvantage to a Child's Social Skills? has a link to my Explanation of why homeschooling is the best way to socialize children. It seems an odd choice to be the only ``homeschooling link'', since the article suffers from the ``journalistic fallacy'': it tries to achieve balance by presenting arguments for and against. Still, the article is reasonably good, journalistic fallacy and all.

The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents has a link to my research bibliography.

Wikipedia's entry on homeschooling has a link to my research bibliography.

An online encyclopedia, WordiQ, has a copy of the Wikipedia article here.

South Carolina Home Educators Association has a link to my research bibliography on their research page.

The Smell of School By Kristin Sposito. An excellent article, and not only because she recommends my research bibliography as a resource for learning the facts about homeschooling.

Ann Zeise's site A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling site has a page on socialization which links to my essay on why homeschooling is essential to socialization. Her site also has a page on homeschooling research which links to my annotated bibliography of homeschooling research.

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