This page is all about us, Jackie and Sara!!


Birthday: July 16th
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Favorite Sport: Volleyball
Favorite Shows: Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, InuYasha, Friends, Dharma & Greg
Favorite Mangas: Yu Yu Hakusho, Fushigi Yuugi, Chobits, Yu-Gi-Oh, Zodiac P.I., Love Hina, Vampire Game and Chronicals of the Cursed Sword
Hottest Guy Ever: Viggo Mortenson or Orlando Bloom
Siblings: Younger brother
Loves: Yu-Gi-Oh, Harry Potter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Friends, Elizabeth Peter mysteries, Dharma & Greg, The Lord of the Rings, spending time with friends, reading fan fictions etc.
Hates: Britney Spears, Tea, cosplay (ahhhh run away!!!!!!!!) and Sailer Moon!!


Birthday: July 5th
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Favorite Sport: Basketball or Track
Favorite Shows: Yu-Gi-Oh, InuYasha Yu Yu Hakusho, Friends, Scrubs
Favorite Mangas: Yu Yu Hakusho, Love Hina, InuYasha Zodiac P.I., Yu-Gi-Oh, Vampire Game, Chronicals of the Cursed Sword, .Hack, and Ranma 1/2
Hottest Guy Ever: Viggo Mortenson...or Daniel Radcliffe ^__^
Siblings: Two older sisters
Loves: Harry Potter!!! Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Friends, going online, fan fictions, Tamora Pierce books, The Lord of the Rings, hanging out with my friends etc.
Hates: Britney Spears, Tristin, Joey/Rachel together, cosplay (SCARY!!), people who diss Harry Potter, MTV (rar!! don't ask...)