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Padmé Addresses the Senate
Presumed dead, Senator Amidala appears unexpectantly in the Senate during the session to decide the vote on creating an army for the Republic...

The Darkside is Growing
Mace Windu and Yoda discuss the Darkside and the Sith...

Speeder Chase Through Coruscant
Just like the pod race from TPM, Anakin and Obi-Wan's pursuit of bounty hunter Zam Wessel was probably becoming a small movie within itself...

The Nightclub
A few dialogue deletions, nothing more...

Packing for Naboo
This extended version of Padmé and Anakin's discussion after the speeder chase featured more dialogue and a cameo from Dormé...

Jedi Temple Analysis Room (DVD Scene)
Obi-Wan visits the Analysis Droids in the Jedi Archives to get information on the mysterious toxic dart...

The Lost 20
While visiting the Jedi Library to try and find the location of the planet Kamino, Obi-Wan learns about Count Dooku, one of 20 Jedi to have ever left the order...

Hermione Bagwa
Dexter's droid waitress was originally a human woman called Hermione Bagwa...

Obi-Wan and Mace - Jedi Landing Platform
While preparing to leave on his mission to track down Padmé's assassin, Obi-Wan shares his concerns about his Padawan with Mace Windu...

Mace's Quarters
Originally Mace and Yoda listened to Obi-Wan's Kamino report in Mace's quarters not Yoda's...

Obi-Wan's Report
Obi-Wan's transmission from Geonosis to the Old Folks Home went through a few revisions before its final form...

Jar Jar's Big Speech
Jar Jar gives his speech proposing emergency powers for Palpatine. Too bad no one told the poor Gungun the man was an evil Sith Lord...

The Cloning Room Floor
Miscellaneous items including smaller deleted scenes, deleted dialogue or unused concepts pertaining to Coruscant...

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