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The Lost 20
After his meeting with Dexter Jettster, Obi-Wan goes to the Jedi library to try and find the exact location of the planet Kamino. While waiting for assistance, Obi-Wan examines the statue bust of Count Dooku. In this cut scene, Madame Jocasta Nu talks about Count Dooku and the Lost 20, the only Jedi's to have ever left the order. This scene gave a lot of background info on Dooku like his disenchantment with the Republic and his fencing sword-fighting style.

Below is the excerpt from the screenplay included with the "Art of Episode II" book...


A bronze bust of Count Dooku stands among a line of other busts of Jedi in the Archive Room. OBI-WAN stands in front of it, studying the striking features of the chiseled face.

On the walls, lighted computer panels seem to stretch to infinity. Farther along the room in the background, FIVE JEDI are seated at tables, studying archive material.

After OBI-WAN studies the bust for a few moments, MADAME JOCASTA NU, the Jedi Archivist, is standing next to him. She is an elderly, frail-looking human Jedi. Tough as old boots and smart as a whip.

Did you call for assistance?

(distracted in thought) Yes...yes, I did.

He has a powerful face, doesn't he? He was one of the most brilliant Jedi I have had the privilege of knowing.

I never understood why he quit. Only twenty Jedi have ever left the Order.

(sighs) The Lost Twenty...Count Dooku was the most recent and the most painful. No one likes to talk about it. His leaving was a great loss to the Order.

What happend?

Well, Count Dooku was always a bit out of step with the decisions of the Council...much like your old Master, Qui-Gon Jinn.

(suprised) Really?

Oh, yes. They were alike in many ways. Very individual thinkers...idealists...

JOCASTA NU gazes at the bust

He was always striving to become a more powerful Jedi. He wanted to be the best. With a lightsaber, in the old style of fencing, he had no match. His knowledge of the Force was...unique. In the end, I think he left because he lost faith in the Republic. He believed that politics were corrupt, and he felt the Jedi betrayed themselves by serving the politicians. He always had very high expectations of government. He disappeared for nine or ten years, then just showed up recently as the head of the separatist movement.

It's very interesting. I'm not sure I completly understand.

Well, I'm sure you didn't call me over here for a history lesson. Are you having a problem, Master Kenobi?

The scene then continues with Jocasta Nu and Obi-Wan discussing the location of Kamino as seen in the movie. The pictures below show one shot of the scene without effects (from Star Wars Insider #55 magazine) and the other with effects (from AOTC scrapbook).

-Script from Art of Episode II book.
-Star Wars Insider magazine #55: Pic 1..
-AOTC Scrapbook: Pic 2.

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