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Refugee Freighter
This scene originally featured more dialogue and Anakin having another nightmare about his mother...

Extended Arrival on Naboo (DVD Scene)
While walking through the Theed plaza square, Padmé tells Anakin about her family, and they discuss her political career...

Padmé's Parents House (DVD Scene)
Anakin meets Padmé's family while in hiding on Naboo...

Padmé's Bedroom (DVD Scene)
Padmé reminices with Anakin about her life and childhood while she packs for the lake retreat...

Meadow Picnic
The Meadow Picnic originally featured more dialogue and Anakin showing off his juggling and Shaak chasing skills...

The Cloning Room Floor
Miscellaneous items including smaller deleted scenes, deleted dialogue or unused concepts pertaining to Naboo...

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