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Meadow Picnic
A few lines of dialogue and some playful antics from Anakin like juggling fruit and chasing a Shaak were cut from the picnic scene. There was also a different ending where both Anakin and Padme rode off on a Shaak.

Below is the excerpt from the "2nd draft" with the deleted dialogue and details highlighted in blue...

Are you going to use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me?

They only work on the weak-minded. You are anything but weak-minded.


You're making fun of me.

(sarcastic) On no, I'd be much too frightened to tease a Senator.

You're so bad!

PADMÉ picks up a piece of fruit and throws it at him. He catches it. PADME throws two more pieces of fruit, and ANAKIN catches them.

You're always so serious. Always carrying the weight of the universe on your shoulders.

I'm so serious?!

ANAKIN then starts to juggle the fruit. PADM&Ecute; laughs and throws more fruit at him. He manages to juggle them too until there are too many, and he loses control and ducks, letting the food fall on his head. They both laugh.

ANAKIN stands in front of a SHAAK, yelling at it and waving his arms. PADMÉ starts laughing as ANAKIN runs in circles, chased by the SHAAK.

The SHAAK crosses in front of PADMÉ. ANAKIN is riding it, facing the SHAAK'S tail. The SHAAK bucks, and ANAKIN falls off. PADMÉ laughs even harder. ANAKIN lies still. PADMÉ jumps up and runs to where ANAKIN is face down in the grass. She turns him over. He is pulling a stupid face at her. She yelps in mock fury and takes a swing at him. He catches her arm. She struggles. They roll over in the grass. Suddenly, they become aware of the contact between them. They let go of each other quickly and sit up, looking away.

ANAKIN stands up and holds out his hand to her. She takes it. He pulls her up. And now they are easy together, not self-conscious any more. PADMÉ scrambles up onto the SHAAK behind ANAKIN. She puts her arms around his waist and leans against his back. ANAKIN digs his heels in. The SHAAK starts forward, and they ride away.

-2nd draft script.
IGN Filmforce: Behind the scenes footage.
Star Wars Obscurities
-AOTC DVD: Still photo gallery.

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