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The Nightclub
The Nightclub scene escaped relatively unscathed from the editing room. Before the movie was released there was speculation that the nightclub scene would feature a music number similar to the Cantina in ANH. Interestly enough the idea of having a musical motif with a band was considered but ultimately dropped. Ben Burtt talks about this in DVD commentary track.

Before going into the Nightclub to find Zam Wesell, Obi-Wan scolds Anakin about losing his lightsaber. There were a couple lines of dialogue cut from the film. These lines did appear in the Forbidden Love trailer though. This scene was reshot at least on Obi-Wan's side as he looks different in the movie version compared to the version shown in the trailer.

Ben Burtt answered a new Ask the Jedi Council question regarding this deleted dialogue...

Question: Why was Obi-Wan's "You haven't learned anything, Anakin..." line outside the nightclub cut from Episode II? I remember seeing it in the trailer.

Ben Burtt's Answer: George Lucas made that decision. He was trying to reduce the contentiousness between the two Jedi at a tense moment when they were supposed to be chasing Zam rather than having a personal moment.

Below is the excerpt from the "Art of Episode II" script...

This weapon is your life.

I've heard this lesson before...

OBI-WAN finally holds out the lightsaber and ANAKIN grabs it.

But, you haven't learned anything, Anakin.

OBI-WAN releases hold of the lightsaber.

I try, Master.

The first two pics are from the Forbidden Love trailer, the third is a pic from the final film.

I've heard this lesson before... But, you haven't learned anything, Anakin.

There were also a couple lines of dialogue cut from Obi-Wan and Anakin's interrogation of Zam Wesell in the alley.

Here is the excerpt from the "Art of Episode II" script...

That Senator's gonna die soon anyway, and the next one won't make the same mistake I did...

This wound's going to need treatment.

-Script from Art of Episode II book.
-starwars.com: Forbidden Love trailer, Ask the Jedi Council question.
-AOTC DVD: Commentary track.

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