mpworks photography
The Connection
Art Graphic Design [GD] Art
GD Basics Sub Categories

Graphic Design [GD] sub - categories
advertising editorial design
advertising (broadcast) Egyptology
advertising (display) emblemata (medieval woodcuts)
advertising (magazine) globes
advertising (newspaper) graphic user interface (GUI)
advertising (point of purchase, sales) design history
alphabet history hieroglyphics
ancient graphic arts incunabula (books before 1501)
annual reports iconography
Assyriology illustrations
Bible design and production labels
block printing logo design
book binding (the process) manga
book bindings (the artifacts) maps
book covers maps (early)
book design maps (general)
book production maps (global)
bookmaking maps (military)
books maps (road maps)
broadcast graphics (onscreen) maps (surveying)
brochures matches
calendars newspapers
calligraphy packaging
cartoons (general) periodicals
cartoons (editorial) phone cards
cartoons (political) playing cards
charicature postage stamps
chart construction postcards
chart design poster art
charts (astrological) poster design
charts (astronomical) posters (advertising)
charts (celestial) posters (exhibition)
charts (economic) posters (general)
charts (general) posters (political)
charts (geographic) posters (travel)
charts (geological) presentation graphics
charts (maritime) record covers
charts (meteorological) stamps
charts (oceanographic) signage
charts (scientific) symbols design
charts (statistical) Talmud
comic books Talmud design and production
comics tattoo art
computer assisted design (CAAD) tattoo design
computer-based typesetting tattooing (process)
computers tarot cards
computing tradesmark
corporate identity type
cuneiform type cutting
diagrams type founding
diagrammatic reasoning typesetting
drafting typography
drafting (architectural) underground press
drafting (engineering) wayfinding
drafting (general) Web design
drafting (mechanical) Web graphics
I would like to thank you all from PHD-DESIGN-JISCMAIL.AC.UK taking part in dissccussion on Graphic Design is it Art and especially to Ken Friedman for supplying the list of possible graphic design collection categories, which is included in the list above.
The Connection
Graphic Design
Polish Culture
Poland in UK
This site is created and maintained by mpgraphics based on research to assist students in education on history of gaphic design. First published on the 26th March 2001, with Yahoo - Geocities. Until January 2009 mpgraphics had approximately 46.097 visitors
© mpgraphics 2001- 2009


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