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    Jedi must be aware of the different Religions. Belief is strong, and saying or doing the wrong things can start fights. Be cautious around those with strong beliefs, there are good and bad people in all walks of life.


    Christianity is based on the faith of Jesus Christ, The Son of God, who lived his life in ministry and died for the sins of Mankind, so that Mankind could have a chance to live in heaven after death. His life and Ministry are told in the Four Gospels of the New testament by Four different men, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus was born Jewish in the city of Bethlehem right before the death of the King, Herod the Great and he died when Pilate was a Roman Governor of Judea. His mother was Mary, AKA the Virgin Mary, who was married to Joseph, a common Carpenter in Nazareth. the only parts in the HOLY BIBLE where Jesus' childhood is mentioned is in Matthew and Luke. Nothing else is known except for one event in which jesus, as a child, talked to some church workers at a temple. He began is Ministry at age 30 and began his life as a Preacher, Teacher and a Healer. He gained 12 disciples at Galilee and preached of the Coming of the Kingdom of God. His moral Teachings and his miracle working won over most of the population to believe he was the son of God, the Messiah thought to save all of mankind. He shared the future of his betrayal at the LAST SUPPER, and was later betrayed by Judas Iscariot, a former disciple of his, and was arrested by Roman authorities. Arrested and tried, he was condemned to death as a political agitator and was crucified and buried. Three days later, Mary Magdalene and Mary (his mother) found the tomb to be empty. According to the gospels, he appeared several times to his disciples before ascending to heaven. Christianity is based on three main beliefs.
    1-That Jesus Christ is the son of God.
    2-Jesus Christ came to die for Mankind and save them from eternity in Hell.
    3-That Jesus, god, and the holy spirit are one.

    This religions Sacred Scriptures are The Bible.

    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."-John 14:6-7


    They believe Satanism is the original religion of earth. A certain style of Satanism focuses on the belief that the old Egyptian gods were demons, and had large amounts of evidence to prove it. The main teachings they follow are in the black book. They believe in Satan and the other demons of hell, whom actually have a rather good system of things (earldoms, duchies etc...)

    "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law" - Aleister Crowley, was one key phrase they used a lot.

    They practiced the summoning of demons, which I daresay, should not be taken lightly. They are currently planning open rebellion last time checked, and since they announced it, several churches and parishes have shut down in several countries. The high priests/priestess are currently freeing demons, and plan to free Satan. According to their book, Satan was the god "enki", who became Lucifer, then Satan.

    (Page by Jedi Bioness, Jedi Knight Elgion, and The Grey Road)

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