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  • Jedi History

    Jesus Christ:

    In about 31 AD. A Man named Jesus Christ began his ministry. Although he was not a philosopher, he made many contributions to the ideas of existance and morality. "I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment." and "when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." are just some of the great things that he said. He claimed that he knew the Lord, the being who created the whole universe, and that we should all know him. Jesus healed the sick, and the Jews did not deny that Jesus had powers, in fact whole chuches were switched to his new Catholic order.

    The Shaolin Temple:

    In 495 AD. The Shaolin(little forest) Temple was built in China. It was founded by Ba Tua, in Henan Province. Ba Tua got the temple built by Imperial Decree. A couple of Ba Tuo's Disciples were Seng Chou (know for his great jumping skills) and Hui Guang (known for his great kicking skills); both of them knew wushu(Kung Fu).

    In 527 AD. Buddhism was brought to the Shaolin Temple by Bodhidharma. The Emperor(Wen Di) was in favor of Buddhism, and gave acres of land to the temple. Once the temple became rich, thieves known as Red Turbans went after the temple. Jin Na Luo, who was a Shaolin Monk, was able to defeat them with a fire stoker. After that Shaolin Weapons were born. The Cudgel(wooden staff) became their main weapon.

    In 690 AD. Emperor T'ai Tsang asked the Shaolin Monks for help. 13 monks helped the Emperor defeat General Wang-Shih-Ch'ung. Then The Emperor conferred the title to the Shaolin, "One Monastery Under Heaven."

    In 1674 AD. The Shaolin helped the Emperor in a war, as warrior monks. They fought 7-10 men at a time. Eventualy Emperor K'ang-Hsi was forced by land owners to turn against the monks. Aided by a renegade Shaolin, a huge army attacked the Shaolin Temple, and only 5 survived. Those 5 lived on to form the Kung Fu known now.

    Star Wars:

    The Story of Star Wars was written by George Lucas in 1977 AD., who used many myths and legions to create his space adventure. It was made into a movie saga, which had great special effects. In the story there were Jedi Knights, gardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, and an evil dark lord, who was once a Jedi himself. This epic tale of good and evil inspired many.

    The Jedi Knights:

    Websites on the internet started to pop up in 1998 AD. having to do with the Real Force. People began to realize that this energy was real, and could be used to help the world.
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