Women that are helped in our shelters say that they had to stand that violence not only for one year but also for many, because they were afraid of being alone and not being able to support their children.
Some of the reasons are that they don’t know about their rights, the lack of study opportunities they have. The women murders are extreme consequences of women violence.
  Many of women had already sued aggressors but authorities did something neither to help them nor to fallow the rule 26260 and its variations in order to save the victim’s home and get the aggressor out of the house. If this is not done a murder can occur.


November 25th is the International day of no violence against women. It’s a day of reaffirmation to fight for children and women human rights in Peru. We, professional and popular women, get organized to build a human society free of violence, to get it away from death and the cruelest women, children, boys and girls torture.

We see the horrible crimes that are committed in Peru against women that are victims of family and sexual violence who stand the aggressor for years, girls that are stocked and sexually abused. Many women and girls get pregnant because of rapes. Some others are murdered, ripped, burnt or inducted to suicide. The aggressor is mostly living in the house of someone close to the family.

The adult Woman is marginalized and hut by society. She doesn’t have any access to a worthy life after giving her years to the services of the society. The Indian and native women of the jungles doesn’t have any access to education and opportunities for her own businesses. They are manipulated in their communities by companies and consorts that don’t care about preserving the environment and the natural resources. Women with different abilities also need and opportunity to develop their creativity. They daily fight against violence. We can see how the fundamentalism is growing in the world. It considers women as the property of the patriarchs, so they are the ones that decide for the life and sexuality of women. If they don’t do what men say they get marginalized, harassed, caught and then condemned to death.

History teaches us that the patriarchs don’t like our labor and actions. Peru is not the exception. When we got started, 24 years ago, with the creation of the first shelter “the woman’s voice” patriarchs said that we were breaking the familiar cell, the good customs. But, that way we could make people realize that sexual and family violence was not a private problem. It was a social problem. To be heard we started working hard with our organizations, encouraging the values and participation without discrimination or racism, rescuing the values of the ethics, millenarian culture of the “ama makansiksu”, the ama llulla, the ama quella, the ama sua in which tenderness prioritizes, to be always interlaced like “the mother earth” of the nature, defending the ecology and the environment.

Women succeeded. The law 26260 and its extensión 26763 were set. These laws are important in order to punish the aggressors, but we have to make it considered as a crime so that way the aggressor will be gotten away from the house. We have 17 shelters and we are working all together like the fortress of sacsahuaman (Cuzco) and any stockers, criminals, blackmailers, and rapists of the human rights can make fun of us.
We decide that we can break chains of violence by producing because women are the creator of organizations for life and their own businesses. Women are also great to be economically independent and be able to support their own family. When women get independent definitely break the circle of violence that might have been standing for years.

We generate spiritual and material wealth to consolidate our society with gender equality by producing.

Written by: rosa dueñas morales, RACARE president.

RECARE - Children and Women Shelters National Network, family and sexual violence victims

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2007 - Lima Peru