The Shelters National Network has the next programs that are done in every Shelter that belong to the network:

No violence against women and Children program:

In this program the shelters design and plan the activities that they are going to give to help the victims in an efficient way through:

-Help victims through the shelter.
-Process of “desvictimizacion” with equality of gender from a feminist perspective.
-Human rights and solidarity

We sale products
of the shelters
Women and childrens in shelters

Educative and recreational program for Children :

In every shelter, this program gives Children different social recreational workshops to get over the consequences of violence in which they have lived. We do this through social recreational games, visits to museums, parks, going for a walk. We encourage and help to develop the children’s psycho-motor aptitudes. We check the children’s health recovery. If they suffer from malnutrition or any other disease we give them what is necessary for their mental and physic recovery.

Women and Children health care program:

We develop different consistent activities like medical campaigns about information and prevention of diseases that affect women and their reproductive cycle. Always with health professionals that set the next components of the program:

-Reproductive and sexual health
-Reproductive and sexual rights
-Ecology and mental health
-Children and women malnutrition

Women productive management program:

We make different productive workshops in every shelter so that the affected woman can get a new life started knowing and having the orientation to run their own business so that way they can support their children. We have the next components:

-Craft workshop
-Confection workshop
-Threads making workshop (shoes, purses, bags, etc)
-Mill workshop
-Farm animals raising (Guinean pigs, rabbits, etc)
-Nourishing industry workshop –bakery, etc
-Agricultural production workshop – cost, jungle, highland.
RECARE - Children and Women Shelters National Network, family and sexual violence victims

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2007 - Lima Peru