What We Do?
The shelters national network that is formed by 17 shelters give services for Children and women who are victims of sexual and family violence. We give the temporal help in the help in the shelters and give women and children a safe place in order to let them have a new life without violence.
Every shelter of the National Network is independent in the planning of their activities, in the management aspects and administration. Every shelter develops their working plans annually, plans that are made after a long brainstorming, proposals of the members of the shelter as well as the community where they live and develop their activities. The activities of the shelters that formed the National Network are focused on the mission and vision of the National Network, because they are leading objectives that guide the team work.

Our activities are based on the next principles:

The shelters interact and share the actions against the sexual and family violence as well as the poverty in which women and Children daily live because many women and children live in an violent environment.

The promoters of the shelters know directly the violence, and know the terrible consequences of the violence for the personal and social live. Because of that they are deeply receptive to help children and women that are victims of sexual and family violence. The victims immediately find a receptivity and understanding of their problems that they have been living and the way to get over.
Efficiency and effectiveness:
In the shelters, we never stop learning because our philosophy is that we don’t know everything in life so we know that learning is a continuous process so that’s why the promoters of the shelters put our effort in being always better helping victims, efficient in our institutional work in every shelter as well as in the National Network.

They are challenges that we assume daily. The activities of the National Network put their effort to have the results, so that’s why the professional as well as the non professional stuff put their effort to have the expected results annually.

We make Chains of help to the activities that we do in our communities. The commitment of the society to take away violence, support victims and prevent violence. With only one chain we can give those victims of sexual and family violence their lives back.

The voluntary work and the effort to save human lives is part of the work of the National Network. We do this in order to cultivate in the Peruvian society the bases to a society in which children’s and women’s life and human rights are respected. All the actions guide us to love our resemblances.

RECARE - Children and Women Shelters National Network, family and sexual violence victims

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2007 - Lima Peru