Copyright � 2001-2002 Lee Romrell
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Lee's Yellowstone
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Buffalo in Hayden Valley, June 2001. This is an old fella, but a proud one.
    Yellowstone has plenty of buffalo. We need to remember that at one time the buffalo almost met extinction because of over-hunting. The bison, as the real name is called, is a large and ugly animal. The young calves almost look like small cows. When people say they have gone to Yellowstone and they have not seen a buffalo, they must keep their eyes shut, because the buffalo can be found everywhere in the park. The largest concentration is found in the Hayden Valley area. Be careful driving by them. They can run pretty fast. Enjoy the sites.....
This is why you need to watch out for the buffalo. They can be found roaming anywhere. This is mud volcano. I think 1993. That is why you keep your distance.
This is what I mean when I say the buffalo is really ugly. Just look for yourself.
Herd of bison by Old Faithful area, Sept. 2000.  Steam makes nice misty photo of them...
This is one of my favorite photos. I took this just at sunset in Hayden Valley, 1993. I call it "Just Taking Five".
In the heat of the summer the Buffalo dusts itself off once in a while. Hayden Valley, June 2000. They are still ugly...
Now that is cold....Sometimes it will get 40 below in Yellowstone. Taken by Old Faithful in 1986.
Beautiful Autumn photo taken at Old Faithful. Notice the ducks and how the red adds to the photo.
Taken in June 2000, by Lake. Bison are good swimmers and notice all the water this one is shaking off....
Among the mist and snow, these bison enjoy the warm grass. The hot pots melt the snow and make it easy for them to get to the grass.
Now and Then

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