Copyright � 2001-2002 Lee Romrell
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Lee's Yellowstone
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Pelican, Fishing bridge, 1986. Big birds. Nice beak....
    This page contains various animals that are found in the Park. The two that I don't have on this page are the wolf and the cougar. The cougar is rare in the park. There was a report of one last year by Grant Village but I never had a chance to see one. The wolf I have seen but too far off to get a good photo.
     The other animals in the park that are nice to see are the pelican, which are found mostly at Fishing Bridge, the swan, which is on the Madison River coming in from West Yellowstone. The fox can be found most places in the park but not seen too often. There are lots of coyotes in the area. Can be found most places. The pronghorn sheep is found around Mt. Washburn and Lamar Valley area. Mule deer can be found around Lake and Canyon, sometimes Mammoth. I have seen one porcupine by the Norris campground.
     I have found if you drive slow you see more animals. Towards the late afternoon seems to be the best time to see most animals. Eagles can be found in the wintertime along the Madison River. Just sit back and enjoy the tour.....
Coyote just prowling the area around Madison, 2001.
Notice the difference between this fox seen by Canyon, and the coyote seen above. See the bushy tail and the face....
This is one of my favorite photos. A pelican taking off at Fishing Bridge, 1989. It is fun to watch them in the water.
Four swans in the Winter cold, along the Madison, 1986. The are nice to watch anytime.
Squirrels and ground hogs are fun to watch and feed anytime. This is on the walkway at Old Faithful. It passes the time just watching them.
Pronghorn Sheep in Lamar Valley Summer, 2000, My 15 year old took this photo.
It is rare to see 4 coyotes at the same time. This is along the Madison in Sept. 2000. My daughter took this one. She was 11 at the time.
Ground Squirrel in Lamar Valley area. Notice the pretty plant by him. These animals are always a delight to see.
Now and Then

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