Copyright � 2001-2002 Lee Romrell
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

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Lee's Yellowstone
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Mud pot at Fountain paint pots, by Old Faithful.
    I enjoy Yellowstone because of the different variety of scenery that can be found in such a small area. Everything from geyers to glaciers can be found. I enjoy the beauty and the peace of mind I receive each time that I enter the Park.
I hope that you enjoy the photos.
The Falls at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone....
Mammoth Hot Springs. The flow at the terraces. Beautiful...
Old Faithful. My daughter took this photo through a candy wrapper. I thought it was different. Kind of neat.....
This is a natural bridge that is found on the service road just must the  Bridge Bay campground. This is located South of Fishing Bridge, then Lake area, then the Bridge Bay, on the right..........
Riverside Geysers at Old Faithful. Goes off often. It is fun to watch......
Castle Geyser at Old Faithful area......
Tower Falls. This is at the bottom of the Falls. Neat looking....
The mighty Teton mountain range. This was in Sept. 2000. Beautiful....
Rock by the Mammoth terraces. Standing there by itself...
Midway Geyser Basin and the flowing streams. These are a lot prettier to see in person.
This is a panoramic view of the Tetons taken from the canoe I was in. We were going down the Snake River right in front of the Tetons. Eagles were in the trees along the river bank....
I enjoy seeing all the bubbling water. This is by Norris.....
Fountain Paint Pots also has these same ones...
There are some nice places to visit that are outside of Yellowstone that are really neat. This is Cody, Wyo. and their Ghost Town. Worth the trip. Just outside of each gate from the park are neat places to visit. Make sure you see Quake Lake where they had an earthquake in the 50's.
Gibbon Falls in the winter time. It gives a different character than in the summer time.
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