
Halloween 2008

Halloween was low key this year. Beth had just given birth to Baby Logan just a few days before, so we only walked around the neighborhood for the kids to go trick-or-treating this year. I was a pirate again (stuck in a rut but who cares!), Beth wore her Gothic Princess Cape, and Morgan just barely fit into her PINK! dress. Add a sparkly crown, wand, and her black cape to match Beth's, and she was a pink princess for Halloween. :D Being only five days old, Logan rocked his "This IS my costume" onesie, and aren't the striped mitts to keep his hands warm just precious? Rounding out our little group was Beth's friend Martha and her kids Benjamin (a red dragon) and Abigail (a puppy dog). We had so much fun going out and about, and the kids were just too excited about dressing up and getting candy. Cute!



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