


"Alderaan is peaceful! We have no weapons. You can't possibly..." - Princess Leia, ANH

   Type: Plains, small seas
   System: Alderaan
   Moons: None
   Natives: Humans,
   Languages: Basic
   Points of Interest:
Aldera City
   Debut: A New Hope
   Destruction: A New Hope

Everyone has heard of the Alderaan tragedy. Grassy plains and beautiful cities, celebrated museums and alien ruins; an entire culture destroyed with as much effort and care as
Grand Moff Tarkin had compassion.
    The perfect example of a world totally at peace, Alderaan was bereft of weapons even during the
Clone Wars and Palpatine's New Order. The native humans - who were sometimes known as Alderaanians - lived in harmony with one another on their beautiful planet. Rolling hills and grassy plains gave way to sparkling seas and deep blue oceans, dotted with refined cities and settlements. Thrantas soared overhead and dazzling glimmerfish glided through the waters. The few metropolitan areas of the planet were designed in such a way to complement their surroundings. The capital city of Aldera's skyline consisted of gently curved, gleaming white buildings that formed a subtle bridge between the green grasses and white clouds. Here, students from across the galaxy studied at the famed University of Aldera, a learning institution that promoted freethinking, much to the chagrin of the Empire. Other centers, such as Crevasse City, melded so perfectly with their surroundings as to be almost invisible from a distance. Though Alderaan maintained no military force, it did have a presence in both the Republic and Imperial Senates; distinguished figures such as Bail Antilles, Bail Organa and Leia Organa represented Alderaan in the Republic, as well as positions in the Royal House of Alderaan. It was Viceroy Bail Organa who outlawed weapons on Alderaan, declaring a state of peace. Alderaan became known as the 'Bright Center of the Universe.'
    The peace was shattered, however, by the Empire. As a way of torture to learn the location of the
Rebel base, Governor Tarkin threatened Leia's homeworld when she was captured by Darth Vader. In order to test his new Death Star, Tarkin ordered his gunners to target Alderaan, unless Leia gave up the information. Unbeknownst to Tarkin, Leia lied, giving him the location of an old Rebel base - but Tarkin went ahead with the operation anyway. The Death Star's superlaser tore through the heart of Alderaan, obliterating it completely. The resulting debris became known as The Graveyard, a place where many Alderaanians who were off-world at the time went to leave tributes. Even non-Alderaanians payed their respects there. The Empire's destruction of Alderaan was a crime the galaxy would never forget.
The capital city of Aldera
The peaceful world of Alderaan
The destruction of Alderaan

In early drafts of Star Wars, Alderaan was the capital of the galaxy, and was the setting for what became the Death Star escape

The Killiks evolve on Alderaan, and begin constructing monolithic hive castles (Illustrated SW Universe - book)
The lake that would later contain Aldera city is created by a meteor impact. This impact also wipes out the Killik race (Illustrated SW Universe)
The first human colonists arrive on Alderaan (Illustrated SW Universe)
The Alderaan Royal Engineers starship manufacturing company is founded (Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
Jorus C'boath is sent to Alderaan to determine the true heirs to Alderaan's throne. The Organa family become the royal family (Dark Force Rising - novel)
Alderaan begins taking in refugees from the Seperatist crisis (HoloNet News website)
All of Alderaan's weaponry is blasted into space, marking a new era of peace on the planet after the Clone Wars (SW RPG sourcebook)
Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star ( A New Hope - film)
[27, 481 BE - 27,500 BBY] - The first human colonists arrive on Alderaan (Illustrated SW Universe - book) [19, 981 BE - 20,000 BBY] - The Alderaan Royal Engineers starship manufacturing company is founded (Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels - book) [26 BE - 45 BBY] - Jorus C'boath is sent to Alderaan to determine the true heirs to Alderaan's throne. The Organa family become the royal family (Dark Force Rising - book) [3 BE - 22 BBY] - Alderaan begins taking in refugees from the Seperatist crisis (HoloNet News - website) [0 BE - 19 BBY] - All of Alderaan's weaponry is blasted into space, marking a new era of peace on the planet after the Clone Wars (RPG Sourcebook) [19 AE - 0 BBY] - Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star ( A New Hope - film)
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